Driveclub more details

9 Jul 2013
The Garden Tomb
I don't hate the game, but I don't get the constant boner for Sony and this game that deems that ANYONE that criticises it in any way, or even judges on how the cars handle etc, are laughed at, or utter dismissed, or, in this very thread, called names and basically called excrement, and feel totally justified in doing so.
So far, this is the ONLY thread that has got on in this manner with all thing regarding, the PS4, not even some of the more extremely popular forums are acting in this way.

So If I own the game, but dont provide a PSN ID as utter proof ( as its not mine to give out) I cannot come and comment on the thread or questions others?

I don't think there is a constant 'boner' for Sony on here. Look at the PS4 and Playstation Plus threads; both littered with people complaining about lack of games, too many indie games, Sony's annoyingly regular network maintenance, thumbstick issues.. etc.

I am under no illusion that Sony are without fault (and Evolution Studios for that matter). I also can't see any posts where you have been effectively called excrement? Your posts come off as 'troll-ish' as you only really post negative things in this thread.

Look at the what the game was intended to be (ignoring the marketing BS of it being a 'Forza Killer'); a fun arcade racing game with heavy social elements. I concede that obviously the social side of this game is pretty much non-existent until the server woes are worked out, but looking at the actual gameplay, it is a fun arcade racer. You pick your car, pick your event, and get stuck in. You don't have to worry about following a story or anything. Just pick up and play.

I understand (and share) the disappointment caused by this being delayed for a year, and to then have such a troubled release, however I can't help but feel that a lot of the negative posts about this game are coming from that feeling of disappointment/anger, instead of an objective look at what the game actually is (i.e. people touting it as the worst game ever.. it really isn't)
24 Sep 2013
I don't hate the game, but I don't get the constant boner for Sony and this game that deems that ANYONE that criticises it in any way, or even judges on how the cars handle etc, are laughed at, or utter dismissed, or, in this very thread, called names and basically called excrement, and feel totally justified in doing so.
So far, this is the ONLY thread that has got on in this manner with all thing regarding, the PS4, not even some of the more extremely popular forums are acting in this way.

So If I own the game, but dont provide a PSN ID as utter proof ( as its not mine to give out) I cannot come and comment on the thread or questions others?

11 Nov 2013
I don't hate the game, but I don't get the constant boner for Sony and this game that deems that ANYONE that criticises it in any way, or even judges on how the cars handle etc, are laughed at, or utter dismissed, or, in this very thread, called names and basically called excrement, and feel totally justified in doing so.
So far, this is the ONLY thread that has got on in this manner with all thing regarding, the PS4, not even some of the more extremely popular forums are acting in this way.

So If I own the game, but dont provide a PSN ID as utter proof ( as its not mine to give out) I cannot come and comment on the thread or questions others?

H8ers gon' h8
24 Sep 2013
not sure if your aware but none of us have experienced online yet.

Not all of us...I have, I was online all day Saturday and about 2hrs yesterday.


Have been multiplayer all morning without issue.
With a break to try Destiny but it was screwed so back to Driveclub

Loving it.

My post yesterday:
Whoop whoooop
As soon as server came back on it remembered my player lvl and club.....however all my tour stuff has stayed zeroed...happy days.

just got the club to lvl 5 btw

Just done a couple of tour events

I was about a third of the way through them.
11 Nov 2002
Serious qeustion with regards stars for events etc: Is this game just like Trials but with cars?

But people are having fun, that's the top trump that can't be beat.

Yes, it's similar. BUT, until they fix the online you can't see the leaderboards, which means no incentive after getting 3 stars to beeat friends (like in Trials Fusion and other games).

Shame the challenges are also disabled because of the server issues (even if you get connected they are disabled).

27 Sep 2004
The Ledge Beyond The Edge
I imagine they're going through a bit of a ****storm right now.

They probably are, but that's been a week the servers have been knackered.

And i bet they had great access to preorder sales data. They must have known how much it would require. And if not, have a contingency in place to scale up quite quickly. 2 or even 3 days would be bad enough but understandable, but not a week.
17 Oct 2002
Got my PS4 switched on ready before the service goes down for maintenance, hopefully that means with less people connected I may actually get on tonight :eek:
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