Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Must cost a bomb and be very disruptive to build off shore surely?

not really, the higher power generation with lower variance has a hugh value in itself. The industry has mostly moved to offshore wind turbines, that is where all the new design and engineering is.

You can make them far bigger and not deal with NIMBYISM. The bigger generators are more efficient and can produce power on calmer days. There is then cost savings from having to install fewer generators.

So currently offshore is slightly nore expensive than onshore but that will likely invert over the next few years.
You'd think that but our original Council Tax was £149 it's now £169 no way is that 3.3%

That's about 11-12% increase

Whatever the particular circumstances leading to your monthly payments, Council Tax in Andover has increased around 3.3%.

Andover Town 1224.97 1429.15 1633.30 1837.47 2245.79 2654.12 3062.44 3674.94 (Bands A-H)

Andover Town 1265.06 1475.90 1686.75 1897.58 2319.26 2740.94 3162.64 3795.16 (Bands A-H)
Whatever the particular circumstances leading to your monthly payments, Council Tax in Andover has increased around 3.3%.

Andover Town 1224.97 1429.15 1633.30 1837.47 2245.79 2654.12 3062.44 3674.94 (Bands A-H)

Andover Town 1265.06 1475.90 1686.75 1897.58 2319.26 2740.94 3162.64 3795.16 (Bands A-H)


Definitely doesn't feel like 3.3% :)

i was looking at the monthly payments, either way it shocked us how high it went.
Aren’t you a labour voter? Talk about being deluded.

Actually usually Liberal.

You're one of those people who exaggerates every figure.
Higher unit cost, Lower cost to install, perfect weather, etc etc

You're spreading misinformation. Like the guy on Facebook who said 'boiling your kettle costs 12 pounds a month'.

If anything paid for itself in 4 years, and at that amount, people would be (me included) clamouring for it.

Is simply not true what you're saying. And it's not "bullying" or whatever to call someone for spreading misinformation.
Correct. The uber wealthy back in the day were so disconnect from the peasants and had so little respect or understanding for people of that status that a revolt was probably a complete shock and unforeseen.

These days the uber wealthy run the world and will make sure that the little people have just enough to lose that the idea of revolution is just a bit too hard to stomach.

As someone in the middle I hate almost every aspect of the way modern society is run. Its corruption and greed wrapped up as free markets and opportunity. I however have been lucky enough that I have a good lifestyle with reasonable disposable income and a lot to lose if the **** hit the fan. I'm one of the people doing OK but I have no idea how some people are managing. I'm pretty sure that this awful system will keep rumbling on until climate change really kicks off and all bets are off at that point. Countries will war. Millions will be displaced and go hungry and the thought that the people who have contributed most to the ****** up situation are those that are the most insulated from it will go down like a lead balloon.

Probably only got 20-30 years for that as well.
I think this is the bombshell for me most recently though. I thought I was a 'have' and despite being a Gucci belt wearing anthracite guy render type of chap, I'm relatively poor 'in the next class up'. Reason? I don't have institutional wealth behind me and a nest egg to rely on. For me to step into that class I need take on mammoth debt. Mammoth debt paid to whom? The same folk who are above me, so they just get even richer. And the sad thing is, the folk I'm buying from also feel the same, as the next level up for them is totally unobtainable (even more so)!

I'm not even sure how society fixes this. It's just a symptom of economic strength over a sustained period.

There is so much cash held by these few almost nothing has value anymore - places at Oxford, they can pay unlimited money. Buying a house? Well they can pay double, in cash. Buying a car? No problem. So the prices for everyday things are now beyond the limits of even the middle income (+100k/year) classes.

The folks beneath? I have no idea how they'll survive.

Definitely doesn't feel like 3.3% :)

i was looking at the monthly payments, either way it shocked us how high it went.

If nothing else has changed your monthly payments would only go up around 3.3%. You should look at the calculation on your biils for this and last year.
I think this is the bombshell for me most recently though. I thought I was a 'have' and despite being a Gucci belt wearing anthracite guy render type of chap, I'm relatively poor 'in the next class up'. Reason? I don't have institutional wealth behind me and a nest egg to rely on. For me to step into that class I need take on mammoth debt. Mammoth debt paid to whom? The same folk who are above me, so they just get even richer. And the sad thing is, the folk I'm buying from also feel the same, as the next level up for them is totally unobtainable (even more so)!

I'm not even sure how society fixes this. It's just a symptom of economic strength over a sustained period.

There is so much cash held by these few almost nothing has value anymore - places at Oxford, they can pay unlimited money. Buying a house? Well they can pay double, in cash. Buying a car? No problem. So the prices for everyday things are now beyond the limits of even the middle income (+100k/year) classes.

The folks beneath? I have no idea how they'll survive.

I don't think they will.
I think this is the first year the middle will actually take note of the plight of the next rung down. Not because of empathy. But because of fear. Fear is coming for them.

People will die, and it will be noticed. I don't see any solution in the near term for making things better.

I also consider myself 'just above median'.
If there was a major global meltdown I'd be caught. But day to day with a little difficulty I'll be fine.

Look at things tha stress me and it's insignificant compared to those who fear being able to hear their food!

People refuse to believe its possible to go backwards.... "how can they let this happen". But it always happens right? Our system is fundamentally unsustainable. So wheels have to come off the wagon at some point.
So Prime Minister, you have a choice in front of you: wind energy is now cheaper to produce than gas and a turbine can be up and producing electricity within a year and we have huge potential in this country, or nuclear which cost an astronimical amount of money and you won't see any return within 10 years. But it makes us look important, also the french have lots of nuclear'"

Nuclear provides energy security, wind power relies on the weather. Wind should be part but not all of the energy solution.
I don't think they will.
I think this is the first year the middle will actually take note of the plight of the next rung down. Not because of empathy. But because of fear. Fear is coming for them.

