Doctor Who

Was Amy actually crying when the bloke said she was or did he mean internally? I assumed from her reaction she was and was suprised?
Fantastic episode and the best of the series by a mile imo.

The only complaint I have was the tacky low budget CGI. It's really wearing thin now and while some episodes undoubtedly benefit from CGI this was one that didn't need it at all. The story, acting and drawing of the monster was all that was needed and the rest should've been left up to the viewers imagination. Instead we get a crap giant chicken lizard :/
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What... cry.. who me?? Naaaa don't be so silly I'm a man.

Oh boy, could have filled a pint glass with the stuff that just came out of my eyes and nose watching that last scene.

Amy wasn't crying, granted her phenomenal acting didn't exactly make it obvious, but the whole point was that Van Gogh could see things that others could not.

I couldn't tell if The Doctor was mispronouncing 'Gogh', I didn't hear a clear pronunciation of the 'f' and thought he was still pronouncing it correct if not over compensating a little towards an 'f'.
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Yeah, I cried a bit too. Had to keep it quiet though, as my Mrs never cries at anything! As for the pronunciation of Gogh... The Tardis does the whole language translation think for everyone, and tailors things to what the listener expects to hear. So, it's the fault of Amy not knowing how to say it properly that it comes out that way!
I also couldn't tell if The Doctor was mispronouncing 'Gogh', I didn't hear a clear pronunciation of the 'f' and thought he was still pronouncing it correct if not over compensating a little towards an 'f'.

Definitely wasnt pronouncing it correctly, he wasnt even close. The correction pronounciation is very harsh and easily spotted rather than the softness of his pronounciation of the word. Also noted that Van Gogh had 2 fully intact ears, which he shouldnt have had at that time point. On top of that, at the time point that the show was set in, he had already painted Sunflowers over a year earlier, yet in the show he hadnt yet painted it.

Though maybe that was down to time being altered and him never having cut his ear and the time alteration also maybe made it so that he hadnt actually painted any of the 7 iterations of Sunflowers before Amy arrived. Alternatively, maybe the Tardis emits a timewarp fractal warp bubble which encompasses the immediate area and thereby alters time and events within the bubble, hence altering the reality of Van Gogh and replacing it with a pseudo-chronomatic flux stasis which means that events might be different to history. :D
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Though maybe that was down to time being altered and him never having cut his ear and the time alteration also maybe made it so that he hadnt actually painted any of the 7 iterations of Sunflowers before Amy arrived. Alternatively, maybe the Tardis emits a timewarp fractal warp bubble which encompasses the immediate area and thereby alters time and events within the bubble, hence altering the reality of Van Gogh and replacing it with a pseudo-chronomatic flux stasis which means that events might be different to history. :D
:D I think you're right.
Definitely the best episode of the series for me, fantastic stuff. Godda agree about the crappy CGI though, it wasn't needed at all.
So even Bill Nighy (the art historian) was pronouncing it wrong?

Aapparent "correct" pronunciation

From the link above it sounds like the episode used the Dutch pronunciation.

It always makes me laugh when people fight about pronunciation, it's all purely subjective. For instance, would the Dutch pronunciation off his name be correct or the French pronunciation.

EDIT: Why do I edit every post I write?!? Why do I care so much.
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I liked tonight's episode probably the only none moffat episode I've liked this season.

For me this is the 1st time matt smith has been any good outside of a moffat written episode.
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I liked the comedy of the Doctor tbh, felt allot like the first episode of the season in that regard. Was the only part i liked though really.

The plot about whats upstairs was reaalllyyyy weak and felt squeezed in tbh, Very anti-climatic and pointless.

The whole episode was an excuse to show the nutty side of the character, and how annoying James Corden really is -_-.

The next episode preview looks like it could be great and looks to be where a large portion of the seasons budget might have gone, just hope it doesn't disappoint. As a plus were back with the talents of Moffat and his writing for the last two episodes.
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