Download Festival 2007

Ranek said:
Apparantly it's:


My Chemical Romance
Fall Out Boy

Linkin Park

Iron Maiden
Motley Crue

I really do feel for the Download fans actually that doesn't look very good at all.

I can see them selling lots of sunday day tickets to those that usually go for the whole weekend though.

Ouch... I shall be holding onto my pennies until they announce some heavy bands.
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Tool, Metallica and Guns and Roses


MCR, Linkin park and maiden

What the hell.
I thought download was meant to be metal :/

Loads of bands like korn and stuff are rumoured too. Is nu metal coming back or what?! ergh :/
I'll definitely be going to download on the Sunday to see Maiden, I don't care who else is there but would be a bonus for Slayer to be on the Sunday too, awesome live. This could be the last time we well ever see Iron Maiden at Donington.
RoB- said:
I'll definitely be going to download on the Sunday to see Maiden, I don't care who else is there but would be a bonus for Slayer to be on the Sunday too, awesome live. This could be the last time we well ever see Iron Maiden at Donington.
They did say at one of their Wembly gigs that they'll be taking a break for a while. How long a while is, I don't know.
To be honest I HATE Maiden, I've seen then 3 times now are have never been impressed. On the flip side of that MCR and Linkin Park are both extremly good live. Just hope MegaDeth turn up again :) they are just brilliant and with something like 100 or so more to be announced I'm bound to find somebody else I like.

from that i doubt i'll be in for the whole weekend, but it will depend on the rest of the line up obv
the crue before maiden would make sunday day tickets a winner for me
Cant say any of the headliners are doing it for me! :(

Would'nt mind seeing Motley Crue but that lineup is seriously lacking anything that floats my boat. Now if QOTSA and RATM confirm then I'll be there again but I wont hold my breath.

Very dissapointed with the current lineup, but it could all change! (I hope)
J1nxy said:
On the flip side of that MCR and Linkin Park are both extremly good live.

I can't speak for LP but MCR were awful live at Reading. No-one seemed to enjoy them so i have NO idea how they'll survive at Download! :eek:

I personally didn't enjoy MCR at all. I do enjoy their earlier music but they've become so big headed. :rolleyes:

Last year, i would have swapped Slayer from Reading with All American Rejects from Download..just seemed a bit, odd. Slayer weren't really appreciated at Reading to the standard they would have recieved from a metal focused festival.
SideWinder said:
I can't speak for LP but MCR were awful live at Reading. No-one seemed to enjoy them so i have NO idea how they'll survive at Download! :eek:

Last year, i would have swapped Slayer from Reading with All American Rejects from Download..just seemed a bit, odd. Slayer weren't really appreciated at Reading to the standard they would have recieved from a metal focused festival.

I love Slayer, but they left me cold... They just seemed like they couldn't be bothered. Though Tom coming out with a big coffee mug was a nice touch, he reminded me of my grandad :D If I'd seen them play a set like that back when I was first getting into them, I would probably have lost interest pretty fast.

My Chemical Romance, yep, no good that day... So they were saved by the bottling, funnily enough. But I've seen them be absolutely storming, too.
divine_madness said:
Can't see RATM @ Download happening personally.

agreed, if they were going to turn the one comeback gig into a festival tour it would only be headlining slots, not below someone like mcr or linkin park
J1nxy said:
To be honest I HATE Maiden, I've seen then 3 times now are have never been impressed. On the flip side of that MCR and Linkin Park are both extremly good live. Just hope MegaDeth turn up again :) they are just brilliant and with something like 100 or so more to be announced I'm bound to find somebody else I like.


Hm, so you prefer Linkin Park and MCR (the worst bands ever) to Maiden, live?

No accounting for taste, I suppose.

Spirit7 said:
Hm, so you prefer Linkin Park and MCR (the worst bands ever) to Maiden, live?

No accounting for taste, I suppose.


For GOD SAKE lets not get onto the "oh you don't like them..." crap that we get every bloody year from idiots on here about who likes what musically and who liked what at what concert/festival.

PERSONALLY I have disliked Iron Maiden when ever I have seen them but have enjoyed MCR and Linkin Park. I'm not a big Maiden fan and have never been so thats MY choice. When they played Download in 2003 I went and watch A on the second stage who I thought were great. This year no doubt I'll find somebody on another stage.

If YOU don't like MCR or Linkin Park go and see somebody else on another stage or only go on Sunday.
J1nxy said:
For GOD SAKE lets not get onto the "oh you don't like them..." crap that we get every bloody year from idiots on here about who likes what musically and who liked what at what concert/festival.

PERSONALLY I have disliked Iron Maiden when ever I have seen them but have enjoyed MCR and Linkin Park. I'm not a big Maiden fan and have never been so thats MY choice. When they played Download in 2003 I went and watch A on the second stage who I thought were great. This year no doubt I'll find somebody on another stage.

If YOU don't like MCR or Linkin Park go and see somebody else on another stage or only go on Sunday.

well said :)
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