Donald Trump

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Look at the twitter posts he has now praising the support in Pennsylvania. The streets lined with muppets with zero regard for social distancing.

On one hand he's recommending his staff wear masks and on the other he's pushing protests and public gatherings.

How broken.
LOL, you need to keep up with your TDS pals.

They argued for weeks that FOX was not a news channel, so which is it now???
You are aware everyone who you're painting with that great big brush is more than capable of speaking for themselves, right? Or are you one of those that thinks everyone gets together before posting so they can coordinate an attack against you.

They didn't argue for weeks that FOX was not a news channel, some people may have done that but they didn't because the only place they exists is in your head.
So you think then that FOX news is a news channel?
The clues in the name, FOX News. :rolleyes:
You heavily insinuated it in your rushed reply.

We have been over this before....
Gish Gallop, be specific.
Not authoritative and makes no mention of assets being used to carry out attacks on Americans in the last 3 decades, i know you like living in the past but perhaps you should learn to move on if something happened 30+ years ago.
By Douglas MacKinnon, opinion contributor.

Your so called evidence is someone's opinion. :rolleyes:
**edit** Damn, Colonel_Klinck beat me to it :p
**edit** Count yourself lucky, it looks like everyone beat me to it. :)

I really should carry on reading things before replying.
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You are aware everyone who you're painting with that great big brush is more than capable of speaking for themselves, right? Or are you one of those that thinks everyone gets together before posting so they can coordinate an attack against you.

They didn't argue for weeks that FOX was not a news channel, some people may have done that but they didn't because the only place they exists is in your head.

The clues in the name, FOX News. :rolleyes:

Gish Gallop, be specific.

Not authoritative and makes no mention of assets being used to carry out attacks on Americans in the last 3 decades, i know you like living in the past but perhaps you should learn to move on if something happened 30+ years ago.

By Douglas MacKinnon, opinion contributor.

Your so called evidence is someone's opinion. :rolleyes:

I agree and have stated that FOX is a news channel, like you do.

It was argued for a long time in the SC thread.
This video sums up modern 'journalists' perfectly, the reporter basically wants everything putting on a plate for him and probably doesn't even consider it his job to go out and do his own research. Is it any wonder they spent 3 years frothing about Russia collusion when they had the DemocRats and FBI feeding them stories.

Whole load of nothing burger served up by a daily liar.
I agree and have stated that FOX is a news channel, like you do.

It was argued for a long time in the SC thread.
Then don't tar everyone with the same brush, sure some people may consider it not to be a news channel but that doesn't mean everyone does so don't say they do.
Whole load of nothing burger served up by a daily liar.
Oh come on, you're doing him a disservice, he's also got videos called "Occult Symbolism and Christianity with Fleccas Talks", "How to WIN against Coronavirus", "The Joker Movie is real life", and my favorite "Gorilla Mindset Seminar with Mike Cernovich" < That's who's channel it is BTW.
LOL, you need to keep up with your TDS pals.

They argued for weeks that FOX was not a news channel, so which is it now???

I don't have any TDS pals. I'm in here alone because I've been able to form my own opinion on Trump and his sideshow of an administration. It literally baffles me that people like you can't seem to see things for what they are. I genuinely don't need anybody else to agree with me. If they see things the way I see them (which is a simple common-sense viewpoint) then that's great.

There are many in here that think this as well and all I see from you, tang0 and others like you are your childish attempts to sway them to your opinion by posting the same amount of rubbish that Trump comes out with. Much the way your coveted leader does on live TV all the time. If you actually stopped thinking like a sheep and thought about things logically for what they really are, you'd come to the same conclusion as us. There's no defending the man. He's a horrible human being that doesn't care about anyone or anything but his own interests. He's a pathological liar and he's completely inept at performing his duties with any form of responsibility or respect. And he's the leader of one of the most powerful countries in the world. That's scary and completely baffling, especially given how he's turned this whole pandemic into his own parade for how great he is, when honestly, his handling of it all has been utterly shocking.

Everything he's said is on video, showing how he's said it and showing that he's a complete idiot, and yet you and your "pals" come in here constantly to post that we've interpreted what he's said deliberately wrongly so that we can admonish him for it. Yeah, sure.
If one of us spent all of this time defending Gary Glitter - you'd think they might be inclined that way.

If you spend years defending a racist troll - it would just make things a lot easier for all of them to come out and admit that's how they see other people/the world.

I thought most bigots and racists are proud of the fact?
Thank you!!!!

So you think then that FOX news is a news channel?

Doesn't particularly matter what I think it is (pretty much constant arse gravy, for the record). It matters that they claim to be a news channel, though. And it matters that a lot of Trumplethinskin supporters treat it as their sole source of news and opinion.

Also, minor detail - we appear to have gone from "corporate media" to "news channel". Is that because you recognise that you're on terribly shaky ground trying to claim that Fox News isn't a "corporate media" outlet? ;):p
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I wonder why the Trump defenders on here are obsessed with Obama....
Between 22 November 2010 and 14 May 2020, he tweeted about Obama 2,933 times, according to the Trump Twitter Archive.
Daddy tells them how to speak (and the other thing I presume).


