Dremel Dream Machine!

Thanks for the comments guys .. really keeps me going on this now.

Admittedly I haven't been the most creative with the dremel, I have only had one since starting this... and I'm not even slightly artistic, or experienced :p

No, thank you !!

Theres a lot of peeps on here doing what you are doing.
however, not only is there an art to produce some great builds, i feel that isnt the whole story.
you are doing this in a certain way that is riveting to watch, interesting and most certainly lively .. and sometimes even bordering on the mentally insane :D
The art my friend is flowing through your thoughts,not just in the pics.
...and dare i say it, i may be looking to get a dremel myself soon.

i feel theres a lot more to come from you yet.
Thanks guys :)

okay at work so will have to make it brief before the boss spots me ..

PSU 90 degree cable arrived, I got some SERIOUS weird looks as I got over- excited at a cable !!

the good news is the connector to PSU is tiny so I can drop the PSU to the bottom of the case :)

will test tonight and then get cutting again

I hear a-whispering in my ear !! .. strangely silent on the other shoulder... wonder where the little angel went ... why is my shoulder covered in feathers and red dye ?
Should have just bought standard dominator ram!

I'll trade you mine for your domintor GT! I need red for my red and black mobo! ;)

Have can of spray paint, will travel - as the saying goes !

Hey guys, wanna know a scary secret ? I was in the Army and spent 6 years fixing and modding GUNS !! ..

I reckon I've been responsible for over 7,000 weapons
from Bayonets, to 9mm pistols, 5.56 + 7.62 rifles and machine guns to 80mm mortars and rocket launchers !!

they say the British Army is the best trained and equipped in the world ...

I LOL- ed !

zo hvere ve go mein beuativul .. choppy choppy !

the cable arrived, perfect size nearly


had to expand the hole in the base,

someone else here with an 800D showed the steps to remove the front feet so i'll not bore you, removing the rubber feet pads with a screwdriver was the closest I came to spilling real blood on this build !! I shed some real tears and moved on..

heres the hole cut and PSU fitted


and from the top .. dunno whether I like the gap ... won't see it with the case on the desk and the side on ....but I KNOW it's there !!


thoughts ? I need urs, mine are broken ...or of boobies ...which isn't helping :D
Whoops I guess you already have the clearence of the cable sorted lol, but anyway if not the link has all types of psu plugs.

This might be a solution, did a search for left or down angled psu cables but this was the best I could find & have no idea if you can even buy them like you would a normal shop, just checked & yes you can buy them.

Only trouble is you'll have to add the cable to the plug, but I expect if your a dab hand at cable work it should be no problem.

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