Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Long term though we need know what sort of level energy prices are going to settle at and what we need to do to cope with them.
We need higher wages for those of us who are on the breadline/bordering on it. But that isn't going to happen. Minimum wage just isn't enough too get by with specially now. I get roughly £1400 per month after taxes/national insurance, sometimes less depending on how much I get screwed by tax that month. About £1200 of that goes towards mortgage/bills and basic food needs. With £200 extra left over I feel like one the lucky ones. Now with the fuel increases that's going to carve a big chunk out of my disposable income but for the time being I can still get by (until more increases). People on minimum wage have no way to offset the increased costs as they are living paycheck to paycheck already (assuming living alone)
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"So Prime Minister, you have a choice in front of you: wind energy is now cheaper to produce than gas and a turbine can be up and producing electricity within a year and we have huge potential in this country, or nuclear which cost an astronimical amount of money and you won't see any return within 10 years. But it makes us look important, also the french have lots of nuclear'"

Boris - "well its obvious isn't it. Lets build lots of nuclear!"

I just wish Labour had a bit more than "tax the oil companies"

I'm yet to know how much difference this would make?

Labours answer to literally everything:

"Tax the rich!"

Its doubtful they have the imagination for anything more.
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"So Prime Minister, you have a choice in front of you: wind energy is now cheaper to produce than gas and a turbine can be up and producing electricity within a year and we have huge potential in this country, or nuclear which cost an astronimical amount of money and you won't see any return within 10 years. But it makes us look important, p.s. the french have lots of nuclear'"

Boris - "well its obvious isn't it. Lets build lots of nuclear!"

You need both, energy production from wind alone is variable.
"So Prime Minister, you have a choice in front of you: wind energy is now cheaper to produce than gas and a turbine can be up and producing electricity within a year and we have huge potential in this country, or nuclear which cost an astronimical amount of money and you won't see any return within 10 years. But it makes us look important, p.s. the french have lots of nuclear'"

Boris - "well its obvious isn't it. Lets build lots of nuclear!"
what do you do when it's not windy?
As proposed energy price break if you are within the shadow of a wind turbine
- can that be worse than living under a flight path - do they have a newer slient blade technology - could dyson do something useful ?

So Boris will finally make on decent decision to put nuclear en-route.
what do you do when it's not windy?

Its always windy up north i'm pretty sure. :p

What Europe should be doing is trying to figure out a way to share generation via renewables so that countries can offload their excess when they have it and get some in return when things like wind or solar aren't covering demand. Energy storage is another route. We do have this in the UK already but its not massive to my knowledge.

They were talking about using electric cars as batteries in the future to store excess power but I can see that causing a few issues of its own.
A 16k quote would have been for a large solar array and substantial storage. It doesn't have to be all or nothing, you must have had a budget in mind when you approached companies for quotes, so stick to that.
I went for a 4.2kw install without storage (batteries were low capacity and expensive at the time) all on a 0% credit card. With the rise in energy costs batteries are now looking viable so I'm looking at the different options and that'll be paid for on another 0% credit card.
If there's someone in the house during the day you can capitalise on the energy generated, of the 4000kWh we generate a year we use 1500kWh, bringing our import down from 3900kWh to 2400kWh.

The company that came around basically said we won't do a system smaller cause you'll never see a return and you'll waste the cost.

I didn't know anything about system or price. Got them to come out to discuss options. They provided 4 options showing different viability and returns over a 5yr, 10yr, 20yr and 30yr life cycle.

The only viable option to get return at time was the 2nd most expensive with a single battery bank. The problem is the roof which needs to be sorted before it could take units and cause the small face/space for the number of units to % of roof able to be covered in solar panels it just didn't stack up.
If you can’t afford it you’ll not be able to afford electricity either. I recommend microwave meals and reading books rather than computer on and TVs.

What rubbish are you on about? An extra £150 a month in gas or electric. That's 106 months and being able to pay a small increase at £150 a month compared to saving for a lump sum of £16k.

Stop trolling and move on. You talk rubbish.
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Fair bit of help for those eligible for the warm house discount, still going to hurt though.

The loan idea wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for such a small amount, if it was say a 1/3 of your new annual bill spread out over 10 years interest free then that would help short term.

Long term though we need know what sort of level energy prices are going to settle at and what we need to do to cope with them.

I'm just not sure if it's enough.
It's running up more debt or taxing somewhere else.

I hate the tories. But I really wish Labour would be more transparent about where all thier free money is going to come from?

I certainly don't know. And really, I just thing things are going to be grim going forwards.

We either run up our national debt even more, raise taxes for richer people or raise tax for business.

There simply isn't any other option.

If high energy prices are here to stay, it's just going to be ****. And that's the way it is.
What rubbish are you on about? An extra £150 a morning in gas or electric. That's 106 months and being able to pay a small increase at £150 a month compared to saving for a lump sum of £16k.

Stop trolling and move on. You talk rubbish.
What’s costing 16k? What does £150 a morning mean?
What Europe should be doing is trying to figure out a way to share generation via renewables so that countries can offload their excess
some countries store their excess by pumping water into a dam then unleashing it to create hydro power.
it's probably cheaper than batteries and less dangerous.

BTW it's not always windy up north and often it's probably too windy anyway
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