Doctor Who

Think I'll give up watching this. I just cannot get into any of this season full stop bar one or two select episodes. I found tonight's episode very boring. Nothing else to say really.
Wasn't bad but certainly still not much better than than the rest of the series so far.

Also anyone else instantly want them to replace Gillian with Meera Syal?
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Dr. Poo

The only bit i remember is that lizardman thing with the knife walking to Pond women, and i imagined her with a similar scar to guy on her left, and for some reason that turned me on a little bit.
Finding it a bit odd that they often make mistakes in this show that couldn't be remedied with some common sense.
2mins to walk to their houses, find all those cameras etc, come back, wire them up, heh :P

Bit like that lady of the water ep. where they took of their clothes to go into the water but it was just an illusion so they didn't have to.

To me it shows that if they can't get minor details right why should they with a big story :(
I lol'd more at the fact that they spent all their time setting up the cameras and computers and making the map, the they just cut the power...

Talk about epic fail.
Think I'll give up watching this. I just cannot get into any of this season full stop bar one or two select episodes. I found tonight's episode very boring. Nothing else to say really.

I hate to admit this but I agree! Apart from Amy Pond there isnt much about this series, I just havent engaged like I did with the Eccleston/Tennant years and even my son shows indifference to it and he's now 10yrs old. Something has gone a bit wrong meethinks...
Bit like that lady of the water ep. where they took of their clothes to go into the water but it was just an illusion so they didn't have to.

To me it shows that if they can't get minor details right why should they with a big story :(

Taking clothes off is how they know they're being fed.
They weren't real clothes though, she could have just flicked a switch and been naked.

Technically she shouldnt of been able to actually even take the clothes off, as they werent real. It was just a perception filter so there were no physical clothes to remove in the first place. Why, or even how, someone not wearing clothes would remove them is somewhat of a mystery. I guess it was done for "dramatic effect".
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