Hang on, all this kerfuffle is related to some FBI notes stating that they want to catch the guy in a lie? I mean my experience of the US justice system is podcasts covering miscarriages of justice and a fair amount of CSI but surely that is literally the cornerstone of law enforcement's interview technique.
And then there's the threat about him losing his job, that's just the application of leverage, work with us or things will be much worse for you.
I'd love to see an interview that didn't include those two techniques:
"You did it, admit it"
"No I didn't"
"Well I guess you've snookered us, you're free to go"
You know....That's what i find totally baffling about tang0's screaming, crying, and moaning over this apparent miscarriage of justice and these documents that supposedly show he's not guilty or that there's been some grievous wrongdoing, they show nothing of the sorts, all they show is that the FBI were doing their job.
As i said to him earlier what they did is literally readout to hundreds or thousands of people every day by police officers, "
You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court", Flynn choose not to remain silent, he choose to make false statements and those were used against him in court, simples, what's so extraordinary about that, police do what the FBI did in interviews everyday.
"Tell us what you know"
"I didn't do it"
"We've got evidence that shows you did"
"I didn't do it"
"If you don't talk things could get really bad for you, your job, or your family"
"OK, I'll tell you everything i know"
"Our evidence shows that's not what happened, you're lying aren't you"
*Officers walk out the room*
"Good job he didn't ask us for that evidence as we were only bluffing to see what he'd say"