Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Work out from that how much it will save you.
But then you need to work out how much of that you'll use yourself. The new feed in tariff rates are horrific so if you're not using all the power during the day it becomes pointless. Had a few companies come round about 6 months ago and the ROI was approx 4.5% pa at the time granted it would be better now
I just wish Labour had a bit more than "tax the oil companies"

I'm yet to know how much difference this would make?
They claim their plan would reduce the £693 increase in energy bills we are paying on average now by £600 for the poor, pensioners and 'the squeezed middle'; so we would pay an extra £93 instead of an extra £693 on energy (excluding Sunak's loan and the council tax relief which doesn't even apply to the poorest). To put it in percentages that would be approximately a 7% increase instead of a 54% increase in the energy bill for the average family. Everyone else would get £200 off instead of £600, but this would be to keep and it doesn't have to be paid back. They would also reverse the NI tax hike.
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You're estimating 4380 kWh a year production which is not realistic. There's no doubt a 2.4 kWp system could produce 12 kWh a day on a good summers day, but as anyone that lives in the UK knows, "a good summers day" are few and far between. In Winter it could very well make next to nothing on many days. Just to back that up, the energy savings trust say a 2.5 kWp system here in Cambridge, on a south facing roof, with no shade at a 30 degree angle (I.E. perfect/optimal conditions) it would produce 2337 kWh annually. Near half what you estimate.

Then you have to factor in if you can even use all the energy you produce. Highly unlikely without a battery because most households aren't drawing ~2.4 kW for a large portion of the day, so you'll be exporting (for a small gain), then buying energy back in the evenings at high cost. the EST estimate true saving of only £400 a year, assuming your at home all the time (which is again unlikely for most!).

Unfortunately, anyone slapping 8 panels on the roof hoping to save £1500/yr really will be in for bill shock! Solar is a great option, but you really do have to keep the numbers realistic!
Usage for example 12kw a day £3.36. £1226 a yr

£4800 solar system 8 panels 2400KWhr after 5hrs 12kw, saved £3.36 a day £1226 a yr.

Lol. As said above, if that is the advice you've been giving people, they are in for a massive shock. You wouldn't even get half that saving in reality without expensive batteries.

Even with batteries your numbers assume grid independence. Good luck with that in winter.

Have you helped anyone fight their monthly bills? Hypocrite.

I seriously hope if you've been helping people struggling with bills, you didn't con then with the nonsense above.
Overly concerned with minor details. I bet you guys complain about the unrealistic mileage of a new car, feeling hard done by because the weather hasn’t Been included as a factor, what is the average rainfall in a year in the uk. Have you factored in a plane might cover the solar a few times a month? Have you adjusted for inflation? Did you know labour costs in southern England are £20,000 an hr?

Do your own research next time. Karen.
Lol. As said above, if that is the advice you've been giving people, they are in for a massive shock. You wouldn't even get half that saving in reality without expensive batteries.

Even with batteries your numbers assume grid independence. Good luck with that in winter.

I seriously hope if you've been helping people struggling with bills, you didn't con then with the nonsense above.
You like arguing a lot I’ve noticed. Never come up with any solutions ever. Have you ever thought of letting your frustrations out off the internet?
Without derailing the thread can someone explain to me in laymans (layperson) terms why a private company going bust causes the rest of us to pay? Surely it is the share holders or investors of that company that lose out and pay the price?

People that are moved to the new companies are paying that company now so why are we paying for them going bust?

Or are we covering the loses of the people who are fixed and the prices have gone up? Surely that should come out of the profits of said company that offered fixed prices and not us?

In short credit balances. A very weird billing system where no foresight was seen to have them held with a intermediate agency or to not have them as the primary billing method.

So far there is no signs of ofgem making any effort to prevent this happening again. So it may happen again in future if another company goes bust, there is also rising evidence that credit balances are going to get even bigger as is many reports on social mdia of customers having their direct debits raised much more than the price increase, which seems to be a effort to increase cashflow via credit balances. Martin Lewis has noticed this and is saying he is going to raise it with parliament.
It can't go one,

The Tory's have done nothing to help at all in any shape or form. They are done for come the next election. They probably know this and are pushing everyone to the limit to fill their posh mates coffers ready for the election after next. These energy bill rises are going to be brutal. The standing charge is utter disgrace.

It's going to be another poll tax riot in a couple of months time and so it should be.

A party prepared to lose power for ideology?
One of my colleagues today said he has turned off his boiler (oil), turned off almost everything electric wise and is collecting wood to burn anywhere he can, if he sees some at the side of the road while out driving will stop to stick it in his van, etc. and using a wood burner to keep himself warm, boil water and so on.

(Out of principle rather than because he can't afford it)
We like luxury things in my house and to encourage my daughters to aspire for nice things in life we named them Mercedes and and Chanel. My wife is now pregnant with triplets and we're going to name them Gas, Petrol and Electricity :cry:
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