*an apt segment from the source....
It will be a clash of opposites: one a mixed-race cerebral lawyer who has been married to the same woman for nearly three decades and publishes annual lists of his favorite books; the other a white billionaire and reality TV star who wed three times and measures success in TV ratings. Where one is renowned for elegant turns of phrase and shedding tears after mass shootings, the other serves up jumbled word salads and schoolboy spelling errors and has struggled to show empathy for the coronavirus dead.
Fox imitates a news channel, they have the format of a news channel but the content is sheer fantasy and CTs.
To be fair that's all news channels these days! They are either CIA/MI6/Whoever assets or shills for them, just look at the long list of CIA contributors on MSNBC/CNN's payroll. It's all bullcrap.
Because, with Hillary(and others), Obama is behind most of the crap that Trump has had thrown at him - and it's all starting to come out!

The vast majority of crap that has been thrown at Trump is caused by Trump.
I fail to see how someone who has been out of the spotlight for 4 years can cause crap to befall Trump. He's the president for god's sake and they aren't.
Because, with Hillary(and others), Obama is behind most of the crap that Trump has had thrown at him - and it's all starting to come out!
How long does this defence last?

If trump wins another term will they still be harping on about Obama 7-8 years after left the white House?
Because, with Hillary(and others), Obama is behind most of the crap that Trump has had thrown at him - and it's all starting to come out!

Because, with Hillary(and others), Obama is behind most of the crap that Trump has had thrown at him - and it's all starting to come out!

I'll tell you what, you have a chance here to list three things that Obama is behind that Trump has had thrown at him. Before you start, allow me to say this though:

1.) It isn't Coronavirus and the woeful state of unpreparedness that the US was left in (both in terms of response and supplies).
2.) It isn't Flynn (Trump was warned by Obama to keep away from Flynn but he didn't listen).
3.) It wasn't Russian collusion in the campaign.
4.) It isn't Obamagate (because let's face it, nobody actually knows what this is since it was made up by Trump himself).
5.) It isn't the lack of ability of a total and utter moron that is running the show with lies, made-up failed ideas and self-praise.

Trump decided by himself that Coronavirus wasn't a threat. Golfing and missing briefings (where he has to have things verbally told to him rather than actually reading it himself because he gets bored) was more important. He decided to start pushing a miracle cure all of a sudden when things were unravelling, before it had been tested properly and when he was advised not to by his experts. He decided to suggest, live on national TV in front of millions, that disinfectant injected into the body might be a cure. He keeps changing his mind about testing even though ALL experts agree that testing is the key. He's the one that said it would disappear in what would be a modern-day miracle and never come back. He's the one that disbanded the pandemic response team left behind by Obama. He's the one that ignored advice given by experts. He's the one that has blamed the lack of resources on Obama, an administration that ended three and a half years ago, and which left the pandemic response book and also $8 billion worth of medical supplies (which most were subsequently donated to China on Feb 7th). These are only a few bits from recent months. The list is far larger than this.

All of these things have happened over the last 3 months and only during this pandemic. We're not even looking at all of the other stuff. There's enough there to make even the most incompetent people look, well, massively incompetent. And yet, somehow this moron is still in charge, tweeting about liberating states, encouraging mass gatherings during a time where people are catching a virus that's killing them due to being close to someone that is infected. You know that old saying of "learn from your mistakes"? Yeah, well, it doesn't seem to apply to him at all. But yeah, it's all Hilary and Obama isn't it?

I wonder why the Trump defenders on here are obsessed with Obama....

Best thread of what they done to Flynn


We now know for sure what Obama was up to, he was laying traps for the incoming Trump team left right and centre. They had to get Flynn out as he knew too much of what Obama was up to. Obama was personally ordering FISA warrants to surveil his political opponents, he ordered one on Kislyak for the purposes of framing Flynn in the WH ambush interview. Wondering why on that list of unmaskings released last week, there were no unmasking attempts around the time of the call?

Flynn went on holiday to the Dominican Republic. Obama waited for Flynn to leave the country before ordering the expulsion of 35 Russian diplomats which would trigger Kislyak into calling him to ask him about it. They can see that Kislyak only phoned out to Dominican Republic, so unmasking wasn't necessary as it was obvious it was Flynn, as what other American would Kislyak be calling in the Dominican Republic?

Armed with the call transcript, Comey sent 2 agents out to the WH to try to get him to lie about call. But he didn't lie, as FBI said there was no deception, so they had to set him up again. The "missing" 302 that Mueller's office has been hiding will no doubt prove this.

This time they claimed that he lied about sanctions, but the 302 never mentioned about asking Flynn anything about sanctions. So what they did is the SCO leaked to the press that they were deadly serious about going after Flynn’s son which forced Flynn to plead guilty, a crime that they cannot prove he committed which is why they never released any brady material to him.

Comey’s testimony that both agents didn’t think Flynn lied

If any of this brady material was given to Flynn, it would have blown their whole case
  • The 302
  • Closing EC for “Razor”, showing the FBI wanted to close its own case
  • Kislyak transcript
  • That no Logan Act EC existed opening a new case
  • Strzok/Page texts showing bias

  • Weaponizing federal agencies like the #IRS against political enemies.
  • Using the Justice Department to steal billions in government funds and funnelling it to left wing groups and Hillary’s campaign
  • Wiretapping Trump immediately after becoming the presumptive nominee
  • Using the Media to push a conspiracy theory about Russia to deflect from the corruption in the DNC
  • Loretta Lynch meeting with Bill Clinton secretly on a tarmac in Arizona (Hillary's emails)
  • Quickly scrambling to make policy changes that allow intelligence agencies to share dirt on Trump
  • Paying for a dossier full of fake information to obtain FISA warrants on his political opponents
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