Donald Trump

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Yeh it's all fake, ignore it, don't worry about it

That guy is a lawyer fyi, and he's merely retweeting a ******* document that just got released from Flynn's lawyers that shows all along that FBI/Mueller was running an entrapment op this whole time that you accused us for being conspiracy theorists for believing in

If you think this is all a joke/LARP then time to wake yourself up

He was guilty of process crimes, they invented crimes to go after him, they trapped him, therefore he had to plead guilty to his crimes, they tried to get him to lie by making dirt up on Trump in exchange for recommending 0 jail time

Same goes for all of them

Quick sense check please: Are you saying you believe that Trump and his associates (including the ones already found guilty) have done nothing wrong at all?
They dug up the past crimes of Manafort, Cohen and tried to use that as leverage to get them to lie about and take down Trump

So no, those two are obviously guilty, but the whole thing started based on knowingly fabricate BS. Crossfire Hurricane team knew the Steele dossier was BS but they ran with it anyway

It was a huge entrapment operation, they've all been caught and it's all going to come out in the coming weeks/months
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I've got to ask but have you read the actual documents yourself this time? The reason i ask is for me they paint a very different picture, the document that that twitter account has take exerts from reads as follows..


Maybe I'm seeing something that isn't there but that doesn't seem like their ultimate goal was to actually prosecute him or get him fired, the interviewer seems to make that pretty clear with their reference to the DOJ being the final arbiter over whether to prosecute or how to handle things, to me it seems more like the interviewer is using the threat of prosecution and/or dismissal as a pressure point to get Flynn to admit to his wrongdoings.
Crossfire Hurricane team knew the Steele dossier was BS but they ran with it anyway
No, they suspected it may have been but like any good investigator they had to look into it and verify if it was, the last thing you'd want are these things not being investigate surely.

I mean if a law enforcement agency got a report of someone like Biden sexually assaulting a women 20-30 years ago do you think it would be appropriate of them to just say...well that's BS so lets not bother looking into it, or would you want them to conduct interviews and verify the veracity of that claim?
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So his latest tactic is to to make China the bogeyman (I guess Mexico cant hold that title two times in a row). Basically if you don't vote for Trump you love China and therefore (engage American Psyche) a commie loving ******.

Trump told Reuters he did not believe opinion polls that showed his likely Democratic presidential opponent, Joe Biden, leading the race for the White House.
“I don’t believe the polls,” Trump said. “I believe the people of this country are smart. And I don’t think that they will put a man in who’s incompetent.”

I'm almost in an irony induced coma and not sure I can look at anymore internet today and its only 08:20
Gosh, he's losing it. A worldwide pandemic that starts with China, and he thinks that they've specifically handled it poorly just to make sure he isn't re-elected. Yep, sure, good one. My goodness, America really is broken. I feel sorry for the poor souls that are suffering because of this man. It's totally unnecessary. He's a modern-day tyrant in a suit. Nothing is his fault. He really is a nasty piece of work.
Gosh, he's losing it. A worldwide pandemic that starts with China, and he thinks that they've specifically handled it poorly just to make sure he isn't re-elected. Yep, sure, good one. My goodness, America really is broken. I feel sorry for the poor souls that are suffering because of this man. It's totally unnecessary. He's a modern-day tyrant in a suit. Nothing is his fault. He really is a nasty piece of work.
He also took the opportunity at last night's pandemic briefing to tell everyone his supporters are missing his rallies, and he's hoping to get them going again shortly. Had to be seen to be believed but nothing the lunatic in chief does surprises me any more.
Well, if nothing else, Trump supporters do provide endless entertainment :D

@Tango this is humour, and is not intended to be a news source, please let all your mates know.

Well, if nothing else, Trump supporters do provide endless entertainment :D

@Tango this is humour, and is not intended to be a news source, please let all your mates know.

it really is frightening. The richest most powerful country in the world and that is what it has produced. How the **** is it the richest country when a good percentage of its population are -and I’m being polite here - hillbillies? All that money and clearly nowhere near enough of it spent on education.
it really is frightening. The richest most powerful country in the world and that is what it has produced. How the **** is it the richest country when a good percentage of its population are -and I’m being polite here - hillbillies? All that money and clearly nowhere near enough of it spent on education.

Not that different from other countries, the 1% hoover up all the cash while pooing(sorry trickling) on the little man.
That video above is absolutely hilarious but so scary at the same time.

That guy with the orange/red T-shirt trying to make out that each and every Trump family member serves 2 terms is...well...words fail me really.
Not that different from other countries, the 1% hoover up all the cash while pooing(sorry trickling) on the little man.

I know we have idiots here. Maybe it scales up with population? Although they have Fox News which failed to gain an audience in the UK and got taken down. Fox News is a disgrace to journalism, the ultimate echo chamber for right wing propaganda and CT.
General Michael Flynn is expected to be fully exonerated, hopefully now the attention turns to the political activists in the FBI who went after him (and Trump) with their Russia collusion conspiracy theory.

Will he? Lets see what the judge says shall we. I notice this all comes down to interpretation. Flynn's lawyer says exactly that when she went on Hannity. Maybe the judge will see it that way, maybe she won't. I haven't seen lawyers who aren't Trump supporters rushing to say this is damning evidence that will "fully exonerate" Flynn. To me it doesn't have to read that way at all. Lawyers familiar with how DOJ and FBI work will have a far better insight into this.

Flynn's lawyer Sidney Powell told Fox News' 'Hannity' Wednesday night the notes were 'damning'.

'It's just absolutely appalling what these agents, and then special counsel operatives, did to General Flynn,' he said.

'It's abuse of their authority at every turn. I interpret the notes as absolutely damning of their conduct and their plan.'
General Michael Flynn is expected to be fully exonerated, hopefully now the attention turns to the political activists in the FBI who went after him (and Trump) with their Russia collusion conspiracy theory.
Ah the DM, a news source so unreliable that Wikipedia banned its use as a source, you do know the actual document has been posted on scribd as per my earlier post so you can read it for yourself instead of depending on someone else's opinion of what it does or doesn't show, right.
it really is frightening. The richest most powerful country in the world and that is what it has produced. How the **** is it the richest country when a good percentage of its population are -and I’m being polite here - hillbillies? All that money and clearly nowhere near enough of it spent on education.

A country that runs education, healthcare and prisons as 'for profit' ventures will always be screwed in the long run.
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