Doom Eternal

Got Twitch Prime ? 20th March

The DOOMicorn Slayer Master Collection includes:
  • ‘DOOMicorn’ Slayer Skin
  • ‘Purple Pony’ Skin Variant
  • ‘Night-mare’ Skin Variant
  • ‘Magic Meadow’ Base Podium
  • ‘For Those Who Dare to Dream!’ Maxed-Out Podium
  • ‘Clip Clop’ Stance Animation
  • ‘Haymaker’ Intro Animation
  • ‘Horsing Around’ Victory Animation
  • ‘Love Conquers All’ Player Icon
  • ‘Super Sparkle Slayer’ Nameplate & Title

I read a review on Polygon which said that you kill a third of the monsters with guns and ammo and two thirds with glory kills or whatever they're called now. Whether that's exactly accurate or not, it kind of put me off the game. I liked the Doom 2016 glory kills, but only as a nice addition to the main arsenal instead of a direct weapons replacement. Really I prefer blowing the vast majority of stuff up with guns and relying on punches to provide a few comedy moments.

Same, I thought it might get better as the game went on but i'm really not a fan of this ammo conservation system. Also they like to lock you in small corridors with fast enemies that can munch you in a couple of hits, almost a complete U-turn on the open fun of the 2016 game.

I'm losing interest in the game rapidly.

Also there are just way too many upgrades and collectables, i'm all for content but it just seems to be system layered on top of system for content's sake.
With multiple weapons I'm rarely running out of ammo and have to do the odd chainsaw kill to get weapons ammo. Health also requires less glory kills with blood punch so again I'm not finding it overly troublesome. Level design is a lot more corridor like though which is nice in some respects in terms of harkening back to the old games but I agree can get a bit troublesome especially with the number of enemies thrown at you. Overall I'm enjoying it and personally I quite like the upgrade system.
Even though Microsoft see every PC gamer as a lost XBOX sale, they still would rather keep you locked into their PC ecosystem than lose you to Vulkan and/or Linux. Hence the millions spent on stifling competition and incentivising devs to use DirectX 12 - millions the competition don’t have.

Yeh, I kinda expected the evil empire would be implicated somewhere along the line.
I keep pressing the wrong buttons, lol. :/

Certainly more difficult than I anticipated. I seem to be just about scraping through battles most of the time.
I've wondered about this before, Vulkan seems to run superbly, not sure why it isn't used more, as opposed to DX12, which seems a bit of a mess still.

Vulkan is just a tool, same as DX12. The reason this runs so well has less to do with that and much more to do with the incredible tech team id has, and has always had. DX12 & Vulkan are really very very similar in so many ways, choosing one over the other isn't gonna make that big of a difference to the final product (outside of compatibility across platforms, eg for mobile/cloud etc).
Ammo starting to go up a bit now. :)

The Hellknight is a bit trickier than he was in Doom 2016. Maybe I'm just too old and rusty. :D

Edit: enjoying it more and more now. I liked it from the start but once you get a few upgrades and, seemingly in my case, shake a bit of the rust off, it picks up quite considerably.
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If you buy it from CD keys do you still play it on steam and get the achievements? 50quid for games takes the ****.

CDkeys uses Bethesda launcher, not steam. I think all keys bought, even GMG use Bethesda. As far as I can tell the only way for Steam version is by buying it for £50 on Steam :mad:
^^ I've only played three or four hours so far but I'm really enjoying it. Initially, I found it considerably more challenging but I'm starting to acquire more upgrades and ammo now. If you liked Doom 2016 you'll probably enjoy this one, too.
Its a lot harder than the 2016 game and I'm personally not a fan of the UI or the new approach with getting armour, health and ammo. When the fights get hectic I often end up running out of ammo and then trying to find a trivial enemy to chainsaw is just horrific as they can be gibbed even by other more powerful demons lol.

The new enemy types are interesting, especially the marauders who are a huge pain in the *** to kill and even worse when in a pack with a lot of other dangerous demons too.

What I really hate on this game is the constant platforming requirement. Some of the jumps require very accurate timing to the point of utter tedium. Bad design choice there imo. A lot of people are refunding the game due to these things but I think thats a bit extreme.

Is the game fun? Yes
Is the game challenging - borderline ridiculous even on hurt me plenty at times
Would I replay it more than 2016? No, sadly not. 2016 is arguably a better game
Had a bit of a go last night. Looks and sounds fantastic whilst running beautifully. Gameplay wise it's fast, fun and frantic. Definitely more challenging than 2016. Have to say I'm not a huge fan of the ammo/armour/health replenishment system though.
Well I most be the only person in the world but I'm really not enjoying DooM Eternal.
I loved 2016 and obviously grew up playing classic doom which I adored.

Thing is I find that eternal isn't a doom game at all. It's a quake game. It's very vertical and has lots and lots of downtime in the form of bizare (and childish) parkour and well.... Mario 64 style platforming to be quite honest. DOOM was always "run n gun" quake was about intricate movement mechanics. This is definitely "quake champions 2" not doom. also the ship base you have is weird and I find that there are too many upgrade options. And too much more. Too many pauses between battles.

It's platform platform enter room, fight. Platform jump, puzzles enter room fight.

Whereas doom should be continuous. There were no pauses in classic doom.

Just my opinion. I know I'll get slated but there you go.
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