Driveclub more details

So the game is still borked lol

See what happens Tuesday but I've kinda forgotten about this game now that Far Cry 4 is about to arrive, oh and GTA 5.

Shame, the devs really fluffed up this time, hopefully a lesson learned for their next game.
I just feel sorry for the PS+ users as they still haven't even played the game.
I am sure most people would rather they fix the existing game first! I would prefer they get the challenges working. Multiplayer races are still a bit unreliable connection wise as well.

I suppose they are worried season pass owners will have a case against them if they don't cough up the extra tracks and stuff as they promised, meanwhile the rest of us get some grade B free tracks we didn't want (I am sure they have a brand new location tracks they are saving up), some bug fixes we should have got ages ago, and a photo mode instead of a weather patch.


The real dissapointing thing though is there actually a really good racing game underneath all the problems. Hope it all gets ironed out soon.

Agreed there. I struggled with the last few Forza and GT games and gave up on them pretty quickly because they just weren't fun. This is a fun game that has become my '10 minutes to kill' go-to game.
Three times I have emailed about getting a refund stating the game is not fit for purpose and all they do each time is reply with the same standard email.

Hi Paul,

Thanks for your e-mail about your Sony Entertainment Network (SEN) account.

I can see from your e-mail that you'd like a refund for your recent purchase from the PlayStation Store. Regrettably, as stated in the PlayStation Network Terms of Service, we are unable to offer a refund for purchases made on PlayStation Store unless the content is found to be defective.

For your reference, our Terms of Service can be found here.

I hope this helps, but if you have any other questions please contact PlayStation Support using the contact details below or by replying to this e-mail.

Thank you,
PlayStation Support

Absolutely disgraceful customer service.
So they have admitted publicly that the game has game breaking problems but cannot refund as their terms and conditions state "Unless the content is found to be defective"...

No matter what I reply with to the emails they just send me the same crap auto generated email back. I doubt they are even reading them.

I suspect not, or just fobbing you off, sadly trading standards it seems for you on this one. Loads of written letters, emails etc. Digital purchases do seem to have this magical protection that works against the consumer..

Game is broken, they advertise an online game, and its still not fixed, still cannot issue challenges means it's broken as no one can 100% the game trophy wise, so its not a 100% game sold, I've not heard of any game where no one can complete the trophies 100% due to busted code... Bugs and glitches but doesn't affect everyone but drive club, it's clearly broken..

Maybe a year down the line when everyone has moved on it's hard to 100% a game due to online trophies but this is only a month old game..
Trouble is, I was all ready to trade it this weekend, then on Friday night I made the mistake of giving it another play, and I had so much fun with the actual driving I couldn't bear to take it to CEX. I know half the content is missing and stuff is broken totally, but the actual driving is fun, which is more than I could say for Forza and it's ice-rink like handling..
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