*** Elden Ring ***

@Maximum Triceratops @strumpusplunket thanks both. I don't really enjoy controller gaming (mild dexterity/joint pain issue holding/using controller for long periods) so will generally always try M&KB or avoid a game if it absolutely needs a controller to be enjoyed.

I'll grab it off steam and see how I get on for a few hours and make a choice.

I will also add for anyone on the fence about getting this, I have played predominantly multiplayer FPS games for as long as I can remember, single player games I got bored with pretty quickly aside from a small handful of titles such as the new Doom games, Skyrim and a couple of others over the years but this game is astoundingly good and sucks you in big time, absolutely loving it, also remember to get it from cd keys for cheaper, it adds to steam just like if you bought it from there
Anyone playing this on a superwide monitor without using the flawless wide-screen mod. I heard if you use it then you can't play online. Does playing on I guess half a screen with big black bars put you off. I really want to get it but don't know what it's going to be like with half a screen.
Might wait till I get a Xbox series x in a few months and get it on that.
Anyone playing this on a superwide monitor without using the flawless wide-screen mod. I heard if you use it then you can't play online. Does playing on I guess half a screen with big black bars put you off. I really want to get it but don't know what it's going to be like with half a screen.
Might wait till I get a Xbox series x in a few months and get it on that.

I do, and whilst it's not ideal, I find I stop noticing too much when I am absorbed in the game.

I do tend to be quite close to my monitor and I think I lean in more to compensate for the narrower view. I mean, it's basically like having a 2440x1440 display in the middle of the screen (it's more like 70% of the screen width rather than half, btw).

I don't focus on the bars and they do kind of fade from my awareness a bit. I can't help thinking how awesome this game would look in full ultrawide, but I can honestly say the barred view has not stopped me enjoying the game.

Feeling it may be my GOTD already.
So whats peoples thoughts on starting a new character. Would you start from scratch or just continue into new game+, cant decide. Still have quite a bit to do before I make that decision but wondering if there is anything I have not thought of before deciding.
I'm back on it now. Been working all week and not had a chance to play. I'm in caelid now and I think I'm at about the right level, though it is still tough. Killed Flying dragon Greyoll without getting it. Once you get used to the dragon battles they are pretty easy. Couldn't belive I got 80,000 runes for it!
The problem with Souls games is they aren't hard because the combat or AI is better, or more difficult. They are hard because you don't get to pause or save as you go and even the checkpoints aren't chekpoints, they are reset points. You cheese (button mash) the easy enemies and reset the area so you can cheese them again to level up, so you can eventually cheese the bigger enemies to level up some more, so you can eventually chesse the boss fights. It is no different than every other open world RPG in that regard.

What Souls does different (allegedly) is hide the story (as much as it is) in the lore of the game. I personally don't like this approach and prefer a game story to unfold as I play and feel like I am acheiving something as I go. Souls games and Elden Ring do not give you that particular reward factor, so it can feel very grindy.

You don't get a defined goal interspersed with compelling story cutscenes or character/lore building. It is also lmost totally bereft of NPC that make the world seem lived in. I beat all 3 of the Souls games and I hadn't a foggy notion what I did, or why I was doing it.

Where Elden Ring improves on the older Soulds games is that being open world rather than mostly scripted, you can avoid harder boss fights easier. Having said that, the older Souls games being linear meant you were always vaguely aware that "this was the way I need to go". Elden ring being so open world and almost devoid of in world guidance means you end up going "the wrong way".

So if you like grindy but somewhat rewarding combat that is more about perserverance than skill, with no actual story telling and unforgiving game mechanics, then give it a whirl.

Essentially the above is my situation, whilst it's a nice feeling to beat the boss/foe you've struggled with, you're only a short ride away of being in exactly the same situation again, not because of some clever goings on but just a foe with the more health+damage. After awhile they all start to look the same aside from their damage stats. a lot of NPC dialog is nonsensical and without a log i pretty much don't care to remember their ramblings so the story is largely irrelevant to me.

