Donald Trump

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Porkie of the day has to go to Karen Pence.....
Karen Pence says Mike Pence didn't know about the Mayo Clinic's requirement that visitors wear masks, despite the clinic saying it informed him

New material proved that they had no basis even to open a case on Flynn, but they still wanted to keep the case open "Don't close Razor". "7th floor involved" (FBI Leadership)

So in other words, they wanted to charge Flynn with SOMETHING, even entrap him if you need to.They had nothing on Trump so they had to get something on Flynn to incriminate to him somehow.




Despite numerous attempts at getting you response to cross questioning having failed I'm going to give it one more try...What exactly do you think those show?

I mean they basically say that the FBI database contained no "critical or disrespectful attitude", that's the English definition of derogatory BTW, maybe it's used differently in America of within the FBI but if not they're basically saying the FBI database didn't contain any adverse, disapproving, or comments showing a lack of respect or courtesy in regards to the Flynn case (do note that's not a statement of the veracity of the case, it's a statement that the FBI database doesn't contain nasty comments about the Flynn case, such as comments about him being guilty as **** or a complete ******).

You seem to fishing for things that just aren't there if I'm honest, either that or you don't understand how law enforcement agencies go about getting someone to admit to criminality, how they build a case, and how they try to ensure there's no errors of law that can be used by the defendant to get off the hook.

Being derogatory about the case or the person that you're building a case on would be considered an error of process BTW and if such a thing came to light would be used by the defense to get the case thrown out for undue-process, they'd argue that the officers gathering the evidence and conducting the interviews where either biased or where being hostile to the accused.
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Does anyone still bother keeping a tally of all the lies that come out from Trump and his gang or did it just become too much work?

It's the constant lying. Don't think there been a day from the moment he was sworn in where he and his administration has not said something untruthful or inaccurate.
Evidence is mounting that he was coerced into lying so by DOJ in order to spare his son from prosecution, per an undeclared side deal withheld from a federal judge
But it's not as all you're doing is posting stuff and refusing to engage in any meaningful debate with people who are rebutting what you're posting, you can't coerce someone into lying, that's a choice they make.

If you're innocent you shouldn't fear being truthful and if you're guilty you say nothing, i mean that's literally in the first two lines of the Miranda warning: You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law, that last part is in reference to knowingly making false statement, in other words that if you lie that will be used to against you in a court of law, you will be prosecuted for making a false statement, something Martha Stewart, Rod Blagojevich, Michael T. Flynn, Rick Gates, Scooter Libby, Bernard Madoff, and Jeffrey Skilling were all convicted for because it's illegal.
But it's not as all you're doing is posting stuff and refusing to engage in any meaningful debate with people who are rebutting what you're posting, you can't coerce someone into lying, that's a choice they make.

If you're innocent you shouldn't fear being truthful and if you're guilty you say nothing, i mean that's literally in the first two lines of the Miranda warning: You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you say may be used against you in a court of law, that last part is in reference to knowingly making false statement, in other words that if you lie that will be used to against you in a court of law, you will be prosecuted for making a false statement, something Martha Stewart, Rod Blagojevich, Michael T. Flynn, Rick Gates, Scooter Libby, Bernard Madoff, and Jeffrey Skilling were all convicted for because it's illegal.

Impossible to have a debate with the TDS cult


We haven't even seen the edited 302 yet, taken from the original investigation that they had put on hold
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Impossible to have a debate with the TDS cult


We haven't even seen the edited 302 yet, taken from the original investigation that they had put on hold
So not only are you making sweeping generalisations but you're also admitting that you don't post things in this thread in order to have a discussion on the subject but simply to invoke a reaction, and then you have the front to accuse others of being deranged and belonging to a cult? And you wonder why so many forum goers react in a hostile manner towards you.

In reference to that massive image you posted (IDK why you felt the need to post an image of some words when you could have simply typed them out and saved a lot of screen space), you're basically demonstrating what a good job the FBI did and that Flynn is guilty, think about it, would someone with a "sure demeanor", someone who "doesn't give any indication of deception", really admit to something they hadn't done?

IDK about you but i wouldn't, no matter how "sudden and intense" the pressure placed on me was, if you're innocent of the charges you shouldn't have anything to fear, right?
So once again Trump is disagreeing with his own intelligence agencies and this time he's added the majority of the scientific community as the formed said less than 24hrs ago that it was not man made or genetically modified and the latter has been saying that for quiet sometime.
He's more than happy to go against the intelligence community, as he's aiming his comments at the unintelligent i.e his supporters.
“Impossible to have a debate with the TDS cult”
Typical deflection, you get proven wrong and instead of admitting mistakes and adjusting your viewpoint like a healthy person instead you blank out evidence and choose to believe fake news over the real. You completely failed to debate against a number of people who are not even members of the TDS cult so its not as though you can even use that defense.

Why is it so hard for you to accept truth and facts. Instead having to be gullible being lead astray into the world of fake news and CT's.

Can you understand that just because someone doesn't like Trump it doesn't mean they are part of the TDS cult. There is a big difference between the two but you come across as not being able to tell the difference.
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Hang on, all this kerfuffle is related to some FBI notes stating that they want to catch the guy in a lie? I mean my experience of the US justice system is podcasts covering miscarriages of justice and a fair amount of CSI but surely that is literally the cornerstone of law enforcement's interview technique.

And then there's the threat about him losing his job, that's just the application of leverage, work with us or things will be much worse for you.

I'd love to see an interview that didn't include those two techniques:

"You did it, admit it"
"No I didn't"
"Well I guess you've snookered us, you're free to go"
Whats the next CT after this one?

Trump has seen "something" (evidence??) to give a high a degree confidence of that COVID-19 came from a Wuhan lab despite US intelligence and the scientific community saying otherwise. He also went as far as insinuating that they let it deliberately spread. :rolleyes:

Suspect this is another episode where his mouth went off before engaging his brain.
What is trumps long game with China? I understand China have a reputation for stealing intellectual property and some probably bad trade practices but what is Americas goal?

America becomes more self sufficient and cuts back on Chinese imports? Blames China for manufacturing covid-19? If trump is here for another 4 years then what will happen?
What is trumps long game with China? I understand China have a reputation for stealing intellectual property and some probably bad trade practices but what is Americas goal?

There's no doubt that they do, to get ahead of competition (like everyone else) but according to Richard Wolff a economics professor its not so clear cut. Quite interesting imo.

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