Doctor Who

Dr who confidential goes into more detail on the designs, seems in the past there was a lot of different colours as they corrospond to their roles.

yeah...but they still looked like iDaleks/ikea daleks/fisher price daleks/power rangers daleks (when they first came out and lined up I thought the last one :D)
Was just thinking there about the whole "pure" Dalek thing. The last time you seen any Dalek ships from what i can remember was in the 2 parter with Davros. Davros created those Daleks from his own cells which would mean they were fully Dalek, which the docter confirmed as he said that hiding behind the tardis door was pointless as it was just a wooden door to those Daleks. So if the three Daleks from this episode were ones that survived the crucible explosion why weren't they recognised as pure daleks?

Since the return of Doctor Who the Daleks have appeared in:

Bad Wolf
The Parting of the Ways
Army of Ghosts
Daleks in Manhattan
Evolution of the Daleks
The Stolen Earth
Journeys End
Victory of the Daleks

That's 10 episodes out of 63 or almost 16%
Just whipped this up after my initial impression..

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You mean other than the last episodes of the last series.

And that was ages ago, the last episode they were involved in was July 5th 2008. Its not like they were in an episode 2 months back. You had the last series which ended on July 5 2008, then you had the special episodes that went through late 2008 to early 2010.

I don't see how people can complain about the Daleks when theyre meant to be his main advesary. The only annoying this was they kept finding bs ways of bringing them back instead of doing what they did in this episode, and have a few of them survive to start a new race of Daleks.
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Exactly, so they were in it 8 episodes ago...the only reason we haven't seen them in a while is because there hasn't been a series for them to be in. Daleks are just ****, they've completely run out of ideas. How many more times can we have the "some daleks survived, and found some new technology" plotline?
Exactly, so they were in it 8 episodes ago...the only reason we haven't seen them in a while is because there hasn't been a series for them to be in. Daleks are just ****, they've completely run out of ideas. How many more times can we have the "some daleks survived, and found some new technology" plotline?

See above. And seriously, the 8 epsiodes ago line is pointless when we know the show had a hiatus with the exception of 4 special episodes. 8 epsiodes ago with a large gap inbetween is hardly "zomg they were in it last week!!!111"
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I reckon Daleks and Cybermen are still the best plot devices and bar this current episode have always made it interesting for me as RTD made them "scary". Todays episode instilled no fear into me :(
i dont understand why it would need to eat people, it can eat whatever it is suposed to eat naturally,

Or maybe it was merely an excuse to get rid of the low achievers and criminals (the kid scored a zero and got sent there). It's not like they could expand when the population increased.

i dont understand why the ship needed an engine and to travel at speed anyway....

They were incapable of creating an engine and used the whale as a substitute. They're trying to find somewhere else to live, why wouldn't they need an engine?
Why did the Daleks go to the trouble of collecting "testimony" from the Doctor proving they were Daleks to allow themselves to be instantly killed? Or did they need to prove they were Daleks simply to recover the progenitor whatever?

I have to agree that was shocking and the Daleks have been very badly used since the return of DW.
I assume they are re-re-re-re-re-re-re-rehashing some old foes for a later purpose. (The Crack and the lost memories..or things that have happened in the past show, haven't any more.) /brain
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