EE - 4G

mine changed to EE last month, i have noticed no difference but the change of letters on the top of the display of my phone.
You must be joking. 3G maximum speed yeah. In reality rarely see more than 3mbps.
Average uk 3G speed is ~2

On Three in Grimsby you get 19/20Mbit down and 3 Mbit up on 3G, this drops down to around 6-10Mbit at night when the network is being used more.

A lot of these LTE speeds ive seen in the UK/US don't look that impressive to me.
I've had t-mobile for a long time, the ping has always been really low 70-90 most of the time it was just they capping at 2mb. On vodaphone I was getting around 100-120 ping with 6-10mb most of the time and now on 3 I get 70-120ping (When I have a good connection there is times when it is totally useless) and around 9-12mb.

If EE fixes the speeds for T-mobile I might be tempted back as most of my family all have unlimited t-mobile minutes and always bitch at me for wasting the minutes :).
Just read that Three won't be able to offer 4G until September 2013!! :(

Sauce please?

A bit crappy if true, as I thought EE had to hand over the spectrum ASAP. Is it just because Three don't have the capital to buy/deploy 4G infrastructure? :p

It's only a matter of time before someone acquires them, a la Softbank/Sprint...


Hmm, not good for them... will they have to change the network name to "Four"? :p

^^ but you wont get 4g without paying extra (just to clarify)

OOI, what would prevent someone with a 4G phone, and on the EE network from not being able to use the 4G signal? Would it be a separate network all together (e.g. same as me trying to join an O2 network from a T-Mo SIM and being told "GTFO" :D)?

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OOI, what would prevent someone with a 4G phone, and on the EE network from not being able to use the 4G signal? Would it be a separate network all together (e.g. same as me trying to join an O2 network from a T-Mo SIM and being told "GTFO" :D)?


I would expect it to show 4G but not have any of the speed/signal benefits. For example I had a t-mobile contract from a 3rd party company like many others and my internet was capped to 3g speeds (356kb~) even if I got H+ the speed would still be capped. Only after a lot of complaining did I get the cap lifted then I actual saw a difference between 3g/H. I would believe it would either be the same thing or just never give you 4g.
On Three in Grimsby you get 19/20Mbit down and 3 Mbit up on 3G, this drops down to around 6-10Mbit at night when the network is being used more.

A lot of these LTE speeds ive seen in the UK/US don't look that impressive to me.


You know what averages mean?
Yeah you may get those speeds in some small area, they are by no means typical speeds. Average uk 3G speed is just 2mbps.
mine changed to EE last month, i have noticed no difference but the change of letters on the top of the display of my phone.

I'm curious - what were your speeds before? Were they already decent?

I'm wondering whether there is some allocation of bandwidth (locally) between EE-served customers, and customers still on the original T-mobile / Orange? Perhaps people in heavily congested areas are the ones seeing an improvement?

There has been some undeniable and immediate change for me... I mentioned earlier that my download speeds are always poor in this area; <400kb (I put it down to over-subscription due to the vast number of students who hammer the downloads), but my upload speeds have always been good (usually ~1.1 - 1.4mb).

I've rebooted my phone several times today and I'm still getting over 3mb every time. The difference in usability is unreal... Something has definitely changed. It can't be that I had a hard bandwidth cap on my account or anything, because I always get decent speeds when I go up to Sheffield.
maybe you have to be in an area that is getting 4G to see a speed increase?

I'm pretty sure I got a speed bump when it changed to EE. The speed has definitely increased now compared to a month or 2 ago.
I'm curious - what were your speeds before? Were they already decent?

I'm wondering whether there is some allocation of bandwidth (locally) between EE-served customers, and customers still on the original T-mobile / Orange? Perhaps people in heavily congested areas are the ones seeing an improvement?

There has been some undeniable and immediate change for me... I mentioned earlier that my download speeds are always poor in this area; <400kb (I put it down to over-subscription due to the vast number of students who hammer the downloads), but my upload speeds have always been good (usually ~1.1 - 1.4mb).

I've rebooted my phone several times today and I'm still getting over 3mb every time. The difference in usability is unreal... Something has definitely changed. It can't be that I had a hard bandwidth cap on my account or anything, because I always get decent speeds when I go up to Sheffield.

The <400kb speed is mostly the speed t-mobile cap people who buy phones from a 3rd party, that could explain why you saw an immediate gain once the cap was lifted.
one thing ive noticed is that im getting a lot of dropped calls and calls not going through.

but my data has still been working:)
duff-man said that was only local speeds, he got better speeds elsewhere.

Ahhh nvm.

I just tested my dads phone and I'm getting 4mb at home today, he got his phone from a 3rd party and after using the 3g he said it was completely useless and just removed it, t-mobile then offered him internet for free which he never used as it was still just so slow, but now he uses it after I just showed him the improvement. Happy that t-mobile are finally getting some good data speed.
I got a text this morning telling me that next time i reboot I will see EE, have rebooted twice but still seeing t mobile ?
I got a text this morning telling me that next time i reboot I will see EE, have rebooted twice but still seeing t mobile ?

Ditto, I guess someone is being lazy or that I need to wait a couple extra days or something.
as soon as mine started displaying EE ive been all over the south of uk the last few days and normal speeds would be 3-4 mb down and 500k up.

now getting nearly 10mb down and 2mb up over several locations and servers
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