Driveclub more details

27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
How did the reviewers get it so wrong?
I don't think they got is that wrong, but it highlights how subjectively differently they might be to the buying individual. From what I saw in the reviews it seemed to have a measuring stick wasn't something the Drive Club aimed for in the first place.

I did well to avoid the pre-order as I was very tempted as really with the stuff that's happened over the last week I'm not looking to reward them by just plainly getting the full version. I'll get the PS+ and evaluate, from what people have said on here I doubt I'll wait til the weather comes to get the full game.

Desperation of a good racing game a year into the PS4 isn't something I expected when I decided on the PS4 - its a genre that got me console gaming so hoping PCars turns out great (the less said about the Crew the better!)...

ps3ud0 :cool:
28 Jan 2003
I don't think they got is that wrong, but it highlights how subjectively differently they might be to the buying individual. From what I saw in the reviews it seemed to have a measuring stick wasn't something the Drive Club aimed for in the first place.

I did well to avoid the pre-order as I was very tempted as really with the stuff that's happened over the last week I'm not looking to reward them by just plainly getting the full version. I'll get the PS+ and evaluate, from what people have said on here I doubt I'll wait til the weather comes to get the full game.

Desperation of a good racing game a year into the PS4 isn't something I expected when I decided on the PS4 - its a genre that got me console gaming so hoping PCars turns out great (the less said about the Crew the better!)...

ps3ud0 :cool:

Same here, I really want to evaluate it first with the PS+ edition, and I don't want to be pushed to having to buy the full game just because there is no firm date for the PS+ edition.
15 Aug 2005
How did the reviewers get it so wrong?

They didn't; a review is an opinion and there's been a range of review scores which suggests that the weak areas of the game are less of an issue to some than others. There's no good pretending it's a 10/10 game that the gaming press have conspired to ruin; many of them have raised the same criticisms.

Reading the comments here of people who have played it have made me feel much more positive about the game which is great, but I'm still not quite feeling compelled to buy it without giving the PS+ version a go first.
27 Sep 2004
Luton ;)
It sounds like a next-gen Outrun, a plain arcade racer with no other gameplay hooks - the weird thing is I think today's gamer wants more than just racing. That's the impression I got from the reviews, but not something I share.

Drive Club won't satiate my hunger for racing games, but it was never going to - someone make Wipeout HD PS4 edition!

ps3ud0 :cool:
26 Jan 2006
Come back when you've played it.

We are playing it in work this morning actually.

Its does look absolutly gorgeous, and the lighting is pretty much like nothing else.

However, still no weather, im sorry, but this was taken out for a year, a year, and they couldnt include this on release day.
Is a lot easier to play than reviews state, IE going off track isn't a big deal really, but the AI take the line up every time, I cant drive perfectly due to what other cars are doing.
Its a straight up racer, but with lack of options and cars I would be more concerned about longevity in games.

However, im tainted, I dont feel to say this is great or anything, its a straight up racer, and that's fine. No on-line abilities on day one.....Really...really Sony?, despite all the other slow problems with PSN you cant manage this on day one?
Promised to buyers of PS4 that a free download version would be available, okay, delay it by a year..alrighty...smoothed it out..fine.....pull the FREE download based on the back of dodgy server availability...come on, yet paid version go on okay no problems.
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12 Nov 2003
Devonia :)
Well I wasn't going to bother with this, as I'm not really into playing the online stuff [I'm too crap, and not enough time etc] but I saw it in Tesco's this morning, and thought sod it! why not?.... and I'm so glad I did. The racing is an absolute blast, really great fun... and my hands alrady hurt from gripping the controller so tight, as I sit on the edge of my seat.

Some of the tracks (and I've only tried a few) are simply jaw dropping.. Cayoosh Point just blew me away, and the graphics are stunning for the most part... some of the foliage is a bit gaudy, but overall its the best looking racer I've played.

Its annoying the way messages about not being able to connect pop up at the start of each race, and there seems no way to turn them off [?]... penalty notices are annoying too.

Anyway I'm not a hardcore racer, so this game seems to suit me down to the ground... I can't see why anyone would say this is boring?... its not... Its FUN!.
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24 Dec 2004
When you move on from the hatchbacks it gets a lot better. The faster cars are mental at times especially if you use dash bumper cam.

Really looking forward to the online working and racing some real people.
13 Sep 2005
I must admit, (flame suit on) I have no interest in 'tuning' cars at all. I'd rather just crack on so this isn't an issue for me. I also dislike open world games in general, especially driving ones so will definitely go into this with an open mind. Seems solid enough so far, bar the server issues of course.
12 May 2005
When you move on from the hatchbacks it gets a lot better. The faster cars are mental at times especially if you use dash bumper cam.

Really looking forward to the online working and racing some real people.

I enjoyed the bmw 3 series at Scotland last night.. racing down Scottish roads was a total blast, but the AI, annoying. They stick to the line, but when you go to pass the bash into the side of you or clip you.. getting the clean lap stars is almost impossible unless you get in front and stay there..

Graphically , it's good but project cars on the pc us better imo. I do however like the sun glare in cockpit view. Very good, you almost put your hand over your own eyes lol

It's a pretty solid racer
30 Oct 2002
My view on this game.

Looks good, better once weather patch is out
nice car selection
cars handle well

lack of tracks
needs a few city track will be cool (japan, london etc)

Just PGR 4, without the weather, less tracks and no bikes. but includes more online features (when online work)
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