Elderly White Men

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I wasn't referring to that specific story, both sides of the Political spectrum would report on this story. The right would dislike that White Old people are being singled out, the left would like that White Old people are being singled out.

Why not generalise it to all white people? :)
I wasn't referring to that specific story, both sides of the Political spectrum would report on this story. The right would dislike that White Old people are being singled out, the left would like that White Old people are being singled out.

Did you read the article that I linked to? It's from the Telegraph (a right-wing newspaer) and is in total agreement with the comments made by the former heads of the FA.

The Telegraph's reporting is clearly more positive and yet the BBC gets singled out for abuse.
Again, nonsense from the bigoted right. Try being a liberal and caring about those less fortunate than you instead of selfishness masquerading as humanity. :rolleyes:

Gotta be dehumanising the other side, right? They don't have humanity, they are just selfish haters, makes hating them easier. I suppose you'd have to though, as without the smug sense of self-righteousness, you'd realise just have vapid your arguments are.
Gotta be dehumanising the other side, right? They don't have humanity, they are just selfish haters, makes hating them easier. I suppose you'd have to though, as without the smug sense of self-righteousness, you'd realise just have vapid your arguments are.

Sickening reply. Proves my point.
Of the 232 English Premier League players, 80 are black (or 34.48 per cent). Around 2 per cent of the general British population is black.

I take it this isn't a problem?

No, because being over represented and over privileged when you're a minority is totally OK in PC Britain.

Although, I am struggling to define minority nowadays as I'm a racial minority due to being of Latvian and Swiss heritage. But sometimes it relates to colour as BlackLivesMatter, but sometimes not when you get assaulted due to speaking Polish. Confused. These old white guys may be of Irish or Eastern European heritage, therefore minorities themselves. But maybe its more to do with being white, which therefore means you cannot be racist against Eastern Europeans...
Sickening reply. Proves my point.

Seriously, have you heard yourself? You need to tone down that polemic if you want to be taken seriously. I'm cringing over just how precious your sensibilities are to suggest my words were "sickening".

Is this a troll account or something, are you just playing the part of a stereotypical leftist ********* for kicks? I'm serious. What gives?
Any opinions on whether or not the majority of the top folk at the FA being old, rich, and white is a positive or negative for the organisation?

From a business perspective a greater level of diversification and stronger representation from other stakeholder groups could help the organisation to act in a representative manner, could help links with stakeholders, could improve innovation, could help to eliminate "group think".....What? You want to go back to screaming about leftards and right wing bigots? That's cool, everyone needs a hobby, just try not to froth all over your screens.
Seriously, have you heard yourself? You need to tone down that polemic if you want to be taken seriously. I'm cringing over just how precious your sensibilities are to suggest my words were "sickening".

Is this a troll account or something, are you just playing the part of a stereotypical leftist ********* for kicks? I'm serious. What gives?

Grow up. Not everyone agrees with your extreme views and that's something you need to appreciate.
Gotta be dehumanising the other side, right? They don't have humanity, they are just selfish haters, makes hating them easier. I suppose you'd have to though, as without the smug sense of self-righteousness, you'd realise just have vapid your arguments are.

Sickening reply. Proves my point.

If you can't see why then It's not my job to educate you. :rolleyes:

Actually no, you can't just make random statements and then say 'prove otherwise', that isn't how it works.

Thompson explaining why he thinks your comments are a tactic of dehumanising opposition so you don't have to confront them with actual logic is not sickening. And your reply actually proves his point.

I'm not really interested in discussing the main thread topic now tbh as I'm supposed to be 'working', but your laughable comment just stuck out so much I couldn't let it lie. Now I've seen you are actually entirely vapid I think I'll find something more interesting to do..

edit - 'Grow up'? I think it's your arguments which are puerile, they're just full of right-bashing buzz-works without any actually coherent argument behind them..
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I must say, I do agree with you about the diversity for the sake of diversity, part. Why do we need diversity necessarily? I can see why it's extremely beneficial, but the benefits diminish when you force it. People should just be considered people, whatever their race.

+1 the sooner all this point scoring tribal crap is over the better. Look how far humans have come yet we still can't get by without pointing out the differences.
Actually no, you can't just make random statements and then say 'prove otherwise', that isn't how it works.

Thompson explaining why he thinks your comments are a tactic of dehumanising opposition so you don't have to confront them with actual logic is not sickening. And your reply actually proves his point.

I'm not really interested in discussing the main thread topic now tbh as I'm supposed to be 'working', but your laughable comment just stuck out so much I couldn't let it lie. Now I've seen you are actually entirely vapid I think I'll find something more interesting to do..

edit - 'Grow up'? I think it's your arguments which are puerile, they're just full of right-bashing buzz-works without any actually coherent argument behind them..

Nonsense. You have a bias to the right and can not tolerate a left viewpoint without getting your knickers in a twist. If you're at work then work and don't spam nonsense. :rolleyes:
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