The corporation doesn't have to do jack. All these anonymous employees could, anonymously drop a tip to the police or the FBI. Yet they didn't, only crawling out of the woodworks to anonymously talk to journos. Cowards.
a slightly differant view :
people need jobs and put food on tables.
peopel that dont have much to loose will claw to keep what little they have.
you can call them cowards but they arent hungry cowards.
hero's with out jobs or money starve and soon forgotten.
that isnt to say those people who have the ability means and oppatunity with out a huge finacial or safety risk shouldnt raise issues.
but then you get in to the area of the corporate ladder climing territory. morals vs money/power/prestige/
a generall sweeping comment "the higher you go the less morals you have, the more you have to loose."
All these anonymous employees could, anonymously drop a tip to the police or the FBI. Yet they didn't,.
with respect we dont know what who has done what.
those people speaking out now, why didnt they do this at the time through annonimous means or talking to news papers?
if they did why wasnt it acted on?
if they did tip the police or fbi off at the time why didnt they state they did in their disclosures and state the police and fbi took no action on it? this statement alone should start drawing those parties in to the case at hand if they had the information on file.
obviously the police and fbi cant publicies if they are actively investigating for reasons. but people could still point to the fact no action was taken in 1017/2020
doing the right thing isnt always easy, that doesnt mean it shouldnt be done though.