Octopus are reluctant to do that though, gonna have to waste time and phone bills and call them again tomorrow I think? My attempts at getting or losing DD and just submitting my accurate meter reads with pictures seem to be falling on deaf ears.
Yes Yes Yes, but you dont seem to understand what I'm saying my friend, we all know the Energy company's love this strategy of accumulating our credit to pay for a winter balance, but who gets the interest, its them not us. I actually find this concept quite disgusting they think we cant manage our own finances, the people that cant pay and that really is a shame pay tough enough penaltys already with over priced pre pay metres without people likle us who pay on the dot furnishing their coffers even more by them keeping our credit in their banks and god knows interest amounting. Its disgusting IMHO.
I have tried to control my DD amount and reduce it, even got a bit of my accumulated credit back from Octopus but nowhere near all of it, to get it all back needs to jump through more hoops it seems, hard work and telephone calls at my expense, most folk wont do this, they know that ... mark my words, this company are getting greedy like the rest of them, they are not the same company as when i first joined at the beginning.
DD can be handy sometimes, but with greedy Energy companys and yes I include Octo amongst them that store our credit balance, who makes interest on it?
Finally folks and thanks, but what really is wrong with calling in your usage each Month and paying exactly what you owe, no more and no less? We have always been subject to random meter inspectors for those that lie and cheat and for those that cant or wont pay there bills in these harsh time get shoved on to pre pay meters. terrible practice to make the poorer suffer more with higher costs, crazy practise ... punish punish punish
I pay my way in all life, but it seems to me with Energy companys, they can do more or less what they like ... OFGEM are a complete waste of space IMHO too.
And before the usual full time argumentave contrarians come on and troll I see on these forums recently ... All I'm asking for is a system where I pay for what I use, no More or no Less, no more hidden profits should be accumulated from us ... terrible concept I know, LOL ... and if that means submittying meter reads each month and paying exatly that, whats wrong with that?