Doctor Who

I'd sort her out.

I was wondering what was wrong with her at the end when she started throwing herself at the doctor.

Then the bigger question hit me, what was wrong with the Doctor :p

Good episode again tonight, bit obvious half way through what was going to happen to the angels and the episode kinda sagged a bit in the middle.
Yeah, it started off great but about 3/4 of the way through it lost it's track a bit and did the Dr Who usual of suddenly turning around ending from an impossible position within a couple of minutes.

The end was funny though, it's very hard to turn something like that down. :D

I dunno about Amy being the master, however apparently the Doctor realises she is special in some way, just what? From what he was saying though it appears everyone forgot about the Daleks and Cybermen.

I've half got it in my head that Amy is River Song, but i'm sure she isn't... Also he's still going on about the Duck pond, quite a few laughs throughout the episode. :D

Still though, the continuity with the Angels was annoying me, apparently they can look at each other... which sort of ruins the end of the original episode... :p
Maybe the angels weren't looking at the other angels eyes - maybe they have to.

Also, you know how every crack seems to look exactly like the one on Amy's wall? Do you think if the Doctor had taken up Amy's offer he would have found....

Just saying...
I really do HATE Amy Pond.

She is so far and BY FAR the worst companion, hell I would prefer Katherine Tate becoming the The Doctor than have to put up with Karen Gillan's acting ability any longer which is so far below her current position I wouldn't even recommend her for a voice only part in a children's tv show.

Also what the hell is up with the plot so far? In 5 episodes she has magically learned enough as much about the Doctor as other companions learned in an entire series, she is now apparently the "center" of all this crack business, something that only ever happened at the end of series and she is throwing herself at the Doctor on the night of her wedding.

Eugh. This may sound ridiculous but her character is ruining what could otherwise be a very good series of Doctor Who for me.
I really do HATE Amy Pond.

She is so far and BY FAR the worst companion, hell I would prefer Katherine Tate becoming the The Doctor than have to put up with Karen Gillan's acting ability any longer which is so far below her current position I wouldn't even recommend her for a voice only part in a children's tv show.

Also what the hell is up with the plot so far? In 5 episodes she has magically learned enough as much about the Doctor as other companions learned in an entire series, she is now apparently the "center" of all this crack business, something that only ever happened at the end of series and she is throwing herself at the Doctor on the night of her wedding.

Eugh. This may sound ridiculous but her character is ruining what could otherwise be a very good series of Doctor Who for me.

I don't agree, but...
Found the ending a bit meh, smith continues to grow on me as the doctor, gillan continues to increasingly annoy me. Looking forward to the next episodes with river song in though as she gives me the horn :)
I've yet to get used to both the Doctor and Amy. So far I don't find them very appealing as a timelord and a companion. She might be pretty but so far she seems like a rubbish assistant when put alongside Rose and Marfa.

The whole eps was rather dull tbh. Too much talking, and faffing about within the ship and forest for my liking. It started off well and then just drifted off.
Wait a second... River turns you on, but not Amy? Get help man!

River is closer to my age (amy would be like being with my daughter), she is closer to my height ( I dont like tall women and Gillan is 6ft), she is curvier and I like my women to be curvy with well defined legs (gillan is more skinny than curvy), I like my women to be confident, sassy, willful and have a hint of naughtiness/flirtacious , River has all of those qualities, Amy Pond doesnt.

