Well my journey with the game is over, I’m at Maliketh the blade and I can’t beat him, tried with the assistance of other players and my level 10 mimic tear and black knife tiche, but I just cannot do any damage to him in his second phase.
Spent 45 mins tonight trying to summon another player to help tonight and every time it was just “summon not available” so I went about doing it alone and was again just instantly battered by him whenever I get close, so the tips I’d read of getting close to him and dodging attacks were useless for me.
Watched the ending on YouTube and I can honestly say it was not worth the heartache of progressing through the boss so I’m glad I’ve called it quits.
Was just over 80 hours in the end and level 140, I’d pretty much explored everywhere else and done everything I wanted so had nothing left to do but push the story forward, and yeah major disappointment