Drones over gatwick..

Just found out that the ski resort I'm at does operate on Xmas day. So should this continue I suppose a very white Xmas for me may be on the cards :/
Dunno tho, would rather go home from Austria tbh
Yeah I'm here till sat morning atm. But should anything get v delayed I'll try and ski I think on the day if possible :)
I miss the UK, but the Xmas songs :p
Also will miss the few other Xmas hotties on my hdd at home (planned to perhaps post a few more lol)
I’m very surprised. I thought someone would have found a way to follow it when it goes “home” by now, if it’s still going on the 20 police units have had plenty chances surely

Army haha!
Seriously someone should start a poll on this thread.. not sure if the OP has to do it... Causes vote.

1. Kids got presents early
2. Activist group
3. Terror
4. State sponsored/tighten drone laws
5. Russia
6. Inside job (i think somone suggested that)
7. Boris bought some drones because he really wants his new airport
8. Aliens

9 rogue AI
I’ll laugh if whoever's doing this has put a label on their drone along the lines of “Property of Manchester Airport”, or “if found return to Heathrow Airport PLC”....:D
Seriously someone should start a poll on this thread.. not sure if the OP has to do it... Causes vote.

1. Kids got presents early
2. Activist group
3. Terror
4. State sponsored/tighten drone laws
5. Russia
6. Inside job (i think somone suggested that)
7. Boris bought some drones because he really wants his new airport
8. Aliens

9. Somebody keeps trying to order stuff from Amazon drone delivery but has the wrong postcode.
Probably going to get some new extreme drone law pushed through parliament after this.

The biggest thing about this for me (as a casual hobby drone user) is that they're saying they will introduce much tougher laws etc following this. The reality is whoever is controlling said drone (assuming that's what is happening) is already breaking the existing laws. Adding additional laws on training or licensing aren't going to impact this sort of person surely? If it's been going on this long surely that rules out naivety of the person controlling it...
I’m flying from Newquay on Saturday home for Xmas so hopefully it doesn’t start effecting other areas with congestion etc! Shame for the people at Gatwick as it is! A lot of people will be happy to see this person go down!
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