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26 Jan 2006
Your telling me the weather effects snow etc that they didnt stop talking about a year ago, all about how "dynamic" they where etc, was not a big thing they sold it on?
26 May 2006
Your telling me the weather effects snow etc that they didnt stop talking about a year ago, all about how "dynamic" they where etc, was not a big thing they sold it on?

No that isn't what I am saying at all. You called it "The One Big thing" which it clearly wasn't.

Also despite the dynamic weather being shown at E3 2013 it was never promised for release.
13 Aug 2008
What do you think then ?

I find it a bit strange that a game is released and over 2 weeks since launch it is still broken and they never expected issues. I think Evolution had an idea on the state of the game but was pushed by Sony the publisher to get the game launched. Just my opinion of course.

It's not like we have had broken games pushed out for release date before is it.... Oh wait.... :)

It's a mixture of things.

There's a gremlin in the code which didn't get spotted in testing and only manifested itself under live load. Some bugs can't be fixed without breaking other things further up the chain, it appears this is one of those bugs.

Sony when developing the PS4 and PSN planned growing their network and the contracts based on it on sales projections much less than what is actually happening. They couldn't have known that the competition would arrive at the party weak, expensive and stupid.

It's as simple as that. No conspiracy.
7 Oct 2003
Game is good whatever the weather. I like it enough that I am buying the season pass.

I think this is the main problem, despite everything it is as you say "good" if it wasn't people would have lost interest and moved on.

I stopped playing about a week ago as I wanted the full working game experience and if I when it does happen I've seen enough to justify buying the season pass myself.

On the subject of PS+ version, it would be absolutely stupid to release this before fixing it for paying customers. I imagine it would be much harder to fix if everyone who as a PS4 was trying to log on. I also think there would be be a far bigger backlash if they released the "free" version before fixing it.
5 May 2006
It's a mixture of things.

There's a gremlin in the code which didn't get spotted in testing and only manifested itself under live load. Some bugs can't be fixed without breaking other things further up the chain, it appears this is one of those bugs.

Sony when developing the PS4 and PSN planned growing their network and the contracts based on it on sales projections much less than what is actually happening. They couldn't have known that the competition would arrive at the party weak, expensive and stupid.

It's as simple as that. No conspiracy.

LOL so you are blaming MS for Sony not being able to cope? How brilliantly fanboyish. Sony has had nearly a year to adjust though so trying to blame anyone but them is just obviously retarded.
13 Aug 2008
Great, source?...for absolutely any of that?

The EVO guys said as much, they were blind sided by this problem on a network already struggling to cope with huge new demand, and it's quite clear Sony are struggling to keep up with growing their network. 500000 units were sold at retail in the US alone last month, insane numbers. The constant "maintenance" is another clue as they take the system down to bring new servers online and test them.

Only a blithering idiot would think that the problems are planned.

If you can't see the writing on the wall, you maybe need glasses.
26 Jan 2006
The EVO guys said as much, they were blind sided by this problem on a network already struggling to cope with huge new demand, and it's quite clear Sony are struggling to keep up with growing their network. 500000 units were sold at retail in the US alone last month, insane numbers. The constant "maintenance" is another clue as they take the system down to bring new servers online and test them.

Only a blithering idiot would think that the problems are planned.

If you can't see the writing on the wall, you maybe need glasses.

If it was software side of things, it would be sorted by now, it would be handed to the tech guys that knows that stuff inside out, a patch note would be released, a few hours down time, bam, away you go again.

That or they must be the most incompetent bunch on the planet.

I do think Sony have pushed this release with FH2 coming out, and XO already having Forza5 our for it, and they didnt have a game in genre, like most devs they got caught out with a rush job.
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18 Jan 2007
Think we need a separate thread for the moaning. Every one knows what's wrong with the game, no one knows why or who's fault it is, so please can we stop going round in circles...
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