Dr. Disrespect permanently banned from Twitch

23 May 2011
I sense a level of sarcasm, so please go on. Explain the link between messaging women of legal age and messaging minors.
You can't see how someone with a history of sexting people on Twitch and the same person sending "inappropriate" messages to a minor on Twitch and subsequently being permanently banned might be in some way relevant to each other?
12 May 2014
You can't see how someone with a history of sexting people on Twitch and the same person sending "inappropriate" messages to a minor on Twitch and subsequently being permanently banned might be in some way relevant to each other?
So the post in question looks like he was sexting them on iMessage not on twitch.

You have yet to draw a link between sexting individuals above the age of 18 and sexting individuals under the age of 18.

Now maybe if he said something about how the individual above the age of 18 looks much younger than their age you might have a point but you haven’t done that and I’m not going to do the leg work for you.

Now then please could you give me a straight answer to my question rather than going back and forth for several messages.
23 May 2011
So the post in question looks like he was sexting them on iMessage not on twitch.

You have yet to draw a link between sexting individuals above the age of 18 and sexting individuals under the age of 18.

Now maybe if he said something about how the individual above the age of 18 looks much younger than their age you might have a point but you haven’t done that and I’m not going to do the leg work for you.

Now then please could you give me a straight answer to my question rather than going back and forth for several messages.
If you refuse to see how they might be relevant to each other then there's really no point continuing the conversation.
17 Aug 2009
Slasher who made the notorious tweet that he had information but couldn't talk when Doc got banned was on Hasans Twitch.

He spent a substantial amount of time explaining that he and other legit reporters have their hands tied despite having information and speaking to primary sources because the #1 priority is the victim who was a minor and without their consent very little can be published. He also says none of this would have come out without Cody making the Tweet he did.

Transcribed a little of it. Hasan and Slasher.

Have you seen this email going around?
Yes, I can say it is 100% fake ******** just like everything else. Stop believing everything on the internet.
Thank you.
Primary source says literally "L O L this is complete ********".


Hasan you're not ******* helping! Even you entertaining this dumb ******** is not useful. Even you so to speak "debunking" the thing is not helping. It shouldn't even be given attention.


Why did it take three years. Like if the misconduct happened in 2017, is there additional information.
It was not reported. The victim did not report until 2020. And it was most likely/only happened because Twitch made a/after the first few days of sexual misconduct allegations, Twitch ended up making a statement and in the statement (lets see if I can find it) it basically said, like, if you are out there and you have something to say and would like to report it, please contact Twitch. It's not a coincidence that Doc was banned roughly two days after Twitch put out that statement asking potential victims to report things to Twitch. The victim only reported it in June 2020, the whispers were from several years beforehand. That is reported in Bloomberg and I can confirm that is the line of events that happened.

Link to Twitch statement for potential victims to come forward in June 2020: https://x.com/Twitch/status/1274900083369115649

There is also something that's really interesting with respect to the timeline here but isn't 2017 where it seems like he may or may not have been allegedly trying to link up with a minor at Twitchcon. I'm pretty sure that is the Twitchcon where Doc cheated on his wife at the time.
Yes it is. Yes it is. Yes it is the same time that that happened. I can say his wife, for example, sent many angry messages to many women. Many women. So Doc did not just potentially um... /and this is unrelated to the current case. But just to show a pattern of behaviour. Doc tried to get with several women and then were turned down. Mrs Assassin found out all this at the same time.
Docs wife.
Yes, Docs wife. It is unclear if Docs wife does know about this specific instance. Even though the timeline matches up, that it was all at the same time, it is still unclear if Docs wife knew about the minor, or knew about this specific girl. But she definitely knew about several other women that Doc either linked up with or tried to link up with because I have seen text messages from his wife to other women calling them whores and being extremely upset with them. Again unrelated but there is/was a pattern of behaviour around the same time.
Jesus Christ ok. Aight, are there additional details on what you are currently working on that you wanna elaborate on at all.
Not yet. I will just say as it has been mentioned by XQC for example, there is a document. A document was sent to several journalists including myself. That I am in posession of.
Including XQC. The primary journalist. The esteemed journalist?
He, no he does not have. From what I understand he does not have it. He is just aware that it exists. There was a document that was sent out following Codys tweets. That showcases the internal report for Doc and the case and it explicitly showcases the reasons for his ban on the report. I am unaware of why Cecillia did not even reference the report. Now Bloomberg and professional journalists rarely publish internal documents, they will reference them in their reporting. Cecillia did not even reference the report, I am not sure if she has it. It would very much surprise me if she did not. But there definitely could be legal ramifications for showing it especially. Hasan so if it does get leaked to you or if it is able to be published, your Twitch deal might be revoked pretty quickly. There is definitely potential, for even mentioning the report in a public manner related to reporting, that Amazon and/or Docs lawyers could use that for a lawsuit. That is what I have been told by a lawyer. So I don't actually know if this specific document will ever or should even see the light but that does exist and that has been put out there since Codys tweets. So when it comes to "proof" yeah there is some form of proof. I am not sure if it should be shown and if it should be shown I think that some things should definitely be blacked out/marked out for the safety of any potential sources that could be caught up in this. And there is some technical terms which are listed which I think can be misunderstood or misinterpreted and maybe harm the context around the things here. So, it is possible that... I don't necessarily... for a lot of people they still "need proof", like if they don't see the ******* actual whispers and messages that happened here they'll never be like convinced and that is not going to happen. From what I understand those do not exist. Alright. At least from the people I have talked to, if they exist, they do not know that they exist. You're not going to get explicit "proof" for people. Like a certain level to go "oh ok now I believe it". Those people are never going to be convinced no matter what.


