Dr. Disrespect permanently banned from Twitch

2 Apr 2009
Location, Location!

Paywalled article but an important one. Some key quotes in there.


A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate.

“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”

The ex-Twitch employee has also provided Rolling Stone a more detailed account of internal conversations at Twitch following the report of Beahm’s messages and his subsequent ban. They say the details of Beahm’s case are coming out because of Conners’ explosive tweet last week. “Cody definitely got the ball rolling. Me and many of my former colleagues are only comfortable speaking up now because of it. Our priority is always to the safety of the [alleged] victim and to keep their identity secret,” they said.

17 Aug 2009
I dunno, lets play Devil's Prosecutor (I know it's not a thing but I'm pretty sure everyone will understand what I mean).

Let's say hypothetically it's all true and it's as bad as the ex Twitter dude says, it means Twitch uncovered evidence of a statutory crime, and rather than go to the authorities they didn't just fail to report it (something I believe is a legal requirement in the USA) they actively covered it up.

Now I have no difficulty believing a megacorp would do something shady in order to avoid damaging it's reputation, but if it's all true this was guaranteed to leak at some point in time and it means far more reputational damage (plus possible legal liability).

Admitting you found one of your biggest stars is a paedo and you fired him over it it and reported it to the authorities is not great PR wise but it's not terrifying as you did the right thing. However having it leak that you found one of your biggest stars is a paedo and then quietly shuffled him out the door so he could do it somewhere else and failed to notify the authorities, then got sued by him because he knew you wouldn't want it to come out, and you then settled for millions and millions of dollars in exchange for his signing an NDA therefore making you legally complicit in the cover up, is corporate suicide.

That's why I have a hard time buying into the accusations being thrown about (so far, unless I missed it, by one dude who hates the guy in question).

Obviously it is possible it's all true, but improbably, though that doesn't mean some of it can't be true.

But then again it could also be possible that the dude was chatting with a novice female streamer about paid business services (something normal for big streamers) and flirted a bit because he didn't know her age, then Twitch (who would know her age as they can access her profile) used that as an excuse to get rid of him like they wanted too, then he sued them because they not only got it wrong but found out about it by illegally monitoring his DMs, then they settled out of court and his multimillion payoff was tied to an NDA so nobody would find out how hard Twitch messed up.

At this stage we have no idea what part of the rumours/conjecture is true. Honestly it would really help at this point if they authorities just said "this all looks suss, lets investigate".

The problem that's becoming more obvious to me is that it's been said too many times that the claim was to meet up for sex.

Cody Conners said:
He got banned because got caught sexting a minor in the then existing Twitch whispers product. He was trying to meet up with her at TwitchCon.

No it doesn't.

Bloomberg said:
three people with knowledge of the matter said Beahm was removed because he exchanged sexually explicit messages with a minor through the service’s direct chat feature. He also asked a minor about her plans at the TwitchCon convention, according to two of the people, who asked not to be identified discussing such a sensitive matter. A complaint was later filed with Twitch through its reporting system, the two said.

So for the count that's 3 sources that Bloomberg calls credible for the first and 2 of which supported the second claim.

Doubt there's a statutory crime for sending dirty messages to a minor even if, as Rolling Stone heard, he was fully aware that she was a minor.
26 May 2009
Doubt there's a statutory crime for sending dirty messages to a minor even if, as Rolling Stone heard, he was fully aware that she was a minor.
That's actually a felony in California (where he lives).


I've just noticed an inaccuracy in my original post, in the hypothetical where he didn't know her age but Twitch did as they can access her profile, that doesn't actually work as she was a Twitch affiliate which means she must have told them she was 18 or older, so if DrD was aware of her real age it it must have been from DMs which would presumably have been where Twitch learned of it. If they were spying on his DMs though that may well be linked to why this was all buried in the first place.
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Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
South Coast
He's made enough money over the years that I'm sure he just doesn't care any more. It always amazes me that these people just get greedy and continue to try to make even more money rather than just retire with whatever millions they've already raked in.

