Doom Eternal

Ran through 2016 to completion like a dozen times looking for all secrets etc.

With Eternal crowd control is more definitely more difficult as the confined arenas don't seam to give you as much space as you would like to put between you and the enemy.
It gets to a point where skill and accuracy just goes out the window and your just moving and firing to try and stay alive.
The amount times I've run out ammo in an crunch is no fun either.

Feels a bit like this scene at timestamp 0:24 lol.

I need to work on my mouse and key bindings and find an better combo, may even give the Xbox controller a go.
But you definitely need the flame thrower, chainsaw and grenades more instantly accessible.
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I had to increase the FOV as, I'm not sure how to say it, but it just seemed like the world/enemies were a bit more hemmed in and up close than before.
Damn, this game runs superbly.

Even on my 1070 it runs flawlessy on Ultra everything at 3440x1440.

I've locked it to 60FPS but was getting around 75 before.

Ancient X5650 holding up well!
Only just finished the first mission and am thoroughly enjoying! It's running like a dream too (not surprising, considering how well DOOM 2016 ran).

My only complaint is that I can't seem to get HDR working in the game. I have an LG 32GK850F but the game tells me that the monitor doesn't support HDR. I've tried it both with HDR On and Off in Windows, no dice either way. :confused:
Only just finished the first mission and am thoroughly enjoying! It's running like a dream too (not surprising, considering how well DOOM 2016 ran).

My only complaint is that I can't seem to get HDR working in the game. I have an LG 32GK850F but the game tells me that the monitor doesn't support HDR. I've tried it both with HDR On and Off in Windows, no dice either way. :confused:

i can only think of it being a known issue and i suspect it will be fixed in a patch, time will tell
I've wondered about this before, Vulkan seems to run superbly, not sure why it isn't used more, as opposed to DX12, which seems a bit of a mess still.

Even though Microsoft see every PC gamer as a lost XBOX sale, they still would rather keep you locked into their PC ecosystem than lose you to Vulkan and/or Linux. Hence the millions spent on stifling competition and incentivising devs to use DirectX 12 - millions the competition don’t have.
Googling didn't yield any results related to my issue so I've opened a ticket with Bethesda support. It's not a game stopping bug by any means, but I want that juicy HDR goodness!
I read a review on Polygon which said that you kill a third of the monsters with guns and ammo and two thirds with glory kills or whatever they're called now. Whether that's exactly accurate or not, it kind of put me off the game. I liked the Doom 2016 glory kills, but only as a nice addition to the main arsenal instead of a direct weapons replacement. Really I prefer blowing the vast majority of stuff up with guns and relying on punches to provide a few comedy moments.
Yeah, the chainsaw seems to very important during the early stages. :)

Yea, don't kill the small enemies and use the chainsaw on them when you're very low on ammo as the drops only stay around for a few seconds. I can't speak for past the first hour however. But I imagine it won't be much of an issue in the late game.
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