I've seen all I need to right now, level 51, many hours played but not sure it's connecting with me, being the first Souls game thought id given it a go atleast but abit bored of the loop now and the more interesting areas are off bounds until I level up more, which I don't care to do.
Anyone playing this on a superwide monitor without using the flawless wide-screen mod. I heard if you use it then you can't play online. Does playing on I guess half a screen with big black bars put you off. I really want to get it but don't know what it's going to be like with half a screen.
Might wait till I get a Xbox series x in a few months and get it on that.

I'm not interested in online (I find the white 'spirits' of other players running around and all the messages immersion breaking) so am using flawless widescreen and honestly it's like a whole other game. The graphics are sooo much nicer in ultrawide, unlocked frames and no chromatic abberation BS.
Had 5 goes at Radahn last night. Got him to needing two hits on my second attempt. Great boss fight!

Thing is, I'm level 62 and I'm playing the whole game with no shield, uchi in one hand staff in other with very light armour(Rogier's), and I've only got 18 vigor. I think I might farm some runes for a bit after Radah and level it as I'm making it harder for myself!
Entered the capital last night. There are too many enemies there that take chunks out of my health and leave me low on flasks so I haven't made it to the next site of grace I need yet (wherever that is!). I may have to dust off my shield, which I haven't used since Stormveil Castle as I've been running dual katanas since then. Too many hit trades are chipping away at me in this area.

Ooh nearly 2gig update today, wonder what they nerfed? :D

Please not moonveil, please not moonveil... :)

Actually, looks like these are the balance changes:
  • Increased the drop rate of Smithing Stone for some enemies
  • Added Smithing Stone to some early game shop line up.
  • Increased shield’s effectiveness
  • Increased the damage for all offensive cracked pot items
  • Increased the damage for the following items : Spark Aromatic/Poison Spraymist
  • Increased the effect duration for the following items : Uplifting Aromatic/ Ironjar Aromatic
  • Increased HP healing for Torrent when using the following items : Rowa Raisin/ Sweet Raisin/ Frozen Raisin
  • Reduced FP consumption and increased the damage of the following sorceries : Glintstone Cometshard/ Comet/ Night Comet
  • ncreased the damage of the following sorceries : Gravity Well/ Collapsing Stars/ Crystal Barrage
  • Decreased FP consumption of the following sorceries : Star Shower/ Rock Blaster/ Gavel of Haima/ Founding Rain of Stars/ Stars of Ruin/Greatblade Phalanx/Magic Downpour/ Loretta’s Greatbow/ Loretta’s Mastery/ Carian Greatsword/ Carian Piercer/ Shard Spiral
  • Raised projectile speed and range of Great Glintstone Shard
  • Decreased Ash of War, Hoarfrost Stomp's damage and increase cast time
  • Increased Ash of War, Bloody Slash's self-inflict damage while slightly lowering the damage and increasing the cast time
  • Decreased weapon skill, Sword of Night and Flame’s damage
  • Increased FP consumption and lower duration of Ash of War, Barricade Shield
  • Changed FP consumption timing of Ash of War, Prelate’s Charge
  • Decreased the damage of spirit summoned when using the item Mimic Tear Ash and changed the spirit’s behavior pattern
  • Other enemy and weapon balance changes
"Other balance changes" could cover a range of issues, but it doesn't look like anyting I use has been nerfed this patch thankfully. Well, except for the Mimic summon, which I mostly valued for its distraction and status effects and staggers rather than damage anyway.

Although I had made a note for myself to try out hoarfrost stomp, which it now going to be less powerful. Good to see some of the FP lowering for a lot of sorceries too. That might expand the range of them I use.
Anyone experience weird graphics issues at Mountaintops of the giants areas? Happens all over the area and is really distracting!


Obviously a shadow problem as the lines scroll slowly with the time of day. Its the only area this happens, every other part of the game is fine.

6800XT by the way, all drivers up to date.
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