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E8600 E0 Overclocks

or you could reseat the cooler?

When I was testing my system with just the Intel Stock cooler it was doing better than 60c I suggest you reseat it.
I've lost faith with it to be honest. I've seen other threads where people had their 8600 in the 60s (because of a great oc) and that it was considered fairly safe. So despite the cooler possibly needing a reseat, mine being in the 60s at stock should at least be stable, but it's crashing.

Got the E6600 back in with its Arctic FP7 now, back at 35c idle. Think I'll leave things alone until the next motherboard :)
Well i know its running hot but all will be nice and chilly very soon to push way harder.

Q822A438 ¦ 4305.4Mhz ¦ 1.360v ¦ 1.2500v ¦ 73 ¦ Custom Matx water ¦ DFI Lan Party JR P45-T2RS ¦ Bradley8988 ¦ Smal FFT Screen

I've lost faith with it to be honest. I've seen other threads where people had their 8600 in the 60s (because of a great oc) and that it was considered fairly safe. So despite the cooler possibly needing a reseat, mine being in the 60s at stock should at least be stable, but it's crashing.

Got the E6600 back in with its Arctic FP7 now, back at 35c idle. Think I'll leave things alone until the next motherboard :)

I was clocking my E8600 on an Asus 680i board ok.
I flashed the bios to the latest version before installing it though and made sure everything was set to auto.
Easily reached 4.0GHz with load temps in the mid/high 50's using an Arctic F7P.

I would try again mate. :)
Well just installed my E8600 and went straight in at 400*10 Vcore @ 1.264
All fans in shuttle set to low so it's very quiet..

Will give it another 30 mins on prime then see if will pass the 400 fsb in this system ..


Fingers crossed

Here's an update..

Had a go at 420*10 and was fine for 30 mins @ 1.324 V

So thought I would try a bit higher before leaving it on for 8 hours :)

Now from 425 to 450 FSB @1.36V it fails within 2 mins :(

Haven't tried any higher vcore as yet..
but at 450*10 @ V1.360 it will run 3dmard, Vantage play games all fine.


So dose it mean I have hit the max for prime or is there something else I should adjust/try...

i cant say 100% but its a simple test as most 8600's seem to hit close to 4.5Ghz stable with 1.4v. Edit* to test your ram run run your cpu at say stock and your ram alittle faster by changing the divider to what it would be @ 10x450mhz. so as long as you can run it at say 1000mhz i have no other ideas.
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Yeah looks like it was just the vcore voltage. Set to 1.4v like you said and it's been running Blend for an hour with no errors.

Idle temps 31/31
Load temps 64/62

Do you think it might be worth leaving the vcore as it is and go for 10*450?
Seems to want a lot more voltage to be stable at 10*450, was locking up when running Blend after 20mins. Vcore was set to 1.42 on my last run and temps got to 67/64 at one point which is starting to get a bit too high for me. I think I'll put it back to 10*440 and see how far I can take the vcore down to.
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