Donald Trump

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it really is frightening. The richest most powerful country in the world and that is what it has produced. How the **** is it the richest country when a good percentage of its population are -and I’m being polite here - hillbillies? All that money and clearly nowhere near enough of it spent on education.

They don't pay sick pay, they don't have free health care, they have a poor welfare system, they use prisoners for labour, they were using slaves until not too long ago and the lesser educated people will work their ass off and make someone else rich. Oh, they also have vast amounts of oil too.

Just a shame many of them are bat**** crazy too lol.
Yeh it's all fake, ignore it, don't worry about it

That guy is a lawyer fyi, and he's merely retweeting a ******* document that just got released from Flynn's lawyers that shows all along that FBI/Mueller was running an entrapment op this whole time that you accused us for being conspiracy theorists for believing in

If you think this is all a joke/LARP then time to wake yourself up

He was guilty of process crimes, they invented crimes to go after him, they trapped him, therefore he had to plead guilty to his crimes, they tried to get him to lie by making dirt up on Trump in exchange for recommending 0 jail time

Same goes for all of them

Ok here is a tweet thread from Ken White who is a practising lawyer and a former Federal Prosecutor. His "interpretation" is northing to see here, this is how it works and has worked for a very long time, no one ever had a problem with it before, if you want it to not work like this get Congress to change the law.
And again he chose to plead guilty, no one made him lie, no one made his plead guilty. And to be "entrapment" as you put it they have to have enticed you to lie or break the law, they did no such thing. They asked him questions, he chose to lie.

Stone was convicted of lying to Congress and obstructing Congress or what you are calling a "process crime" like that isn't serious. Other process crimes are obstruction of justice, contempt of court, perjury. Are you saying those aren't serious crimes?

He was also convicted of witness tampering. That isn't a process crime is it? It is also a serious offence.

Manafort didn't plead guilty to anything. He was convicted by a jury of his peers. He is criminal scumbag who's own daughters said in text messages that he was complicit in murder of Ukrainians "has no moral or legal compass" and that he “killed people in Ukraine ... knowingly."
**** him.

Cohen pleaded guilty because he was guilty and he could serve less time by pleading guilty and assisting the feds. Something people do all the time. He never signed a cooperation deal though.
If you think this is all going away because you found someone on twitter that dashes my hopes of being right about the whole thing, and that this is the only bit of evidence they have then think again. You also realise James Baker has been working with Durham right
If you think this is all going away because you found someone on twitter that dashes my hopes of being right about the whole thing, and that this is the only bit of evidence they have then think again. You also realise James Baker has been working with Durham right

Except, you found someone on Twitter to support your story. So, who is right?

New material proved that they had no basis even to open a case on Flynn, but they still wanted to keep the case open "Don't close Razor". "7th floor involved" (FBI Leadership)

So in other words, they wanted to charge Flynn with SOMETHING, even entrap him if you need to.They had nothing on Trump so they had to get something on Flynn to incriminate to him somehow.




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Geezus that rabbit hole that tang0 finds himself in is so damn deep, probably near the core of the earth, that he can no longer find his way out :p.
Love it, you're linking to VOX, and he was never thrown in jail, just shows how ignorant you are

Evidence is mounting that he was coerced into lying so by DOJ in order to spare his son from prosecution, per an undeclared side deal withheld from a federal judge

Now you go away
Look we all know and knew Trump would pardon him. No one is under the illusion he won't. Let's see if the judge throws the case out. Barr pulling the charges would be purely political.

And to think that a case this big and politically explosive wouldn't make it the top office on the 7th floor is ridiculous. Of course they were being informed and having a say.
Problem is once one of tang0 rabbit holes collapses under the guff he will just immediately grab a ne wome from whatever cesspit websites he frequents.

New material proved that they had no basis even to open a case on Flynn, but they still wanted to keep the case open "Don't close Razor". "7th floor involved" (FBI Leadership)

So in other words, they wanted to charge Flynn with SOMETHING, even entrap him if you need to.They had nothing on Trump so they had to get something on Flynn to incriminate to him somehow.





WTF is this? Tang0's been on the internet again folks :D

Love it, you're linking to VOX, and he was never thrown in jail, just shows how ignorant you are

Evidence is mounting that he was coerced into lying so by DOJ in order to spare his son from prosecution, per an undeclared side deal withheld from a federal judge

Now you go away
You just spent days and weeks ignoring evidence, facts and refusing the truth and now your are calling other people ignorant. None of what you are posting changes anything or make any difference on how terrible a leader and person Trump is.
Well, if nothing else, Trump supporters do provide endless entertainment :D

@Tango this is humour, and is not intended to be a news source, please let all your mates know.

That's really quite sad. I genuinely feel sorry for some of them because they are clearly vulnerable people being taken advantage of (I'm not talking about the interviewer here).
Love it, you're linking to VOX, and he was never thrown in jail, just shows how ignorant you are

Evidence is mounting that he was coerced into lying so by DOJ in order to spare his son from prosecution, per an undeclared side deal withheld from a federal judge

Now you go away
Apologies; mixed Flynn up with Manafort. Trump has so many crooked cronies, it's hard to keep up!
Point still stands. He broke the law. No amount of BS from Trump & co is going to change that.
Also you calling me ignorant is rather ironic, don't you think?
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