Energy Prices (Strictly NO referrals!)

Unlikely but I don't think it is necessarily scaremongering - there is a potential perfect storm of circumstances coming which will put pressure on the system and only take one unfortunate factor like say unusually low wind generation to possibly push things over the edge.
possibly, but the chance of household power cuts is a little over the top, at the very most as being prepared for is high power usage amongst companies. this isnt like the 70's when the lefty unions caused black outs, that i remember,lol
possibly, but the chance of household power cuts is a little over the top, at the very most as being prepared for is high power usage amongst companies. this isnt like the 70's when the lefty unions caused black outs, that i remember,lol

Be interesting if they massively push up the Triad pricing - think only 2 years over the last 15-20 years I've seen notifications about it at work and a prohibition on stuff like boiling the kettle at work during those periods as it would cost like £40 LOL.
power cuts?? :cry: gas shortage possible, powers cuts wont happen, theres already a plan in place for shortages for many many countries, maybe the big power using companies may have to trim it back a little, but power cuts for householders is a little dramatic, boarder line brexit type scaremongering:cry:

I think you missed the fact that my reaction is "WTF" for people buying generators as a backup for their home. I'm in agreement with you that we won't have powercuts.
I think you missed the fact that my reaction is "WTF" for people buying generators as a backup for their home. I'm in agreement with you that we won't have powercuts.

A good chance anyhow if we do have a situation where things are bad enough there are significant power cuts then fuel is likely in short supply as well and whatever amount you've got for your petrol generator won't go far.

Though it may make sense for people with a high dependency i.e. due to medical devices to be prepared in case.
but power cuts for householders is a little dramatic, boarder line brexit type scaremongering:cry:
But what if they can't pay their bills or reach an agreement because the bills will pile up ? Power company has no choice but to cut the power

It's funny because Covid was a perfect time to make moves towards testing a universal basic income which would solve all these cost of living issues
But what if they can't pay their bills or reach an agreement because the bills will pile up ? Power company has no choice but to cut the power

It's funny because Covid was a perfect time to make moves towards testing a universal basic income which would solve all these cost of living issues
thats different and totally agree, there should be a system in place that absolutely no one should get cut off because they cant pay, like they did with eviction at time of covid, would be a decent move for them to do
Backup generators aside, I'm sure that a lot of us being techy types already have a UPS!

I have 2 of them myself - an APC 850VA and an APC 1600VA. My work's laptop is always fully charged, so I can get 3 hours out of that unplugged, and one of the UPS's can run my 5G router for a few hours before it goes flat. Have a couple of USB desk lights and a few USB power banks. The 850VA also has 2 USB ports for charging personal stuff like my phone and watch.
I think you missed the fact that my reaction is "WTF" for people buying generators as a backup for their home. I'm in agreement with you that we won't have powercuts.
I don't think you realise how precarious the UK power supply is and this winter we will have 2 (or 3?) Fewer nuclear reactors online. It'll only take a few days of low wind and we will be in the ****. Of course the real culprit is decades of abysmal energy policy but they will blame the war.
wouldnt worry theres very little steel production left is this country, everyone buys cheap steel from china, our steel is amongst the best quality in the world, but expensive and very energy inefficient, so within 10yrs can see no steel production left in uk
In 2019 a lightning strike caused a wind farm and a power station to trip at the same time on the same day that a nuclear power station had tripped. Load shedding by the local and national grids plunged hundreds of thousands into power cuts.

70's style winter of disconent is scaremongering, a more fragile and stretched grid is reality.

This winter just gone in October and November we were very very stretched a trip on a large unit like Sizewell B or a line fault on the super grid could easily have plunged millions into a power cut. The grid is nowhere near as resliient as it was 10 years ago. Less inerita, less steam reserve, less rolling reserve, fewer and less capable low frequency fast response gas turbines.
In the last 10 years we have closed off the top of my head Didcot A, Fiddlers Ferry, Eggborough, Ferrybridge, Cockenzie, Cottam, Grain, Kingsnorth, Fawley, Rugely, Littlebrook, Tilbury, Barking, Peterborough, plus all the Magnox, Dungeness and Hunterston. They all provided interia, steam reserve and low frequency gas turbines. We've built Keadby 2 (just commissioning I think) can't think of any other new build reliable stations in the last 10 years apart from lots of energy from waste tiddlers. Sutton Bridge and Servern Power Station are mothballed after Calon collapsed. The Government have written a begging letter to Ratcliff, West Burton and Drax to not close this September.
But what if they can't pay their bills or reach an agreement because the bills will pile up ? Power company has no choice but to cut the power

It's funny because Covid was a perfect time to make moves towards testing a universal basic income which would solve all these cost of living issues

UBI does not solve any cost of living issues, the reason we have such issues is due to the lower relative productivity of the people within the country/world etc.

If productivity increases, prices fall, and thus things are more affordable.

The more benefits you pay, the lower the productivity, the higher the wealth gap, the more cost of living issues you will face.
UBI does not solve any cost of living issues
Except when it does, Universal Basic Income is to provide every person enough money to feed and put a roof over their head, to basically provide enough money to cover the bare neccessity to exist in society and any luxuries people may want is the carrot to encourage them to get a job or to train for a new job without massing mountains of debt or struggling to the point it impacts their education
The more benefits you pay, the lower the productivity, the higher the wealth gap, the more cost of living issues you will face.
We have the lowest unemployment figures since 1975, it's not a benefits problem
If anyone is concerned about power cuts and have dependants living with them (children, elderly, medical equipment etc) then make sure you are on your electricity networks' Priority Service Register (not who you pay your bill to). I'm with SSEN Priority Services (, it's a free service which provides assistance in the event of a power cut. Not so much needed in the summer but in the winter at below zero it could be a life saver.

I've not yet had to use them so it could just be a regulation compliance filling exercise and provide nothing but lip service when the time comes and everyone in the area is asking for help.

Are power cuts likely in the near future? Who knows, but did anyone predict the situation we are now facing with talk of it getting worse before it gets better? Apparently there are government plans being drawn up for rationed electricity if supply issues get worse but they say no power cuts are expected and contingencies are in place. The words 'government', 'not expected' and 'contingencies' in the same sentence sounds like another long walk off a short pier for the tories.
If anyone is concerned about power cuts and have dependants living with them (children, elderly, medical equipment etc) then make sure you are on your electricity networks' Priority Service Register (not who you pay your bill to). I'm with SSEN Priority Services (, it's a free service which provides assistance in the event of a power cut. Not so much needed in the summer but in the winter at below zero it could be a life saver.

I've not yet had to use them so it could just be a regulation compliance filling exercise and provide nothing but lip service when the time comes and everyone in the area is asking for help.

Are power cuts likely in the near future? Who knows, but did anyone predict the situation we are now facing with talk of it getting worse before it gets better? Apparently there are government plans being drawn up for rationed electricity if supply issues get worse but they say no power cuts are expected and contingencies are in place. The words 'government', 'not expected' and 'contingencies' in the same sentence sounds like another long walk off a short pier for the tories.

so we should expect power cuts and complete f up as per by the tories
Paid my £150 to Eon Next. Can’t reduce the DD to below 10% of what they were initially want - £55 more than £65.

I won’t be happy if I contact them they won’t able to reduce it further. Why should I pay more for my energy than my parents whose home is twice as big?
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