*****EGOSOFT TNBT (X Rebirth)****

how far did you get? someone put a save game on reddit directly after the 300 food mission. http://www.reddit.com/r/X3TC/comments/1qrsn3/xr_save_file_after_food_delivery_mission/

I got stuck at the food mission and couldn't be bothered to drive around looking for someone that sold food so I grabbed that save game. (gusting spring or whatever it's called right near devries sells the food)

the game also doesn't seem to give you what you need for that mission either as people were hacking cargolifter drones into their savegames so they could do it..

I just grabed that save game , did the money edit on the save and added 20 million so I could get the station building :D

I need to find bigger shields though the 2 stock ones are far to weak for the missions

Saves recovered. Not sure what happened but all is good now and backed up twice... :)

Ruddy X games.... :D
No matter how excited I get by new games (or even new products), I try and remember to buy something based on what it is, instead of what I hope it will become. Otherwise you just end up disappointed.

As in that video, the problem with X-Rebirth may not be fixable if the issue isn't bugs, but the inherent design of the game.
Just watched that video and OMG never imagined it could be that bad. I also agree with the reviewer that this was never developed for 7 years as a PC game. I can barely believe the same people worked on it that did X3:TC (except for the bugs part).

Even though I didn't buy it, I still feel gutted as I'd been looking forward to this more than any other game.

I was expecting X3:TC with prettier graphics, a much improved menu and AI system, better campaign (story, voice, etc), and more detail, detail and detail. Oh and of course it should've gone without saying - a HUGE universe to explore and exploit/conquer.

In short, I was expecting a refined product backed by years and years of experience at Egosoft of making X games.

How can they toss all that aside and make this piece of ****?
I'm still managing to enjoy it (despite remaining very unhappy at the cost for what is an incomplete product), especially now I'm a bit further in but I really do wonder what made them think certain aspects worked well. Something must have driven them down the route the game has went down, it seems to me like they could have made the visuals a bit prettier, tweaked trading, added nice station internals, jumbled around the ships, added the storyline and things would have worked well and followed on from X3.

I can completely handle having one ship to control, and I can understand what the egosoft response was r.e trading ships and waitign for them to dock etc once you have a few of your own - but that begs the question why force the player to wait for half an hour during the tutorial....and why was that early section allowed to be released when so obviously fundamentally flawed. The difficulty in actually tracking those ships is a glaring problem too, especially when it's pretty fundamental to the game.

Little things like hitting escape from the menus, only to be put back to the previous one really annoys me - I want to be able to kill it dead. Saving has become a real issue for me too! I can't remember if it was a mod or part of the game, but in X3 it would auto-save at stations, i really, really miss that.

I almost wonder if I just haven't been through enough of the game to find the cool stuff - sadly it's looking like it doesn't really exist, seems like it'll take a while to get the game into a reasonable state.

I'm looking forward to being able to skip the "inside the station" rubbish and being able to transact without docking or at least without wandering around the same rubbish internals, actually control my ships properly, perhaps have a better choice of weapons and i'm really, really hoping there is more to explore than the guy in the (OTT) video suggests. I was quite pleased when I got to jump into the second system...I kinda thought that I'd eventually have wide reaching access though!
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X3:TC with the X-Tended Mod would be my fave.

Be aware though it will take some effort to get up to speed.

This tbh, helluva learning curve which some just can't get to grips with, how ever, if you persevere & do get to grips with it, it's so rewarding once youve mastered the game, despite having over 2000 hours invested in X3TC, i still find it fresh & enjoyable.
Losing the will to live with that hacker mission. Cant be bothered with it anymore, if Steam did refunds this would be going straight back. There's so many things fundamentally broken that it's gonna take months to fix or at worse not be fixed at all as the engine seems to be built for console ports.
I got X3: Teran conflict a while ago (bargin price impulse buy) but never really got into it ( steep learning curve)

Would it be better to give it a go again , and if so could anyone recommend some tutes to help me get started ?
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Even though I didn't buy it, I still feel gutted as I'd been looking forward to this more than any other game.

I know how you feel. It's the expectation of something great being dashed. That sad fact is that I think X-Rebirth's problems lie deeper than just bugs. They will have to re-do massive portions of the game and change some fundamental gameplay choices. Even if they are willing to put in the time, effort and money, I don't know if the egos at the company that made those bad choices will allow it. Still, it could be worse, you could be £40 out of pocket as well.

My advice if you've given up on X-Rebirth and want something to replace it is to look at Elite Dangerous. Read some of the newsletters and dev diaries, and you can get all excited by that instead! It's probably closer to what we were expecting from X-Rebirth than Star Citizen is.
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