Driving a mr2 on bald tyres

tommy_knockers said:
ah you drive a vauxhall...

*chuckles knowledbly* :p

Do you know what Vauxhall it is? I suppose seeing as it hasn't got RWD and balding tyres that its slow, correct?

I've covered 4000 miles on Toyo Proxes T1-R's and they want changing within the next 1,000 miles. And driving hard, for me, does NOT include wheelspins.
Never seen such a big overeaction in a thread. Just recommend the guy some god damn tyres! ;) I think he gets the point that he was being a bit daft doing that in an Mr2 of all things.
wonder_lander said:
There are many things I'd like to call you but as personal attacks are a suspendable offence I won't post them.

Can you post some pics of the tyres?

of course he can't... he hasn't got an MR2 to hand with bald tyres....
Stop feeding the troll, he may get bored and just go away.

Personally, I am happy for him to do it on his private land. Just think of it as population control. Removing people like this from the Gene pool can only be a good thing.
L0rdMike said:
You did it all wrong! You need to post pics on tyres with no tread and joke about it and you get no stick for it. :p

Who would do that, eh Mike :p You *knew* your tyres were bald and still drove on them though!!
at college atm. Will post pics of the car tomorrow. :P

Just wait.



The MR2 Is my mothers you are right. My crappy little peugeot however is mine. Lol just because you probably didnt have 2 shillings (im assuming you are an old fart) when you were young justnt mean that its the same in my case.

Since you will not believe me I will post some pics of the car and of its tyres. Fair enough?

tommy_knockers said:
Lol just because you probably didnt have 2 shillings (im assuming you are an old fart) when you were young justnt mean that its the same in my case.

So why do you drive an 406 Estate then if you have got '2 shillings' ;)
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