A load of older gamers (I consider myself in that bracket at 33) bragging they haven't heard of Dr Disrespect. He isn't like some random Youtuber who only appeals to 13 year olds who play Minecraft, he's well known and has been at the top of catergories for most FPS games on Twitch for like PUBG, COD, Fortnite, etc. His clips also appear on Youtube and have millions of views. If you play FPS games and also go on Youtube and/or watch Twitch and haven't heard of him then you've probably been walking around with your eyes closed. If you don't play FPS games and/or don't watch Twitch/Youtube then that's why you haven't heard of him. Even with his flaws he's more entertaining and talented than most people with their own actual TV shows, and I don't consider myself a regular viewer anymore.