Donald Trump

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What is trumps long game with China? I understand China have a reputation for stealing intellectual property and some probably bad trade practices but what is Americas goal?

America becomes more self sufficient and cuts back on Chinese imports? Blames China for manufacturing covid-19? If trump is here for another 4 years then what will happen?
...China stops buying American soya, then more farmers go bankrupt...
Trump is incapable of telling the truth. He makes up utter nonsense as he thinks it makes him look clever “knowing” something others don’t.

I mean seriously we are talking about the kind of scum that lied about been at ground zero on 9/11 helping people ! The more I see the more dangerous and unstable I think he is.

Yet people still defend him.
Although there is no evidence Trump using Chinese CT to deflect his own mishandling of the crisis, well I didn’t see that one coming ;)
Aren't they evangelical Christians? Lying isn't something their deity really approves of.
Evangelical and Christian, at least in the US sense are often quite a long way from being Christian as the rest of the world understands it, and frequently seem to have never read much if any of the bible.
They're very much of the pick and choose what you'll follow type.
Evangelical and Christian, at least in the US sense are often quite a long way from being Christian as the rest of the world understands it, and frequently seem to have never read much if any of the bible.
They're very much of the pick and choose what you'll follow type.

Agreed, I think most of the so called Christians in the U.S. just use religion to excuse their ignorant views which they can then defend with the “but it’s my religion, God wills it” Trump card (pun intended)
What is trumps long game with China? I understand China have a reputation for stealing intellectual property and some probably bad trade practices but what is Americas goal?

America becomes more self sufficient and cuts back on Chinese imports? Blames China for manufacturing covid-19? If trump is here for another 4 years then what will happen?

You think Trump actually has a long term game?
Evangelical and Christian, at least in the US sense are often quite a long way from being Christian as the rest of the world understands it, and frequently seem to have never read much if any of the bible.
They're very much of the pick and choose what you'll follow type.

As I've commented before, the aggressive, unforgiving, right wing, gun toting, money loving version of Christianity that is popular in the US seems the complete opposite of the whole peace, love, turn the other cheek message ascribed to that Jesus dude who allegedly said "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God".
What is trumps long game with China? I understand China have a reputation for stealing intellectual property and some probably bad trade practices but what is Americas goal?

America becomes more self sufficient and cuts back on Chinese imports? Blames China for manufacturing covid-19? If trump is here for another 4 years then what will happen?

It's his latest ploy to identify a common enemy and consolodate his support in looking elsewhere. He did the exact same thing with Mexico at the last election and his support base is too unintelligent to see what's happening or even question it if they did.

China is a fantastic enemy because let's face it, not only are they guilty of many things they are a communist state and this feeds into the deep routed fear of and confusion regarding what constitutes communism.

The enemy of the great upholder of democracy, (America) is a communist state. trump has positioned himself as being the enemy of China ergo if you don't support trump you are supporting communism, and that's a challenge for a lot of Americans and a method of control that has been deployed for a very long time.

His end goal is re-election, that's it.
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I know this has been posted a number of times but it's so pertinent, especially the post above. Vacuous talking point sheep.

Obama, Mexicans/brown people, China, Libs, Democrats - boogeyman routine is tried and tested.
Hang on, all this kerfuffle is related to some FBI notes stating that they want to catch the guy in a lie? I mean my experience of the US justice system is podcasts covering miscarriages of justice and a fair amount of CSI but surely that is literally the cornerstone of law enforcement's interview technique.

And then there's the threat about him losing his job, that's just the application of leverage, work with us or things will be much worse for you.

I'd love to see an interview that didn't include those two techniques:

"You did it, admit it"
"No I didn't"
"Well I guess you've snookered us, you're free to go"
You know....That's what i find totally baffling about tang0's screaming, crying, and moaning over this apparent miscarriage of justice and these documents that supposedly show he's not guilty or that there's been some grievous wrongdoing, they show nothing of the sorts, all they show is that the FBI were doing their job.

As i said to him earlier what they did is literally readout to hundreds or thousands of people every day by police officers, "You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can be used against you in court", Flynn choose not to remain silent, he choose to make false statements and those were used against him in court, simples, what's so extraordinary about that, police do what the FBI did in interviews everyday.

"Tell us what you know"
"I didn't do it"
"We've got evidence that shows you did"
"I didn't do it"
"If you don't talk things could get really bad for you, your job, or your family"
"OK, I'll tell you everything i know"
"Our evidence shows that's not what happened, you're lying aren't you"

*Officers walk out the room*

"Good job he didn't ask us for that evidence as we were only bluffing to see what he'd say"
The US don't to do bad in the grand scheme of things.

I would say there less corrupt than most countries and organisations closer to home

Given all the corruption that has come with Trump, all the prosecutions, all the jail time, all the dodgyness, that doesn't seem like reality. Plus the endless scamming religious nuts. Appears corrupt as they come.
Given all the corruption that has come with Trump, all the prosecutions, all the jail time, all the dodgyness, that doesn't seem like reality. Plus the endless scamming religious nuts. Appears corrupt as they come.
Yeh that website doesn’t seem to add up, sure the 3rd world countries are corrupt as hell. But America should be closer to the top than sitting in the middle. Maybe the figures are out of date?? America is as corrupt as some of the 3rd world countries as proven by Trump and his merry band of scumbags.
Yeh that website doesn’t seem to add up, sure the 3rd world countries are corrupt as hell. But America should be closer to the top than sitting in the middle. Maybe the figures are out of date?? America is as corrupt as some of the 3rd world countries as proven by Trump and his merry band of scumbags.
Not sure about that. I do think America should be higher but not that much higher. Yes Trumps government is corrupt and Trump has created a large swamp and hired a large amount of criminals but that is all at the high level of government. The corruption doesn't for the most part seep down to lower levels not to the scale of those 3rd world countries. Those corrupt 3rd world countries you can pretty much bribe every other policemen, every other planning department, all sorts of license's can be bypassed via corruption. For the most part that type of wide spread corruption isn't in the US. There is some of it but no where near the scale of other places.

Trump has 100% made the corruption worse though. Instead of draining the swamp, he filled the swamp and expanded it.
Not sure about that. I do think America should be higher but not that much higher. Yes Trumps government is corrupt and Trump has created a large swamp and hired a large amount of criminals but that is all at the high level of government. The corruption doesn't for the most part seep down to lower levels not to the scale of those 3rd world countries. Those corrupt 3rd world countries you can pretty much bribe every other policemen, every other planning department, all sorts of license's can be bypassed via corruption. For the most part that type of wide spread corruption isn't in the US. There is some of it but no where near the scale of other places.

Trump has 100% made the corruption worse though. Instead of draining the swamp, he filled the swamp and expanded it.

But that's all part of Trumps 4D chess game to expose corruption by abusing his position so he can make people aware of who they should really blame - Mexicans Obama FBI NATO Russia Clinton The United Nations universal healthcare Do Nothing Democrats World Health Organisation China.
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