Duke's guide to watching F1 2012 on the cheap

I'm going to give Sky Go steam a try soon, so will report back with how decent the quality is.

As long as you don't have dire internet it's good.

I have a relatively poor 5mb line due to how far I live from my exchange which is fine for Sky GO.
I'm going to give Sky Go steam a try soon, so will report back with how decent the quality is.

I have it on my laptop (Macbook) and my iPhone 4S.

The laptop quality is fantastic, looks better than SD but not as good as HD if that makes any sense.

The iPhone quality is also very good, but clearly only SD.

Obviously if you're running on 3G/EDGE/GPRS your mileage may vary but at home on my 7MBit BT connection it's flawless.
Right, gave it a go. The quality isn't great but was kinda what I was expecting. It should be watchable but a shame they don't do a HD stream (even just 720p) yet.

That looks like my F1 viewing decision made for this year :)

Cleaned the opening post to be more general now about the options. Let me know if I've missed anything.
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I gave in yesterday. I ordered Sky. I told myself all along I wasn't going to do it, but the Croft/Brundle commentary team, full coverage of practice, quali and race, 1 hour long F1 magazine show on Fridays + coverage of GP2 and GP3 is just too goo to miss. When races are shown on the BBC I will watch them there as I loved the BBC coverage, but at least this year I'll get it on HD too!
I gave in too. Ordered HD pack and the 1TB box, just because it was £49. I've chosen to split the HDMI signal and send it to the grown ups living room so I can watch the races and other programs in peace. Bit expensive though.

HDMI splitter £25
HDMI switch £10
15M HDMI cable £12
2M HDMI cable £2
5M HDMI cable £5
HDMI booster £4
Wireless remote extender £28
Cable clips £3

So a bit less than a multi-room subscription for a year for what would actually be for two largely unused boxes. Next year, profit. That is if we don't move in the meantime.

Even with all those switches, boosters and splitters the signals still manage to come through perfect.

Seems a lot of hassle for 10 races a year. But meh. I may watch some of the races on the Beeb but the extra content will be worthwhile watching. Plus we've had Sky in for ages and never watch it because it's in the other room so maybe now we can watch more interesting channels than those that Freeview provides.

Now looking forward to the coming season.
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At least you are doing it properly. I'm feeding the TV in the bedroom through coax and Magic Eye, so SD and mono goodness for the missus to watch casualty :)
At least you are doing it properly. I'm feeding the TV in the bedroom through coax and Magic Eye, so SD and mono goodness for the missus to watch casualty :)

I doubt she'll even notice. Women don't seem to appreciate the wonders of HD quite as much as men, or is it just my house?
Got the dish fixed in place and a hole blatted in the wall for the cable and got RTL working yesterday. Just got to wait until the first qualifying to get the sound sync software on my laptop set up. Not bad for £25.
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