Driveclub more details

11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
You know it's time to put the controller down and do something else when I just stop myself from throwing it at the wall. :(

A near perfect lap ruined by a last corner drift which slowed me down that bit too much. It's a game for god's sake, I must relax. :D
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19 Oct 2002
You know it's time to put the controlled down and do something else when I just stop myself from throwing it at the wall. :(

A near perfect lap ruined by a last corner drift which slowed me down that bit too much. It's a game for god's sake, I must relax. :D

I know what you mean but it's what I like about the, knowing if you hadn't done X it would have been better.. but why does it anyway have to be the last corner!!
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
So, the target time is 1:16...


...:( Why me ?
24 Sep 2013
Multiplayer racing was very stable last night :) I spent a good hour without disconnecting between 21:00-22:00...had a lot of good races in various cars on all different tracks, the standard of driving was good too.

Really enjoyed it.
17 Oct 2002
There is an online petition to get Sony to refund for this game on the grounds that it is defective :p

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I contacted customer support about a week ago to ask for a refund, they took the details and said it would be passed on to the decision makers and I would get an answer within a few days.

I still haven't heard back from them. I've stopped playing it until they fix it. What more can I do?
24 Sep 2013
Not sure if this has already been posted, it is a relevant and Interesting little piece:

In follow up to my letter on Friday about not getting a refund for Driveclub (bought digitally on PSN) I rang up Sony support and after 30 minutes on hold I got through to a nice chap who gave some good advice, though I’m thinking Sony themselves would have preferred if he was a bit more coy.
The refund itself was a no go because when you accept the Terms and Conditions, agreed to when you initially boot up your PlayStation 4, you are giving them absolute power to refuse ANY digital refunds whatsoever – they are protected by British digital law (or lack therefore of). He added that some European countries were ahead in this respect.
He warned me to never ever pre-order a game on PSN and not to buy games digitally in general. This may give the impression that he was a bit of a rogue going against company policy but he seemed fine, relaxed, well within earshot of other staff in the background and didn't appear to have an axe to grind. It was just matter-of-fact practical advice he was giving. He also suggested Twitter as an outlet to get my voice heard and to shame (my words) Sony or the developers into giving me a refund.
We also spoke about the large number of PlayStation 4 controllers being returned as mine was recently replaced by Sony (with no hassle) after the rubber split on the left analogue stick. All new controllers have a slightly different rubber texture on the sticks, both my new ones do, and the rubber is now closer to the DualShock 3 texture and more durable.
I imagine over the next year or so, Sony will be replacing an awful lot of ‘launch’ controllers as the original rubber gives way. I’d add that before the rubber split on mine there were no warning signs at all and I’d played my PlayStation 4 far less than my PC this past year, or my PlayStation 3 in years past.
Overall it was a good conversation and though it was just confirming things I already had ideas about it was worth hearing from someone who deals with these things everyday.
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