Driveclub more details

26 May 2006

Promised FREE Version to PS4 buyers, didn't happen, delayed.

Pulls the free version after a year long delay.

Paid in full version is still in complete, I mean, no weather system that they sold it on is laughable.

No Online for paid subscribers, then when it does work on a certain limited amount can go on it lol, ohh yea, for gamers alright.

Drive "Club" but you cant get into your club properly, as they changed the marketing and decided to make it all about a social thing for racing, one that you cant get online with on day one with any of your friends.

These are pretty spectacular failings, if this was FH2 doing anything of the like, imagine the ****ging it would be taking.

Would any of the above REALLY be disputed?

To be honest no one who is a PS4 fan on here (and doesn't have an Xbox One) would even bother to post in the Forza Horizon thread.
That's the difference I am afraid ;)
17 Oct 2002
My take on the game (single player only so far) is that the fundamental gameplay mechanics, graphics etc, are all sound, and in some instances outstanding, it's just that there is not enough flair and finish around the entire product.

Ultimately it currently feels a little soulless and devoid of content and a purpose, perhaps slightly clinical, which shouldn't be the case with a socially themed, arcade style racer.

IMO the game firstly needs to 100% sort out the server issues, and secondly, throw a ton of content at it. More race types and a restructured Tour mode for starters. There's just too many little (and big) things missing which makes it feel unfinished.
9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
It was the same in the Destiny thread. For the first week or so it was filled with OMG most boring game I've ever played, how dare you enjoy something I don't!

Whereas the people enjoying the game were spending more time actually playing than posting in the thread. So it just appeared to be a **** storm of hate.
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire

Promised FREE Version to PS4 buyers, didn't happen, delayed.

Pulls the free version after a year long delay.

Paid in full version is still in complete, I mean, no weather system that they sold it on is laughable.

No Online for paid subscribers, then when it does work on a certain limited amount can go on it lol, ohh yea, for gamers alright.

Drive "Club" but you cant get into your club properly, as they changed the marketing and decided to make it all about a social thing for racing, one that you cant get online with on day one with any of your friends.

These are pretty spectacular failings, if this was FH2 doing anything of the like, imagine the ****ging it would be taking.

Would any of the above REALLY be disputed?

PS Plus version was delayed due to server issues - Server issues GTA V had at launch
They have not pulled the free version, it's been delayed.
Online is working on a one out one in until the servers are sorted.
They didn't change their marketing to be more social, it was always sold as a social game.
Weather was never sold as a feature when DC was announced...
5 May 2008
There's more to the handling of the cars which doesn't really come across with the Rookie Cup. You can pretty much smash the Mini around anything but try doing that in a Ferrari against much faster opposition and you'll come nowhere. Replaying the drift challenge in the Spyker (what a car btw) about a squllion times has taught me that there is more finesse to be had using the handbrake - sometimes lightly sometimes not. Very satisfying when you get it right and the scores really rack up.

As to the criticism - I don't mind it. As I've already said it's not perfect and they've really really ****ed up the launch which is a joke considering the time they've had to get it right. I am enjoying it and it's OK for others to have their say. Makes no difference to me if their opinions don't align with my own.
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26 Jan 2006
PS Plus version was delayed due to server issues - Server issues GTA V had at launch
They have not pulled the free version, it's been delayed.
Online is working on a one out one in until the servers are sorted.
They didn't change their marketing to be more social, it was always sold as a social game.
Weather was never sold as a feature when DC was announced...

Thats just the most amazing rationalisation i've ever read.

" Other game had a server issue once upon a time, so that makes it okay"

"Servers are kinda working now, but somehow only support a certain amount of players, even though we all payed the same amount of money"
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
Thats just the most amazing rationalisation i've ever read.

" Other game had a server issue once upon a time, so that makes it okay"

"Servers are kinda working now, but somehow only support a certain amount of players, even though we all payed the same amount of money"

I didn't say it was ok and if you really want to check, go back pages to last week when the issues were first known, I slated it myself.

You have become boring and very much like a broken record, goodbye. :)
9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
Thats just the most amazing rationalisation i've ever read.

" Other game had a server issue once upon a time, so that makes it okay"

"Servers are kinda working now, but somehow only support a certain amount of players, even though we all payed the same amount of money"

Look, we get that you hate this game. If you really love FH2 so much, maybe you should go and play that instead of regurgitating the same points over and over.
14 Jun 2010
I got the game last night almost finish the hothatch races. Enjoying it so far have not tried online yet, thanks for the club invite zorkel I fell asleep when you in invited me.
26 Jan 2006
I don't hate the game, but I don't get the constant boner for Sony and this game that deems that ANYONE that criticises it in any way, or even judges on how the cars handle etc, are laughed at, or utter dismissed, or, in this very thread, called names and basically called excrement, and feel totally justified in doing so.
So far, this is the ONLY thread that has got on in this manner with all thing regarding, the PS4, not even some of the more extremely popular forums are acting in this way.

So If I own the game, but dont provide a PSN ID as utter proof ( as its not mine to give out) I cannot come and comment on the thread or questions others?
5 May 2008
I managed online on Saturday. Once race...was a total blast and I want more of race :(

Turn one was hilarious. Luckily I kinda knew what was coming so I eased off and let them all get on with it. Exited the corner in 3rd place.

Btw Rushy tweeted this morning for us to expect an update today.
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