I will say according to my sources and my inability to find out and/Cecilla there was no mention of this within Cecillas, I am unclear about the legal agreement between Doc and Twitch. I don't know what that entails or how exactly that came about or who is included inside of the agreement. It is very possible that, and I don't want to go into speculation so maybe I shouldn't but it is possible the victim is part of the legal agreement and we have no idea and that information is intentionally left out because again anything to do with the victim is intentionally left vague to try to keep them safe and their identity clean. So we/I still and other people still do not know the exact specifics of whatever the agreement is or whatever potential civil/criminal any of that stuff. We do not know. Whenever a minor is involved law enforcement was made aware but beyond law enforcement being made aware and then involved in the beginning there is no evidence and there is nothing to detail the following steps afterwards. And trying to speculate on all of it probably is not helpful. And I am not helping. I just want to say that we don't know. We don't know, that part we may never know ok. We would still never know if Cody didn't say "**** it" alright, all of this would still be generally/primary sources would not be speaking if Cody did not make the tweet. So there are still going to be details that are going to be left out.

Typed up a bit more.
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12 May 2014
If you refuse to see how they might be relevant to each other then there's really no point continuing the conversation.
Typical. Gets asked to explain a point that you made (unprompted), refuse to elaborate and then blames the other party for not reading their mind and just getting it.

You should have just responded with -1 and moved on rather than waste my time pretending like you had an actual point to contribute.
18 Oct 2002
I cant comment on the Trans thing, I watched that program on sky in the day "Theres something about Miriam" Didnt figure it out until the reveal, and then would have still considered it.

3 Aug 2010
I cant comment on the Trans thing, I watched that program on sky in the day "Theres something about Miriam" Didnt figure it out until the reveal, and then would have still considered it.
Yeah that to me is completely irrelevant and quite funny. It actually fits his persona, it's just one of those things you would expect the two time to be into.

If you have a problem with it you're actually transphobic.
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12 Jul 2007
Allegedly, he did not know she was 17 when they began talking. At some point he did.

Couldn't tell you anything else in that context because none of us know. Former Twitch employees with exception of 1 have all said it's as bad or worse than what's out there now.

Right now we don't know for a fact if he knew she was a minor, or if he was actually sexting her as one person has alleged.

In fact we technically don't even know if they were even a she, it's just heavily presumed.

Cheers for the info folks!
17 Aug 2009
That "allegedly he did not know she was 17" is sourced from an anonymous email that Slasher checked with a primary source and was told the email was ********.

Slasher also referred to the minor as a girl.
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14 Jun 2004
If it was the worst case scenario the police would have been involved, no?
depends. twich are also liable in this instance as stated before
this one by @Cold Fusion
Interesting point made on the Sidescrollers podcast with a legal expert. The use of the term minor in the original tweet version may mean Twitch has more legal culpability than Dr D as they let a minor access the message system when they should have been screened out. It certainly seems to put more emphasis on Twitch wanting to supress this as much as himself
(Sorry ment to highlight this last night)
never underestimate a big business. and this is amazon owned.

some one could have made a call based on the content and decied a course of action, but sounds like heads are gonna roll now regardless and the winners in this case arent the preditor(s), the business, twitch or the trolls but the laywers they are gonna have a feild day with this one
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26 May 2009
never underestimate a big business. and this is amazon owned.
I dunno, lets play Devil's Prosecutor (I know it's not a thing but I'm pretty sure everyone will understand what I mean).

Let's say hypothetically it's all true and it's as bad as the ex Twitter dude says, it means Twitch uncovered evidence of a statutory crime, and rather than go to the authorities they didn't just fail to report it (something I believe is a legal requirement in the USA) they actively covered it up.

Now I have no difficulty believing a megacorp would do something shady in order to avoid damaging it's reputation, but if it's all true this was guaranteed to leak at some point in time and it means far more reputational damage (plus possible legal liability).

Admitting you found one of your biggest stars is a paedo and you fired him over it it and reported it to the authorities is not great PR wise but it's not terrifying as you did the right thing. However having it leak that you found one of your biggest stars is a paedo and then quietly shuffled him out the door so he could do it somewhere else and failed to notify the authorities, then got sued by him because he knew you wouldn't want it to come out, and you then settled for millions and millions of dollars in exchange for his signing an NDA therefore making you legally complicit in the cover up, is corporate suicide.

That's why I have a hard time buying into the accusations being thrown about (so far, unless I missed it, by one dude who hates the guy in question).

Obviously it is possible it's all true, but improbably, though that doesn't mean some of it can't be true.

But then again it could also be possible that the dude was chatting with a novice female streamer about paid business services (something normal for big streamers) and flirted a bit because he didn't know her age, then Twitch (who would know her age as they can access her profile) used that as an excuse to get rid of him like they wanted too, then he sued them because they not only got it wrong but found out about it by illegally monitoring his DMs, then they settled out of court and his multimillion payoff was tied to an NDA so nobody would find out how hard Twitch messed up.

At this stage we have no idea what part of the rumours/conjecture is true. Honestly it would really help at this point if they authorities just said "this all looks suss, lets investigate".
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