People will die, and it will be noticed. I don't see any solution in the near term for making things better.

I also consider myself 'just above median'.
If there was a major global meltdown I'd be caught. But day to day with a little difficulty I'll be fine.

Look at things tha stress me and it's insignificant compared to those who fear being able to hear their food!

People refuse to believe its possible to go backwards.... "how can they let this happen". But it always happens right? Our system is fundamentally unsustainable. So wheels have to come off the wagon at some point.
I dunno man. I think they'll say their plight is still on going. A lot of them do not count asset wealth as it's untouchable unless they sell and then lots are in the same position as the high middle; moving is unaffordable.

I think this is just what a free market economy looks like after a good few generations on an island country.
I dunno man. I think they'll say their plight is still on going. A lot of them do not count asset wealth as it's untouchable unless they sell and then lots are in the same position as the high middle; moving is unaffordable.

I think this is just what a free market economy looks like after a good few generations on an island country.

Interesting times for sure.
Rich getting richer. Ill exaggerate and say exponentially.

The poor any to suffer like I've never seen in my working life.

The middle? Who knows what's in store.
Interesting times for sure.
Rich getting richer. Ill exaggerate and say exponentially.

The poor any to suffer like I've never seen in my working life.

The middle? Who knows what's in store.
The only thing I would say is that some of the poor at least don't seem to care and the young middle class have been indoctrinated with unions being bad and so have no collective power to force change.

They happily pay a fortune for a rented room and work 40hrs a week just to tread water maybe waitingfor their parentsto die, but most of the inheritancecould well go on care home fees. Seems crazy to me, society has to give them more opportunities.
From Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity...makes sense to me:

Seems like we’ll get a new government energy policy this week, though it’s been promised for a couple of weeks now - held up in wrangling between factions…..
And looks like it won’t really be new - just a new focus on old stuff - chief among them more nuclear…….the perfect answer to an energy crisis - something that will start generating 20 years from now and add massive cost to our energy bills…….
I wrote an opinion piece for the Express last night ahead of what’s expected…..
Directors cut is here -
The ‘Nuclear Option’ is famously the last resort - in which nobody wins. And so it is with Boris Johnson’s proposal to build seven new nuclear power stations in Britain. Where to start……
Three facts - Nuclear is the most expensive way to make energy that we have ever devised. It’s the most polluting by far - producing deadly waste that remains deadly for thousands of years. And for good measure nuclear is the slowest way we know to make energy - taking typically ten years to plan, ten more years to build and another ten to break even in terms of carbon. Nuclear projects always come in late and above budget - Hinkley is a decade late now and billions over budget. Most expensive, most polluting and by far the slowest - that’s nuclear.
In stark contrast - new wind and sun energy projects can be built very fast - one year to plan, one to build and one more to break even carbon wise. They are by far the cheapest way we have to make energy - half the price of nuclear and still getting cheaper. And of course there’s no toxic waste to deal with.
The fastest, cheapest, cleanest and safest way to beat this energy crisis, to nail down energy bills forever - and beat the climate crisis for good measure - is to invest now in more wind and sun energy. Not nuclear.
With the budget for just one big nuclear power station we could be at 100% green on the grid, powered by our own wind and sun - ten years from now, just as the first diggers might be turning up to start work on the first of these foolish new nuclear projects.

It takes many drips to make a waterfall...and a lot of work to get then to flow in the same direct...

The only thing I would say is that some of the poor at least don't seem to care and the young middle class have been indoctrinated with unions being bad and so have no collective power to force change.

They happily pay a fortune for a rented room and work 40hrs a week just to tread water maybe waitingfor their parentsto die, but most of the inheritancecould well go on care home fees. Seems crazy to me, society has to give them more opportunities.
It’s the most polluting by far - producing deadly waste that remains deadly for thousands of years.

Eh, no. Its actually one of the cleanest and safest - by far.

Also you cant rely on wind/solar for your energy supply. We do not have grid level storage and when the wind stops blowing we would have no power. Anyone who claims we can have 100% wind and solar power 100% of the time and doesn't present any downside or risk is not telling you the whole story.
The only thing I would say is that some of the poor at least don't seem to care and the young middle class have been indoctrinated with unions being bad and so have no collective power to force change.

They happily pay a fortune for a rented room and work 40hrs a week just to tread water maybe waitingfor their parentsto die, but most of the inheritancecould well go on care home fees. Seems crazy to me, society has to give them more opportunities.

Or they've resigned themselves to the fact that there's little/nothing they can do to improve their situation.
Eh, no. Its actually one of the cleanest and safest - by far.

Also you cant rely on wind/solar for your energy supply. We do not have grid level storage and when the wind stops blowing we would have no power. Anyone who claims we can have 100% wind and solar power 100% of the time and doesn't present any downside or risk is not telling you the whole story.

Er, toxic waste? Spending billions to contain and store it or ship it off? It isn't just running it that you need to take into account.

He has written other stuff on other fuels which will help - have a look. I need to dig it out.

Ultimately, if government are presenting an idea that they can build small nuclear power plants in 8 years (I haven't read this, so will need to look) - I will laugh them out of the room. They can't build and successfully deploy an IT system in that time, let alone an untested nuclear technology.
From Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity...makes sense to me:

It takes many drips to make a waterfall...and a lot of work to get then to flow in the same direct...
I take that as a you categorise him as a drip - he is, if his discourse does not explain how, and at what cost, we provide a flexible supply, when the sun/wind are off ?
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