Dustmen/women...earliest legal start time

Ours start around that time too! I know a few of them who do the local round, they like to start early so they can be finished by 1 / 2pm. I actually find it quite annoying as the dust carts cause mayhem during rush hour on my route to work.

Knowing that they are only working at 7:30 (my commute time) and causing massive tailbacks (there are a lot of tight windey A roads on my route where overtaking is impossible and they stop in the road to do the bins at the side) just so they can be in the pub by 2pm is annoying, but it is what it is I suppose, no point losing sleep over it, they do rush in fairness.
What is the deal with "tradesmen" (for want of a better term, including builders etc) insisting on starting work so early? Why do they always have to be clattering around at 7am etc? Is it literally so they can finish earlier? It does my head in, especially when they work Saturdays. Why can't they just start at 9am like normal people? :confused:
What is the deal with "tradesmen" (for want of a better term, including builders etc) insisting on starting work so early? Why do they always have to be clattering around at 7am etc? Is it literally so they can finish earlier? It does my head in, especially when they work Saturdays. Why can't they just start at 9am like normal people? :confused:

Pub. Sun. Afternoon.
What is the deal with "tradesmen" (for want of a better term, including builders etc) insisting on starting work so early? Why do they always have to be clattering around at 7am etc? Is it literally so they can finish earlier? It does my head in, especially when they work Saturdays. Why can't they just start at 9am like normal people? :confused:

Oh dear.
What is the deal with "tradesmen" (for want of a better term, including builders etc) insisting on starting work so early? Why do they always have to be clattering around at 7am etc? Is it literally so they can finish earlier? It does my head in, especially when they work Saturdays. Why can't they just start at 9am like normal people? :confused:

so you get the most daylight..

and the award *dramatic pause* for most shortsighted response of the year award *dramatic pause* goes to...


You obviously didn't understand ***!!111**dramatic pause***111!!*** the sarcasm.

I'll award your post 1/10, only because you sign off your forum posts and people that do that make me smile.
so you get the most daylight..

You mean so they can go to the pub in summer? It's just annoying. Heck, I used to do nightshifts so I'm well aware that a huge proportion of people don't do a 9-5. But the fact remains that builders/binmen etc. are working in and around people's houses and the fact remains they disturb people. Like I say, especially on a Saturday.
They have a job to do like everybody else, deal with it.

Well said.

What is the deal with "tradesmen" (for want of a better term, including builders etc) insisting on starting work so early? Why do they always have to be clattering around at 7am etc? Is it literally so they can finish earlier? It does my head in, especially when they work Saturdays. Why can't they just start at 9am like normal people? :confused:

I don't see the problem with that. I praise anyone getting to work early and getting on with the job. 9am is quite late in the day by modern standards now anyway.

People are losing a bit of perspective, it is one day a week when they collect your bins. IT's not the end of the world.
You don't?

How ghastly. You should immediately become rich, or buy ear plugs.

I'd say your local council/local refuse centre would be in charge of the trucks, I'm sure they would be delighted it you contacted them about this issue.

Some people ey....bloody amazing banter lad...very proud of you.
Does it not make sense for services like these to be done and dusted (pardon the pun) early doors so daily traffic is less impacted? More services should be run at night/early hours I say.
Some people ey....bloody amazing banter lad...very proud of you.

Lighten up bud, I know you've had an early morning but there was some gen info in there. Speak to your council or the refuse centre that run the trucks, they will be able to answer your question.
It's a job I wouldn't want to do, lets be honest.

I've never really seen an issue, I get woken up about 6am some days by them.
But then again, if you see the area they cover, I guess it's justifiable. I doubt they all bugger off at 2pm everyday to head up the pub.
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