Now he has massive legal bills to settle lol no doubt.
22 Nov 2005
the "Not like us" dr d remix is so good

He's made enough money over the years that I'm sure he just doesn't care any more. It always amazes me that these people just get greedy and continue to try to make even more money rather than just retire with whatever millions they've already raked in.
it amazes me people make donations to millionaires, who then flaunt the wealth or waste it on crap.
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6 Dec 2013
Everything aside, is there anyone else massively disturbed by how easily many people are punished by having their lives decimated on the Internet without even a sniff of a criminal charge?

We all should be, this isn't the best way to deal with these things imo.
i genuinely think people enjoy it.. unfortunately a trend set by the media and copied by the general public. the only difference being the media do it for money and what do the general public get out of it?
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18 Dec 2004
NE England
This is how it’s always been, the outreach has just changed. In the past it was the village nonce who was ostracised for his behaviour. When you have a global outreach of millions, the village gets a lot bigger……
14 Jun 2004

I've just noticed an inaccuracy in my original post, in the hypothetical where he didn't know her age but Twitch did as they can access her profile, that doesn't actually work as she was a Twitch affiliate which means she must have told them she was 18 or older, so if DrD was aware of her real age it it must have been from DMs which would presumably have been where Twitch learned of it. If they were spying on his DMs though that may well be linked to why this was all buried in the first place.
this has all sorts of implciations from twitch verification system, to MrD not reporting a minor affiliate.
  • how twitch deals/dealt with the situation at the time. This likely willl either be a big internal investigation and most likely with an external "non biast" party so they can prove they carried out process correctly.
  • as well as content monitoring system, if there was a minor on the system and chatting recieving messages of questionable content, i would hope the filtering and monitoring systems would have picked something up and flagged it. if it was flagged and they took no actions for x period why was it so long. content monitoring systems are not new they have been in use for a long time
  • if it wasnt flagged why wasnt it flagged.
  • contacting the Minor person at the time. extracting the personal details from the system assunming these are still on file. depending on law they may or may not be.
  • do they still have access to the wisper messages the original content March 30th 2018 the wisper system was decpreated whats heppened to the content, can the system and details still be accessed
given how public this has now goneri can see the police/fbi looking into it as potentially this would or could also be classed as cross state borders, i pretty sure no company wants that.

for twitch them selfs its the worst case, and "inviting" people to
  1. invade their offices,
  2. question staff,
  3. question process,
  4. extract data,
  5. confirm why said data is not avaiable or missing or deleted,
  6. request who was invovled their responsibilites, role. ask were they are now if known
  • there the good possibility people will go to jail, it may start with the management level, but can go further. the IT manager even though not directly involved if twitch can not provide evidence they should be able to.

Paywalled article but an important one. Some key quotes in there.


A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate.

“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”

The ex-Twitch employee has also provided Rolling Stone a more detailed account of internal conversations at Twitch following the report of Beahm’s messages and his subsequent ban. They say the details of Beahm’s case are coming out because of Conners’ explosive tweet last week. “Cody definitely got the ball rolling. Me and many of my former colleagues are only comfortable speaking up now because of it. Our priority is always to the safety of the [alleged] victim and to keep their identity secret,” they said.

my issues with this is its coming out now after 4+years ago with lots happeneing inbetween take covid as example, were sexting and explicit content would have been flying about the internet during lockdowns at a much higher rate than normall as people are house bound.
and the person in question "trust and safety employee" would have seen this sort of thing countless time i believe if they are content moderators advisors. its easy for cases to mesh togeather.
what we remember happening changes as time passes and what we here both at that time by other and in current affares. for most people.

The YouTube monetization features on his channel have now been disabled too.
that would be standard business practice regardless. its bad publicity and they dont want to be seen supporting anything illegal or criminal.
they can also see this blowing up in a major way and doing damage control. this move was completley expected, move along nothing new here.
it may well end his career this time or he may well decied to make a change.

It always amazes me that these people just get greedy and continue to try to make even more money rather than just retire with whatever millions they've already raked in.