Seems to me that my decision is made upon good intelligent analysis :)
i was a all right show. writting was a bit soft in places but over all i enjoyed it

did you notce the bit in the middle were the dr leaves amy he says his goodbyes and goes notice he wasn't wearing the jacket, but then there was a odd bit were he back with amy telling her to remember and was wearing the jacket
on first watching it it felt odd him doing it and the jacket was just bad editting


on rewatching it, could it be a different dr, say one for some point in her future

the angles could move in blink, you had to look at them directly , so unless 2 angles are looking at each other stopping both from moving, then the one looking at another angle simple has to move away to free the frozen one

have never thought riversong was his wife and at first thought it was his daughter, but now leaning towards another timelord (not the master) tho the whole "killed a man" may be just to throw us off and (assuming the man is the dr) may be a case were she had to let the dr die to save the universe, trouble i have with that is for them to show it it would have to be the last ever dr who and i cant see them writting that far ahead
small possible she the Dr (killed the man cause s/he became a WOman)
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on rewatching it, could it be a different dr, say one for some point in her future

Just editing I think.

but now leaning towards another timelord

Maybe she is Romana (although I personally dont think River is a timelord)

may be a case were she had to let the dr die to save the universe, trouble i have with that is for them to show it it would have to be the last ever dr who

Not necessarily, could just be that she has to make it look like he is dead, but actually he isnt. Similar to the episode of Star Trek where they had to make it look like Spock had killed Kirk but actually he hadnt.
Tbh its really obviously implied that she was going to kill him in the future, with him being the one she murdered.

How and why that might happen and the circumstances surrounding it is all speculation though.
Another possibility is that due to the crack in time/space, at some point in the future the doctor gets split and there is a good doctor and a bad doctor. She then ends up having to kill the bad doctor, who has been portraying himself as the good doctor to a planet.

Really there are a lot of scenarios and storylines which could be used as a way for her to seemingly "kill" the doctor, but not actually be killing him.

That is of course assuming its the doctor she kills, the only info we have currently is that she kills a good man, the best man she has known. Which wouldnt necessarily mean the doctor, indeed if one was to be pedantic about it, technically the doctor isnt a "man" and as such wouldnt count as either a "good man" or "the best man".
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have never thought riversong was his wife and at first thought it was his daughter, but now leaning towards another timelord (not the master) tho the whole "killed a man" may be just to throw us off and (assuming the man is the dr) may be a case were she had to let the dr die to save the universe, trouble i have with that is for them to show it it would have to be the last ever dr who and i cant see them writting that far ahead
small possible she the Dr (killed the man cause s/he became a WOman)

Worst (or best?) incest ever!:p

But it would possibly work, with all the time travelling, and would explain why she knows so much about him, although she wouldn't need the doctor in that instance.:p

(blatently not though).;)
Really there are a lot of scenarios and storylines which could be used as a way for her to seemingly "kill" the doctor, but not actually be killing him.

It's quite possible that she kills him and he regenerates, although this won't be happening anything soon in the actual show due to Matt Smiths appointment . It would be more likely that this part of the story is alluding to an event that occurs a long long time later in the mythology of the show. In the final part of the episode when he said 'I could kiss you' and she replied 'not til you're older' (or words to that effect) alludes to the fact that her first meeting with the doctor (from her perspective) won't actually happen for a long time for the Doctor.

That is of course assuming its the doctor she kills, the only info we have currently is that she kills a good man, the best man she has known. Which wouldnt necessarily mean the doctor, indeed if one was to be pedantic about it, technically the doctor isnt a "man" and as such wouldnt count as either a "good man" or "the best man".
Tbh the fact that she said those words while her/the camera/the scene focused on the doctor implies otherwise. I bet money that hes the one she kills, its the most logical outcome from the facts we've been given. You just have to put the pieces together :)

Anyone else look up the date that the Doctor Found out? 26/06/20** something (it didn't show the exact year as it went off screen iirc), 26/06 is also the date that episode 13 (the finale) should be airing. Nice little subtle touch :).
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Anyone else look up the date that the Doctor Found out? 26/06/20** something (it didn't show the exact year as it went off screen iirc), 26/06 is also the date that episode 13 (the finale) should be airing. Nice little subtle touch :).

It did at the end, 2010, although that was obvious even without it being explicitly shown.

Perhaps Amy is so special in some way that she will (be) sacrificed to the crack in the last episode?
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