Doctor Who

Quite liked it i smirked a few times. Cheesy but funny.

That women who is she kinda sexy in an odd way but good sexy.
i liked it but yeah abit 'wtf' in places.

Next weeks looks like it could be a good one but i guess it will end up being a 2 parter.
They should have just renamed it the James Corden Show. The whole episode wasn't funny, despite the seemingly good plot until the final reveal at the end. Another crap one.
Enjoyed the episode, nothing spectacular but still very enjoyable. Saying that though I skipped relatively large chunks of it such as the football bit.

REALLY looking forward to next week now.
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Last nights was okay, not the best but not the worst.

Was expecting the other TARDIS to be Master's instead of just some randomly abandonned one.

Bit unsure now as to how the finale will pan out, looks like it could be typical Davies over the top, end of the Universe, wrapped up before dinner rubbish but hopefully Moffat won't make it too silly.
I (and my family) really liked it, a lot of laughs all the way through for the Doctor. Loved the completely scatty nature of him. I was very glad that it didn't turn out to be the Cybermen back however!

Next week I assume is a two parter (at least), looks like it could be epic. Question as well is whether the aliens (Darleks, Cybermen etc) are there to stop the Pandorica or are caused by the Pandorica...
Thought it was an awful episode but it didn't really feel out of place compared to most of the episodes in this series. Shame because Matt Smith's a fantastic actor (and footballer by all accounts) and deserves better.
liked the other time machine episode, however I'd have rather had the two other characters become pilot and companion and vanished into time/space...
I (and my family) really liked it, a lot of laughs all the way through for the Doctor. Loved the completely scatty nature of him. I was very glad that it didn't turn out to be the Cybermen back however!

Next week I assume is a two parter (at least), looks like it could be epic. Question as well is whether the aliens (Darleks, Cybermen etc) are there to stop the Pandorica or are caused by the Pandorica...

hehe well i predict that the reoccurring women is the baddy and the y are all come along to stop her. Just to add the mega obvious bbc twist that is so obvious you fall over it after 10 minutes. OFC i might be wrong.
Wonder if "destroying" the Pandorica will bring back all the things that were sucked into the vortex... May explain Rory's reappearance.
not the worst episode this weekend but nowhere near one of the best, enjoyed some little bits like the doctors confusion over greetings etc.

hated the football sequence...

the 2 part finale looks like its going to be EPIC though :) i knew river song was back, so excited for that purely for more parts to that story.
Last nights was okay, not the best but not the worst.

Was expecting the other TARDIS to be Master's instead of just some randomly abandonned one.

Bit unsure now as to how the finale will pan out, looks like it could be typical Davies over the top, end of the Universe, wrapped up before dinner rubbish but hopefully Moffat won't make it too silly.

Thats what I thought as well as it looked suitably dark enough for his persona to fit right in, plus the hologram killing people to find a new pilot also fits in well with the masters persona lol.

It'll either make another appearance at a later date or was just really dodgy script writing! I hope its the former of the two.
Yeah, kinda hoping its not an end of the world thing, gets boring after one every series, would much rather have an interesting story with a well thought out ending..
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