Now he has massive legal bills to settle lol no doubt.
i find this a but narrow.
its not JUST streamers earning millions and continue to even when they have loads of money.
capatilisum, we dont embrace communisum in the "west" as its "evil" and "corupt", and capatilisum is righteous and just...
its also a job, a job you rely on sponser ship and charity from other people. business moto : "take the money while you can" . that sponsership and charity doesnt last forever and in economic crisis luxury is the first thing to go.
why do the millionair still earn money? why do those hot actors pulling in millions still make movies?
we dont live in an altruistic world, or have univeral credit for everyone. we live in a dumpster fire were everyone walks over everyone else if they get the chance.
Dr D is 42 years old with kids if this was me i'd be working as long as i can and looking to retire after 55 or 60 assuming there was enough money in the bank.

Massive Bills yes, and if "inocent" (which im not saying he is) years and years of abuse, memes about liking them young, constant suspion, stress. this will come back time and time again now. people wont let it go if hes inocent, they have latched on to it already and made their minds up.

frankly a big soicial reform would help but it would need to be world wide and we are just not ready for that kind of change, still acting like kids in the school playground or "Lord of the flies"

this is not be tryting to defend DrD just highlight what i see as some of the flaws / issues / processes

i genuinely think people enjoy it.. unfortunately a trend set by the media and copied by the general public. the only difference being the media do it for money and what do the general public get out of it?
the general public get the feeling they are right and just in their thinking, that they have power to make a differantce, they have the power over other people, they can defame and destroy other people?
there are certainly people that do get off on detroying and controlling others, making the lives of other people a living hell because they can and have nothing better to do, becuase they are always "right"?

this thread is actually a good case study for people behaviour.
6 Dec 2013
the general public get the feeling they are right and just in their thinking, that they have power to make a differantce, they have the power over other people, they can defame and destroy other people?
there are certainly people that do get off on detroying and controlling others, making the lives of other people a living hell because they can and have nothing better to do, becuase they are always "right"?

this thread is actually a good case study for people behaviour.
actually really good points.
6 Dec 2013
This is how it’s always been, the outreach has just changed. In the past it was the village nonce who was ostracised for his behaviour. When you have a global outreach of millions, the village gets a lot bigger……
to me he's talking in general across every issue that occurs, not specifically about people accused of sexting minors etc..
2 Apr 2009
Location, Location!
my issues with this is its coming out now after 4+years ago with lots happeneing inbetween take covid as example, were sexting and explicit content would have been flying about the internet during lockdowns at a much higher rate than normall as people are house bound.
and the person in question "trust and safety employee" would have seen this sort of thing countless time i believe if they are content moderators advisors. its easy for cases to mesh togeather.
what we remember happening changes as time passes and what we here both at that time by other and in current affares. for most people.

wtf, it's incredible the lengths some people will go to to think of any excuse. It's like a cult.

What a an appalling mindset you have, trying everything you can to dismiss child grooming.
12 May 2014
A former Twitch trust and safety employee, who worked for the platform at the time Beahm was banned and has direct knowledge of the matter, confirmed to Rolling Stone that Beahm continued to send sexually graphic messages to a minor he knew to be underage. This former employee, who requested anonymity to avoid jeopardizing their career, also said that crucial elements of Beahm’s latest defensive tweet are inaccurate.

“I recall that Dr Disrespect was made aware by the individual that they were underage during the conversation, after which he indicated that this was no problem and continued on,” the former employee says. “There was no confusion. Messages sent after this was acknowledged were no less graphic and in sexually explicit nature than before, and I think more than the categorization of ‘leaning too much in the direction of being inappropriate’ might indicate.”
Lets assume this is true. How is this not a criminal case? Why are the police not involved? Forget the court of public opinion and get the real courts involved ASAP. It's so surprsing how nonchalant people seem to be when they believe a serious crime has taken place.

The ex-Twitch employee has also provided Rolling Stone a more detailed account of internal conversations at Twitch following the report of Beahm’s messages and his subsequent ban. They say the details of Beahm’s case are coming out because of Conners’ explosive tweet last week. “Cody definitely got the ball rolling. Me and many of my former colleagues are only comfortable speaking up now because of it. Our priority is always to the safety of the [alleged] victim and to keep their identity secret,” they said.
They wanted to protect the victim by allowing Dr Disrespect to go scott free and make more victims. Excellent logic right there.

