Here’s a rundown of how my Freeview HD Tuner installation went.
First up, in a schoolboy error; I had failed to realise that the screw fixing point on a half-height bracket is on the opposite side to that of a full-height card. With some cases you might get away with this, but as my HTPC case uses a screw-less mounting system with fixed posts, this simply would not fit.
StarTech do supply an alternative full height bracket with their adapter card, but this requires that you completely remove the bracket from the PCI Express card. This means that the tuner is no longer secured in position; which is not good given that an aerial cable will be running into it. For now I have gone for a rather Heath Robinson solution using cable ties. I will look into modifying the half-height bracket for a more elegant solution.
Once I had got over the physical installation challenge, the new tuner card was detected by Windows and after installing the drivers recognised without issue, the adapter card being completely transparent to the O/S.
The next challenge was Media Center. I had cleared all my existing channel data in advance of the installation but despite this Media Center did not like the appearance of the new tuner. It would run through the setup sequence as expected but then either freeze or experience an unexpected error on the final step. In the end I had to manually purge all my exiting configuration data using the method described here:
Once this was done the setup process completed and populated my channel list. As I now have both an SD and an HD tuner in my system, the next step was to manually configure the tuner sources and priorities for each channel. This was done to ensure that the SD tuner is used in preference to the HD tuner for SD channels and so that Media Center does not attempt to record an HD channel with an SD tuner (stupidly it assigns all tuners to all channels regardless of capability).
With all this done the tuner is now working perfectly. The correct guide data for the four HD channels was identified and downloaded automatically, which I know had been a problem until very recently. I have scheduled, recorded and played back a number of HD programmes and everything works faultlessly with perfect picture quality.