E3 2015 - The year the SJW's won?

They might play more of the game you play if they weren't so male centric...

but the marines, the SAS and no military on earth has front line female combatants so why would they stick them in battlefield? or call of duty or "whatever war we're fighting in the near future this year" game?
Her involvement is that she had an agenda, and her partner is working for Comcept, which allowed her direct access to achieve that.

Now she went from a community manager, to a designer and up pops a female character.

Your timeline is wrong here.

She was appointed as community manager in December 2013:

The developers were already allowing people to vote on the design of the female character in September 2013:
What if Bioware created a peice of fiction about a murderer who raped women and you as the detective went out to find him. Both villain and lead are male, you can bet your ass there would be outrage at the lack of female inclusion. Regardless of if the piece of fiction its based from included a female or not.

Conversely, if Bioware created a peice of fiction about a murderer who raped women and you as the detective went out to find him. The villain is male and the lead is female, all the MJWs would start whining about how the story had been changed to pander to the feminists. ;)

My fear is they will hamper fiction through the fear of upsetting the feminists.

I'm curious as to why you consider having female characters to be "hampering" fiction exactly?

Or are you just that shallow minded that you can't empathise with a character if they don't have a penis?
Did he actually say any of this though?

Yes, if you look at my post, there's a thing called a "Quote". In there you'll find a statement made by another person. They're quite handy so that people can see which statement you're referring to. (In fact, you seem to have gotten the hang of it yourself, see, you've actually quoted me, good work, give yourself a high-five!)

Anyway, inside the "Quote" you'll see the statement that he made about hampering fiction.
Yes, if you look at my post, there's a thing called a "Quote". In there you'll find a statement made by another person. They're quite handy so that people can see which statement you're referring to. (In fact, you seem to have gotten the hang of it yourself, see, you've actually quoted me, good work, give yourself a high-five!)

Anyway, inside the "Quote" you'll see the statement that he made about hampering fiction.

Yes, but he didn't simply state female characters = hampering fiction. The twist you made there then allowed you to make your next comment of;

"Or are you just that shallow minded that you can't empathise with a character if they don't have a penis?"

Which was unwarranted, as he never actually said female characters hamper fiction. You are selectively quoting him, and disregarding context.

So no, he didn't actually say what you've suggested.
Yes, but he didn't simply state female characters = hampering fiction. The twist you made there then allowed you to make your next comment of;

"Or are you just that shallow minded that you can't empathise with a character if they don't have a penis?"

Which was unwarranted, as he never actually said female characters hamper fiction. You are selectively quoting him, and disregarding context.

So no, he didn't actually say what you've suggested.

So what did he say then oh great and glorious master of quotes? *bows* :p

Nice to see the rampant sexism on ocuk is alive an well :)

I don't think anyone is actually taking this thread seriously :p
Hmm... Great and Glorious Master of Quotes should probably have been capitalised due to being a title...

Apologies your Postliness! *grovels*
Can't you read?

i can't :(

You can do that, can't you?

I already told you, I can't, you don't understand me!! [/wrists]

So... what are these funny shapes on the screen?

Anyway, jokes aside, it was strongly implied, and has been in all of his posts.

He stated (and he did unarguably state this) "My fear is they will hamper fiction through the fear of upsetting the feminists."

So how is fiction going to be hampered through fear of upsetting the feminists?
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Anyway, jokes aside, it was strongly implied, and has been in all of his posts.

No it wasn't, at all. Unless you're seeing what you want to see, then it's fairly clear he's objecting to change for the sake of change to appease a vocal group of people.

For example, changing Samus to a guy to "appease" men, I'd object to that sort of thing.

It's very easy to just point and claim people are being sexist if you blank what they're actually saying.

The people screaming the loudest about sexism are the ones that are in fact sexist. Anita Sarkeesian, for example. She wishes that the lead character in Dishonored 2 was female only, and is disappointed that you have a choice to play as a male.

She is talking about things she doesn't understand, and I have no idea why people listen to nut jobs like this.
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