Yep, my EDF results are in. £495 for december.
It would be helpful for context when everyone is sharing to know whether you're in a deal or not or the info is worthless.
So that £495 for me is:
586 kwh - £214 of electric
2607 kwh - £281 of gas
Courtesy of moving supplier who promptly went bust about 18 months ago and being shoved onto the basic tariff with EDF as prices started going up I've been on the cap tariff throughout.
My electric was up £40 on the month which is odd, I wasn't here any more than usual (2 people in a very badly insulated 1910 house who often WFH, lots of smart home etc) I can only assume more cooking etc.. the gas though, crikey, £281 in December vs £105 in November.
That's the impact of saying sod it it's cold, we can afford it, just put the heating on but I can see how that could totally torpedo some people.
EDF put our DD up to £360ish earlier this year which means we've got a credit of about £700 which I'm totally fine with, I'd sooner that which I can absorb every month than mad bill shock at some point. I assume the DD will need to come down.