Doom Eternal

oh dear. I've crashed to desk top twice already with the new update and I NEVER crashed with this game before. Looks like a patch is needed. *sigh*

That is odd. I've just been playing it for 4 hours there, not a single crash. It is telling me to update to 470.xx drivers as I'm on 466.xx.
Yes I'll have to give t this when I get home some for dlss ray tracing whoo hoo ...
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Seems to be a bug. I had 25fps on mine with dlss on and everything set to max, with dlss on. Turned dlss off, went to 90. Turned back on and it went to 160+.

Also a 3070 @ 1440.
Yeah same here, 3070 1440p. Thanks for the tip, had to keep toggling the settings.
I also had this weird thing where it was running about 80fps from the save load point, not much change from lowering settings. Then i just ran about 10 yards behind me and game back to same area, suddenly it's running at 200fps.

Make sure you lower the texture size to High to keep VRAM in check.
Not any more, with Raytracing it hits 8GB on Nightmare which is what I used before the patch. I then tried Ultra which was kind of on the boundary, about 7.8GB but I figured that was too close to comfort as it might use more in different scenes.

So IMO High is a good level for the resolution in question.
Not any more, with Raytracing it hits 8GB on Nightmare which is what I used before the patch.

Something else has to be eating your VRAM - I'm running 1440p RT+Ultra Nightmare with only the Textures on 'Nightmare' and I'm using around 7.6 GB.
Something else has to be eating your VRAM - I'm running 1440p RT+Ultra Nightmare with only the Textures on 'Nightmare' and I'm using around 7.6 GB.
Are you using resolution scaling? I think it defaults to Dynamic, which I assume may reduce VRAM usage in addition to quality.
Are you using resolution scaling? I think it defaults to Dynamic, which I assume may reduce VRAM usage in addition to quality.

No - I have it turned off - but I think this is a bug - try this:

1) Set everything to Ultra Nightmare.
2) Turn on DLSS (apply) (probably get 30 fps-ish)
3) Set Textures to Ultra.
4) Turn off DLSS. (apply) (back to normal)
5) Set Textures to Nightmare.
6) Turn DLSS back on (apply) - framerate should be correct still.

Next time you load the game you'll probably have to do the same again.
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Having restarted I've found it's actually OK on Ultra textures, more like 7.3GB. Nightmare is definitely too much though on my system
Having restarted I've found it's actually OK on Ultra textures, more like 7.3GB. Nightmare is definitely too much though on my system

I found mine hovers around 6.6GB with all Ultra Nightmare, res scale 100% but it's on 1080p out of 11GB. Non RTX.
Played abit if this last nite with the new goodies on. Have to play more of it at the weekend ..
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