E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

So to you I'm guessing pro female agendas are those were female characters are given an actual role in the game beyond damsel in distress? because I'm struggling to see how that is a bad thing.

No, its the feel of the event, the words used in the event, the "Stop the oppression" from Ubisoft after the female trailer.

What would disqualify a female lead character from suiting the game beyond just being female?

If they are not part of the narrative.
She is the very reason feminism is seen by the majority as idiotic, until SJWs shun and ridicule her moronic opinions feminism with quite rightly get zero respect.

She recently complained that you can play as both a male and female in Dishonored 2, if that isn't a case of putting women OVER men, then what is?

The "majority" has not even heard of Anita Sarkeesian and has no idea what an 'SJW' is. Reddit and 4Chan != the whole world.

And no, having a female lead is not necessarily putting women over men, just as having a male lead is not necessarily putting men over women.
You make a story about a male superhero, feminists complain, you either add or change lead to a female.

So how many times does that occur? because I'm still on one hand from those that spring to mind. That is also only male superhero's becoming female, I can't think of any being the direct result of feminist complaints. Also, I can't think of any good reason in those cases why the lead had to be explicitly male either, which to me would only support the gender being entirely interchangeable.

The only thing I can come up with is games being biographical about historical male figures. It would then be odd to have a female in their place. But then I think that's only applicable when the game's intention is historically accurate portrayal, if they we're going for some kind of quirky retelling that is just inspired by historical events, then I wouldn't see the issue with the gender being switched. I can't think of any games that have done this anyway.
I wonder if it's these SJWs who are responsible for Mirrors Edge's Faith morphing from a very attractive and delicate looking Asian bird into something akin to a $5 Thai bar hooker of dubious sexuality?
So how many times does that occur?

We'll never know, because no company will announce this.

The only example we have is Mighty Number 9

Also, I can't think of any good reason in those cases why the lead had to be explicitly male either, which to me would only support the gender being entirely interchangeable.

The example was about you writing a piece of fiction around the male superhero. The reason why it "can't" be female is its already made up around a male superhero. And in game development, you normally always start with a story, to then half way through change the story to include an alternate sex, costs money and time.
Oh noes! There is a female among the cast of characters in the game, they must have bowed down to a feminist mob!

So a game that never intended to have a female lead, had a feminist join their community, demand they make a female lead, joins their development team and now there is a female lead.

And thats fair for all parties?
So a game that never intended to have a female lead, had a feminist join their community, demand they make a female lead, joins their development team and now there is a female lead.

And thats fair for all parties?

If a developer chose to add a female lead, it was intended for there to be a female lead. It isn't like she snuck her in while all the other developers were on lunch break.
If a developer chose to add a female lead, it was intended for there to be a female lead. It isn't like she snuck her in while all the other developers were on lunch break.

They never intended to have one!!! It was only until the feminist joined the development team that they announced it.

Even in the kickstarter there was never a mention of it.
We'll never know

So we don't know. Or have any reason to think this happens at all. Does it strike you as a rational position to then take that ignorance and start claiming it's prevalent enough to be some major issue to be addressed? because I'm yet to see anything from you that isn't your own axe to grind.

The reason why it "can't" be female is its already made up around a male superhero.

That's just saying it can't be female because it can't be female. Take Superman. Disregarding Supergirl for a minute; why did Superman HAVE to be male in the first place? what about a superpoweful alien coming to Earth to be a force for good makes it explicit or even implicit that it have to be male?

This then applied to any superhero story, which of them HAVE to be male and for what reason? Because saying something made-up that happened to be male just then has to be male from then on doesn't make any sense as a reason for that to be some kind of rule that they never be altered in gender.
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Cite your source of this

There is no evidence anywhere that the Mighty Number 9 developers were co-erced into including a female character into their game.

It is a fact that they employed a community manager who thought a female character would be a good idea. The idea that a respected and experienced development team would bow down in fear and be forced into re-designing their game to appease a CM is a ridiculous fantasy, even before you consider that they sacked her. Obviously they really cared about her input :rolleyes:
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