Any idea which companies are in their service partners family and friends discount? Cant find any info on their site - I will post if I find out too.
Friends and family is just that you need to have a friend or family that are able to sumit an internal online form for your discount, currently they are not usable on EE but will be very shortly.
Been on the phone for a whole hour! woooosh!
F&F goes down from 50 to 40% and the First months tariff is full price. ****ers
18m contract is £5 extra over 24m the 8GB deal for us would cost £56+5 =£61 x 0.6 = £36.60.
We are allowed A 14day cooling-off period - so can switch back to existing contract if 4G isn't for us.
I didn't go through with it but got her to save the details. Will mull it over. I pay £20.50 quite a big jump to £36/m.
Sounds like its its few stores mate ill pass the info on so they will just blanket every store to be safe and see where they got the mysterious handset charge from![]()
Al - I currently have Orange discount Perk of 20% for HM Forces do you know if that's mapping over to EE then?
I did get prices for F&F tariffs on EE, they reduced the discount to 40% instread of 50%.
Is this info correct? Do you know any more info?
here's what I got when I called up on the 30th oct:
Still having problems with his at he Breahead AND Clydebank? Anything you can do because my protests seem to be falling on deaf ears.[/
Already flagged it just waiting for a reply which won't be on weekend
Im under NDA regards my agreement...NDAs should really be like fight club you know, if you're doing it properly.
Anyone who can give me a f&f discount on my new EE contract can have six months of Xbox music pass on me! (I have codes)....
F&F sold for a few hundred £'s back in 2004 - xbox music![]()
Already flagged it just waiting for a reply which won't be on weekend
so are 12 month contracts still available?
Like the galaxy note 2 deal thats mentioned here?
Any idea of exactly what model of femtocell EE are using across their retail esate?
Already flagged it just waiting for a reply which won't be on weekend
Ill up it to a year free
The whole point is we help each other out here and I think a year free is pretty good for nothing. It's not like giving me a F&F actually costs anyone any money!
I imagine they would be risking their job though, so is it really worth a years free music?