I suspect the messages will get leaked at somepoint (maybe over the weekend) and we will get our answer for sure. Either that or Cody gets sued.
6 Dec 2013
I'm truly shocked that a large corporation has seemingly done what's best to protect their brand rather than do what's best for the public.
isnt that whats happened for the last 100 years? :p no large corporation cares about anything other than lining its pockets, what makes you think they care about the public?
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14 Jun 2004
trying everything you can to dismiss child grooming.
not at all.
mearly pointing out the length of time its taken to come to light and "possible" problems and complications associated with it.
"we" will not see the evidence to make fully informed decission, we are seeing snippets. comments which need to be cross checked and verified.

i personally do not know who this ex-Twitch employee is. only that they have said something through a website : https://www.rollingstone.com/ that i know nothing about personally or interacted with personally. im not sure why i should take this over something else. your exprience may differ.

i personally can not tell you what i did accuartly this time last year, not with out checking emails and talking to people looking at recorded meeting note. if you have a 100% memory recall you are both blessed and cursed.

my point i was trying to make is memory is not static it changes. do you disagree with this? events and what happened in real life is set in stone, but the recordings of those events are less so.

i dont think i have said he is innocent.

this has all sorts of implciations from twitch verification system, to MrD not reporting a minor affiliate.
did you read and understan my comment here?
MrD did not reporting a minor on the affiliate program.
that alone should be a red flag (source of the claim they were on an affiliate program tbc) and cause for investigation into why MrD did NOT report it why TWITCH did not report it and why Twitch didnt take actions (legal) to remove him and report. if underage why are they an affiliate

i was only pointing out possible flaws
this is not be tryting to defend DrD just highlight what i see as some of the flaws / issues / processes
the same type of flaws i would assume or guess any legal system like defence of an inocent/state/company would be looking to investiagte.
the same type of flaws anyone wanting to nail predators would need to consider. getting of on a technicallity doesnt mean they are innocent.

Massive Bills yes, and if "inocent" (which im not saying he is) years and years of abuse, memes about liking them young, constant suspion, stress. this will come back time and time again now. people wont let it go if hes inocent, they have latched on to it already and made their minds up.
if you read papers over the years you will have seen how damaging this can be to people (not just individuals) who are innocent.

honestly i havent seen much thought given to the victem in any of the resoponce.
  1. What are they going though?
  2. knowing this is going on and potentally going to be in the public lime light.
  3. do they want this?
  4. how is this effecting them?

wtf, it's incredible the lengths some people will go to to think of any excuse. It's like a cult.
im not sure how to interpret this responce.
as i have stated before this whole subject is very emotion and charged subject.

Please do not take what i hope is a logic non emotional approach to this thread as what my feeling on this subject as a whole actually are.

This thread is an exelent oppatunity to discuss, and examin human interactions and reactions.

They wanted to protect the victim by allowing Dr Disrespect to go scott free and make more victims. Excellent logic right there.
stranger things, epstien as example people knew and did nothing. women who you would think would want to protect children the girls especaily let it slid.
so long as it doesnt effect "them" why should they care about others?

If they didn't care then why do they always release such sincere apology videos. :p
good PR and looks good to the public "were sorry wont happen again" a company that looks like its taking responsibility instead of trying to work out how not to get court again.

I suspect the messages will get leaked at somepoint (maybe over the weekend) and we will get our answer for sure. Either that or Cody gets sued.
then the leaks will get questions and or add fuel to the fires. it will be an interesting read and i am interested to understand how the coments fit togeather. and if what i read falls inline with other peopels comments. sadly its going to be difficault to verrify anything these days with technology able tofabricate stuff.
that Tor email is a good example of being classed as fake and there is no way to prove it isnt fake. no way to contact the sender so the details are technically trash and should be discounted as any type of "facts" or "versions" of events.
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