Driveclub more details

10 Mar 2009
Girlfriend picked this up as shes into driving games, i have to say i dont mind grand torismo etc, but would not go out my way to buy one, having said that i gave it a go over the weekend and just could not like it no matter how much i tried.

before she bought the game neither of us had read anything about it what so ever, so the purchase was not based on anything other then seeing the game on the shelf at Tesco.

The graphics, although pretty, are not amazing or ground breaking that people would lead me to believe i expected better if im honest. The handling of the cars seem stupid, i have only played with a few cars, mini audi etc first few you unlock but they all seem to handle like bricks, if your not going under 30mph around a corner, and try to turn in any direction nothing happens, you plow into the wall directly ahead.

Trying to maneuver the car left or right, even at low speeds again is comical, Tyre screeching at 50mph in a non dramatic turn around a car? i cant remember ever having my tyres screech like that, even on the motorway at 70mph...

Complete lack of cars, no customization apart from color and decals i was at least expecting some good variety, hondas etc, again i did not read that you only get Europe cars.

The music is terrible.

I re-subbed my ps plus to play this game, all weekend i could not even get onto the damn servers, total joke, especially how you have to pay for that crap!

overall i cant stand the game, my girlfriend however seems to enjoy it.
10 Mar 2009
Seems like you want to go around a sharpish corner at 120mph. Worse even that your girlfriend seems to be the better driver.

Wish that was the case, the handling is horrible, its so far from realistic it hurts my head, whats with the screeching tyres at the slightest turn? last time i turned my steering wheel in my car, it actually moved, never known any car under steer so much at 50mph

whats more, i seem to remember going off the track slightly on one of the first few levels around a corner, which was actually flat grass, unfortunately their was a invisible boulder i hit as my car flipped...
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30 Jul 2006
4090 on 850w = BOOM
Why do I get the feeling you prefer the Xbox One to PS4 ?

I don't thanks. Driveclub is terrible terrible torture to play whereas Horizon 2 is bliss. The ps4 has some of my most anticipated titles. I'm completely neutral on consoles (sunset overdrive looks like a bunch of crud too and kinect sports rivals is shocking)

Lets appreciate criticism as just that - bad game gets criticism and good game gets praise. PS4 is just waiting for some blockbusters is all.
30 Jul 2006
4090 on 850w = BOOM
Why are you talking so much rubbish, the cars handling is spot on for what it is and the tracks effect the cars handling very well, have you even played the game.

In other news why is there so many xbone trolls in here bashing the game and comparing it to fh2.

yes my handle is gitarooman I've been a playstation owner 1995 to now always on day one. I hate driveclub it is shocking.
20 Mar 2013
I am really liking DriveClub. Yes, it is not perfect but the single player keeps pulling me back for more challenges and to get all the stars.

Haven't managed to connect online all weekend other than 5 minutes during which time I managed to create a club but not get to take part in any online races.

I am really looking forward to the online part as the computer controlled cars in single player can be quite annoying ;)
10 Mar 2013
I fail to see how Driveclub is terrible, terrible, torture. Show me.

What are these many things it's failed on ?

Not played it but it sounds you don't like the game getting any of stick. Just reading reviews and other people's views on the game the servers still sound terrible, the single player sound boring and repetitive with nothing to play for other than 3 gold stars, and there are only currently 50 cars to choose from. All the above with an extra year to make the game means it's failed on many aspects in my eyes hence cancelling my pre order.
28 Jan 2003
Serious qeustion with regards stars for events etc: Is this game just like Trials but with cars?

Obviously I'd love to try it myself but I'm guessing the free version is waaaaaay down the priority list considering as the people who paid for it are getting a raw deal.

So now we cant dislike a game that fails on many things after so many promises?

But people are having fun, that's the top trump that can't be beat.
11 Sep 2013
South Yorkshire
Not played it but it sounds you don't like the game getting any of stick. Just reading reviews and other people's views on the game the servers still sound terrible, the single player sound boring and repetitive with nothing to play for other than 3 gold stars, and there are only currently 50 cars to choose from. All the above with an extra year to make the game means it's failed on many aspects in my eyes hence cancelling my pre order.

I've slated the game myself for all the Online crap we've had to put up with. It's called Driveclub as they want to make the most of the social side of gaming. That's probably why single player is lacking.
26 Jan 2006
What are these many things it's failed on ?


Promised FREE Version to PS4 buyers, didn't happen, delayed.

Pulls the free version after a year long delay.

Paid in full version is still in complete, I mean, no weather system that they sold it on is laughable.

No Online for paid subscribers, then when it does work on a certain limited amount can go on it lol, ohh yea, for gamers alright.

Drive "Club" but you cant get into your club properly, as they changed the marketing and decided to make it all about a social thing for racing, one that you cant get online with on day one with any of your friends.

These are pretty spectacular failings, if this was FH2 doing anything of the like, imagine the ****ging it would be taking.

Would any of the above REALLY be disputed?
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28 Jan 2003
Some just can't get a grasp on that can they.

It is a LOT of fun and will be even more so once servers are 100%, it'll be spot on by the end of the week

But simply claiming "Well I'm having fun" is not an arguement against peoples criticisms of a game.

It's like a blanket response which people who say it seem to think it absolves any flaws/criticism with a game.
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