Drones over gatwick..

Do we, at any point, start blaming the Russians?

I already did further back :D

I initially thought it might just be a protest by environmentalists, but it doesn't fit the profile - each time they protest, they're screaming for airtime - making as much noise as possible, whoever is doing this is deathly quiet. However it seems too sophisticated and well planned to be just someone "making a bit of a mess" I have a hunch *something* bigger is behind it, whether it's Russia or someone else, trying to assess our mitigation technology for things like this.

Although, I'm more than willing to accept that it might just be someone causing chaos for fun, however - the "large industrial drones" which have been reported, make it difficult for me to believe this is just someone messing around because they're bored.
What is the reason armed police haven't shot it down? Gatwick has plenty of armed police. Are they that hard to hit? Too risky to discharge weapons into the air? Some legal restriction? Pancake?
What is the reason armed police haven't shot it down? Gatwick has plenty of armed police. Are they that hard to hit? Too risky to discharge weapons into the air? Some legal restriction? Pancake?
They say they don't want stray bullets. Cant they harpoon it or something. Maybe A big spud cannon :p

Embarrassing that this hasn't been solved all day
BBC Bot training engaged........thinking...........thinking.........oh its those pesky russians again.

Jesus wept.

Thing is if i was Russia i woud be like "we get blammed for everything so fudge it lets have a laugh" It's probably their goverments Christmas party and this is the party game :D
This is getting more unusual I feel. If it was kids messing around, would we expect "copy cats" to do it at other airports? They would have got bored by now I reckon, or would they stop and run away when they hear the ************* army is now involved?

If it was activists of some kind, they would have drawn attention to their cause by now.

If it was to prove some kind of point (about drones and licencing and airport emergency plans or whatever), I think they would stopped now too. The point has been made now.

I can't help but feel it's something more sinister as they're using "proper" drones. Is someone delaying a specific flight or a specific person from reaching somewhere? Holding up the maximum number of people in the airport as possible....?

*sigh* I better get my foil out the kitchen :(
What is the reason armed police haven't shot it down? Gatwick has plenty of armed police. Are they that hard to hit? Too risky to discharge weapons into the air? Some legal restriction? Pancake?

Bullets don't just carry on on some trajectory into space. Unless you're firing at quite a high angle upwards, as in you're lucky enough that the drone happens to be more or less directly over your head, then they're likely going to pose a fair amount of risk in the location they land in.
hi all , what got me was the head of Gatwick came on tv and said “ there’s a drone on my airfield as we speak total rubbish if there was that thing would be easy to find especially a matrice drone witch it probably is running its own software max flight 30 mins max distance no more than two miles at most weather dictates battery life these conditions half the battery time , my money on they ditched it once they knew it was being followed
Probably in water ,
I’m completely baffled by this, there’s a police helicopter there that I’m sure has thermal. How are they struggling to follow it home and find the guy!?

/armchair cop
hi all , what got me was the head of Gatwick came on tv and said “ there’s a drone on my airfield as we speak total rubbish if there was that thing would be easy to find especially a matrice drone witch it probably is running its own software max flight 30 mins max distance no more than two miles at most weather dictates battery life these conditions half the battery time , my money on they ditched it once they knew it was being followed
Probably in water ,


The drone or drone(s) have appeared numerous times it seems, I suspect they're probably not the sort for which you need to charge the batteries after just 30 minutes or which have rather limited range.
Well im Bit of drone nerd and know for the weight and conditions they can’t get no more than 30 mins not possible tbh it’s had couple of flights and no one seen it since it’s ditched and he’s pooing his pants ...
hi all , what got me was the head of Gatwick came on tv and said “ there’s a drone on my airfield as we speak total rubbish if there was that thing would be easy to find especially a matrice drone witch it probably is running its own software max flight 30 mins max distance no more than two miles at most weather dictates battery life these conditions half the battery time , my money on they ditched it once they knew it was being followed
Probably in water ,
Welcome to the forums, but please use some punctuation so I can make sense of your words.
Fpv plane yes hours in the air but go online you find a drone civil or commercial that flys longer than 45 mins and that’s perfect conditions this shouldn’t of been hard to find my money on a matrice 800 drone
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