*** Elden Ring ***

Agreed, that's why I try to keep my expectations in check. If a given game turns out great, then all the better for me but I won't ever jump on the hype train unless I have a very solid reason to do so. We all know how it usually goes, lol.
Will be giving this game a hard pass as WOW and diablo 2 take up my time and only game i want i have seen so far this year is ghostwire tokyo .....
When does this launch?


Edit: actually late Thursday for PC :o


Source: https://twitter.com/ELDENRING/status/1495775365473738758?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet
You pulled footage from November, which is the technical test.

Can't tell if this is satire or if you're actually trying to be serious?

Didn't know about the age, it was a recent post in another forum.

Yeh, given the no ultrawide option, it ain't in my GOTY list!

There's a day one patch, and it looks like it needs it.

Hopefully an ultrawide fix will happen from a third party. like Sekiro.
Didn't know about the age, it was a recent post in another forum.

Yeh, given the no ultrawide option, it ain't in my GOTY list!

There's a day one patch, and it looks like it needs it.

Hopefully an ultrawide fix will happen from a third party. like Sekiro.

I too hope for an UW fix, however ER will launch with an anti-cheat client so like DS2, we'll need to play offline at first - or risk a ban.

I think I'll go PS5 at first, beat it and sell it then buy for pc further down the line to replay
It's weird, for DS3 I genuinely had to skip it because the 3080FE I had was giving me random 1 second freezes.

I do plan on giving it another go now I'm back on AMD.

DS1, DS2 and Sekiro all ran fine

Think I played DS3 on a 2080ti? Ran fine for me but hope to god this runs well on my 3090. From what I can see its under 60fps on the regular on PS5 so my 3090 will hopefully keep me at 60.
Think I played DS3 on a 2080ti? Ran fine for me but hope to god this runs well on my 3090. From what I can see its under 60fps on the regular on PS5 so my 3090 will hopefully keep me at 60.

I don't think the previous from games had DRM so we should be fine. I too have been disappointed by my 3090 and resent triple A games, they are so badly optimised.
So I'm assuming this is like DeS and DS when it comes to dub and there are no Japanese voices when you switch to Japanese, only subs and text? I think only Bloodborne had Japanese voices, and Sekiro obviously.
Downloading now from Steam. Preload is now 48 hours before launch, so it's 11pm Thursday for UK for full game to be played.
Cools, midnight my time then (Amsterdam). I've pre ordered the steelbox edition for PS5 but my wife surprised bought me a Steam key, so at least I can play 2 builds in different locations lol.

I just really hope someone releases a UW fix otherwise it's gonna look a bit odd.
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