Ebay + Youtube + Piracy = LOL

well no, you're saying that because there's a market for his illicit goods, that it's ok to sell it.
yes, drugs and pirate games are different materials, but the fact is just because people may want it, doesn't mean it should be ignored
Piracy IS stealing, we've all seen the adverts in cinemas :p and as I'm trying to get a career in the games industry, it's basically stealing from me, and the way you're going on, you make it sound like stealing other people's work is an ok practice to you, people work hard on a project for months, and get no credit for it, just some yob making x amount of copies and throwing them about the place
(some) Drugs are not illicit goods, not here anyways :).

Adverts in cinema's... How about looking at what the law says, rather than a cinema protecting their own interest ? The law ( neither UK, or Dutch) does not consider piracy as stealing afaik...
As much as it may look as stealing in your eyes which is perfectly understandable, from a legal point of view it is not. I understand your viewpoint, but nobody is taking away your work, they're cloning it themselves, which is also illegal, but not the same as stealing.

He's getting it free then gaining profit on it... What do you call that? Good business? :rolleyes:

I call that Copyright infringement...
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Theft; to deprive the rightful owner of the use of or benefit of their property.

To a software developer benefit of would include revenue, selling unlicenced product achieves this and is therefore theft.

You're wrong. It's not theft.

Additionally your arguement holds little water. Do you really think that everything downloaded off pirate bay would have been paid for? No. Those are the false figures the industry spews up when it claims how much it lost to piracy.
Drugs are not illicit goods, not here anyways :).

Adverts in cinema's... How about looking at what the law says, rather than a cinema protecting their own interest ? The law ( neither UK, or Dutch) does not consider piracy as stealing afaik...
As much as it may look as stealing in your eyes which is perfectly understandable, from a legal point of view it is not.

I call that Copyright infringement...

ok, maybe the wrong word, but you get my point, obviously I'm not going to say I've never had pirated items (games dvds etc) but generally if I can afford it I buy it, if not, I don't bother, or just use demos, I've reached the point where I have more morality on the issue, and as it's a field I'm very passionate about, it's even more personal to me.

and it's theft of intellectual property, which is covered under copyright law, you're stealing the coding used to write the game, copying it without paying for it = theft
You're wrong. It's not theft.

Additionally your arguement holds little water. Do you really think that everything downloaded off pirate bay would have been paid for? No. Those are the false figures the industry spews up when it claims how much it lost to piracy.

Or in the case of selling illegal media, a person has 50€ to spend, he can go buy 1 game legit or 10 of them illegally, while the devs indeed lose profit of one copy, they do not lose any for the other 9...

But devs often calculate 1 download= 1 lost sale, the logic is wrong because downloads are free, they think they lose a sale but the sale may not have been there in the first place. You can't count a person who would never buy a game in the first place but does download them, a lost sale... There is imo no denying they lose some sales from piracy, there are people who will buy it if they can't download it, but the amounts they are making up are ridiculous...
if not, I don't bother
But sooooooooo many people do, you can't count them as lost sales as they wouldn't think of buying anything, but are glad to try stuff that is available for download. That's all I''m saying.
and as it's a field I'm very passionate about, it's even more personal to me.
Understandable, I might find myself in the same situation as you seeing I study Computer Engineering and do a lot with programming, but:
you're stealing
If someone would download your program illegally, you wouldn't lose it would you, hence you can't call it stealing/theft, you did not lose your program. You can still use it, sell it, whatever...
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pirates are gay

the ''if i didnt pirate it i wouldnt of bought it anyway'' argument is absolute rubbish. of course you wouldn't of bought it because your a scummy freeloader just like the smackheads who shoplift. they would never of owned the items without stealing either.
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pirates are gay

the ''if i didnt pirate it i wouldnt of bought it anyway'' argument is absolute rubbish. of course you wouldn't of bought it because your a scummy freeloader just like the smackheads who shoplift. they would never of owned the items without stealing either.

Personal attacks :rolleyes:?

The shops lose their property in that case though, eg. 'smackhead' takes orange, shopkeeper can't sell the orange any more to a different willing buyer as it's stolen. A shop does not suddenly have one of it's game copy's vanishing if someone downloads it... If someone downloads CoD:WaW illegally, a shop can still sell their copy of WaW to a willing buyer, as they never lost a copy.
You're wrong. It's not theft.

Additionally your arguement holds little water. Do you really think that everything downloaded off pirate bay would have been paid for? No. Those are the false figures the industry spews up when it claims how much it lost to piracy.

I know it is wrong I was merely putting across words that support my POV regardless of their accuracy ;)

Regardless of whether or not it is considered theft it is an offence to issue copyright material without the express permission of the copyright holder. This is a matter of law (Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, as amended), not just contract.
Understandable, I might find myself in the same situation as you seeing I study Computer Engineering and do a lot with programming, but:

If someone would download your program illegally, you wouldn't lose it would you, hence you can't call it stealing/theft, you did not lose your program. You can still use it, sell it, whatever...

that's a fair and understandable point (and I thank you for not being a "UR RONG IN UR FACE type ;) ) but if the option to download/buy illigal copies wasn't available it would undoubtedly add more to sales of legit copies, some people have the money for the real thing, but are just too cheap to pay for it. I can understand it more for those who don't have the money at all (doesn't make it any better but the ones who could buy it, just choose to download it are the worst.

besides, the point being made here is the fact that this guy, even if he did buy the games originally, is flaunting his illegal wares and not losing a thig, if he were selling the items and throwing in the games for free, fair enough, but it's not as if it's even a hassle to him, load them up, ship them out, think nothing of it
The amount of man hours/money that goes into making a game I can't believe some people still think they can justify downloading it for free.

/runs away from the pirates.
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