Doctor Who

half decent episode, but i expect more considering the credits of the writer, mayby he's just used to having better actor's reading his stuff.
Dr. Poo

The only bit i remember is that lizardman thing with the knife walking to Pond women, and i imagined her with a similar scar to guy on her left, and for some reason that turned me on a little bit.

See I was just thinking "don't they have to be naked for disection... Why is she not naked...":o:p

I missed it last week so watched the two back to back tonight and I thought the first wasn't brilliant (but it seemed to finish really quickly!) but watching the second straight away it got a lot better. Pretty good episode IMO.

I was trying to work out which episode the Silurians had been in before and all I could come up with was the one where the Doctor had his "time lord" taken out and was working as a school teacher. Not sure if it was though? If so a bit cheeky saying the humans killed them. :p
Yeah the death of Rory was actually quite sad, although I did think her forgetting he existed would probably be better for her.

And the TARDIS... Dun, Dun, Der..... Part or me wonders if Rory comes back through the crack at the end however. :p
I was trying to work out which episode the Silurians had been in before and all I could come up with was the one where the Doctor had his "time lord" taken out and was working as a school teacher. Not sure if it was though? If so a bit cheeky saying the humans killed them. :p

No he is on about an episode from the 60s or 70s or whenever it was, back when pertwee was the doctor. The sea devils. Was filmed where I live :)
Really enjoyed the latest episode. Didn't like last weeks episode much, but the whole Rory incident plus the crack appearing again made this one much better in my opinion.
Looks like it's all building up for a dramatic series finale!
Was a great episode. 1000 years is a long time though... there'l be no space left!

What i don't get - if the crack is still there then won't it continue to expand? Therefore that race would never have existed? And how far would it expand? Like... the whole planet?
I'm not convinced Rory is gone for good, given that the engagement ring, which they made a big deal of in the first episode - hello Chekhov's gun, is still in the Tardis.
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I'm not convinced Rory is gone for good, given that the engagement ring, which they made a big deal of in the first episode - hello Kafka's rifle, is still in the Tardis.

That's what I thought when I saw it too, if Rory was actually gone, then surely the wedding ring shouldn't have still been there? That would mean there's something more sinister to the cracks than just "time energy" erasing people from history.

But we can't really guess too much from that one shot, it could simply be that as it was within the TARDIS, it wasn't erased with everything else. Who knows.:D
This second eps was miles better than the first, that almost put me to sleep. I can't see Rory being gone for good either tbh. I was just waiting for a crack to appear in this two parter.
This series just seems to keep getting better and better. Last nights' episode was pretty damn awesome, I love it.

I agree that Rory can't be gone forever but I'm really not enough of a 'Who' boffin to know anymore than that :)

This Doctor might just be my favourite of the "modern" Dr.Who series.
That's what I thought when I saw it too, if Rory was actually gone, then surely the wedding ring shouldn't have still been there? That would mean there's something more sinister to the cracks than just "time energy" erasing people from history.

But we can't really guess too much from that one shot, it could simply be that as it was within the TARDIS, it wasn't erased with everything else. Who knows.:D

i think it'll be more of a case of an object being able to hold the memory of somebody and therefore the blueprint. somewhat like how the watch held the doctor and the master perhaps.

interesting episode either way, when i started watching it i was hoping for a rory death, didnt think they'd have the balls to do it like. gutsy move, i doubt he's gone but i have my fingers crossed he is. his character has brought a lot of the show down in my opinion.

destroyed Amy Pond's character with her crappy oh but i dont know if i love him rubbish, the crappy snide comments towards the doctor as if he knows better, and the general we've done this character before 5 years ago with MICKY!!!!!!!
I honestly thought this was one of the best episodes of the season. This was again, down to the story behind the story rather than the adventure itself.

This episode had so many key items that keep me a Doctor Who fan. The encouragement and inspiration that he gives (i.e at the council discussion - be extraordinary). Love it!

The anger I had towards that Mother, I thought she played a fantastic character very convincingly. Throughout I was annoyed that no one turned to her and made her feel guilty, "you do realise that you alone have just initiated a war upon human kind so large that it may just wipe us completely off the face of the Earth?" The way she kept making mistake after mistake by loosing her temper and not learning anything. Then for the Doctor to tell her to show her son how wrong she was, to raise her son with the compassion that she didn't have and show him how wrong she was, make him the best of humanity, how she couldn't be. Awesome.

Not to mention poor Rory and to see Amy forget.

I'm guessing that the TARDIS has caused the crack and it's more linked to the TARDIS than Amy. However, they have been pushing us towards thinking it's linked to her. I'm guessing they will end it by the doctor having never entered Amy's life. Sad.
So, if the TARDIS blows up, how is it going to leave police box shaped bits of debris scattered across the universe. Surely the chameleon circuit would stop working and the TARDIS would no longer look like a police box any more.
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